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Calorie deficit and fitbit

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is okay and safe.

I just have a question regarding calorie deficit and calories burned in relation to the fitbit.

I would like to know if you need to consume fewer calories than the physical activity calories burned in order to lose weight on it's own. Or does the fitbit include physical activity and mbr within the calculation for your calories burned. So simply can I rely on the data I input and the calories burned on the fitbit to lose weight, obviously providing there's a deficit.

I'm sorry if I haven't worded this well, but I'm happy to elaborate, much easier to talk lol.


Thanks for your comments in advance.


Much love


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When your fitbit shows calories burned it includes all your calories - those burned through activity and those burned keeping your body alive (your BMR calories). So, if you eat less than this figure then you will lose weight.


As a rough guide if you eat 500 calories less than you burn each day then you will lose around 1 pound per weeks. So, a deficit of 3500 calories and you lose a pound.

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Thanks for getting back to me, much appreciated.

I thought it might be based on what you said, so everything burned versus what you input.

For instance, yesterday I burned 3439 calories and still needed to consume 1000 calories, which is what I had left in my budget. I have already programmed my fitbit to be based on 500 calorie deficit..I just can't seem to eat anymore calories than what it's suggesting left in budget, so I should be losing a lot of weight...whoever I'm not, really odd why this doesn't work.. I have also been very accurate with what I input for calories and very active

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Unfortunately, it's not a precise science and some people's metabolism means that it works differently for them.


I would give it a while to see if things change r settle down. In the meanwhile, look through this community as there is lots of useful advice.

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