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Calorie deficit and high protein for weight loss - can too much protein affect results?

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has a clear answer around the topic of protein. I have read so many resources stating that protein can be increased if you are active to 2g per kilo of body weight, however, I was curious, is there such thing as too much protein if you are remaining within your daily calorie limit? My goal is to lose fat and build muscle. I know you need to have a balanced diet which I’m working on, however, I appear to be consuming higher than the recommended protein levels and I’m wondering if this will be a hinderance or benefit to my goals.

My stats for context:



65kg (143lbs)

157cm (5’2)

Daily calorie intake 1,600-1,700

HIIT (cardio & weights) 6 days/week


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It will impact your wallet if it's more than your body needs - which will just get rid of the extra.

Too much can be hard on a liver that is having issues - but if it otherwise is not abused, shouldn't be a problem.


Many find it more satiating, others find carbs or fat to be more filling.


Even more recent studies have shown no real benefit except for endurance athletes (who are tearing up a lot of muscle) to have more than 1.6 g/kg daily.


As long as too much doesn't impact getting enough fat (0.8g/kg/day), or enough carbs to power your workouts.


As long as you have something objective in the workouts to compare to - like weight on the bar, reps per time, ect.

Subjective like "this feels just as hard as it ever did" with nothing to actually compare to, easily allows performance or intensity to fall off without really noticing - because it still "feels" hard.


It's not going to impact your weight loss, your calorie deficit is.

Adhering to a reasonable deficit, it may effect that.

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For 5'2" and 143 pounds sounds like you would look huge even if you have more muscle than most people your height.   If you walk for an hour you only use 2 times as many calories as sitting on the couch.   But people who walk feel that they can eat extra,  the number of calories they used walking,   I'll bet you are eating too many calories now.  More protein would be more calories and not the way to lose fat.

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Dear Casa


My experience is that, in today's world, it is EXTREMELY difficult to consume the *minimum* amount of recommended protein consequently it is even more difficult (if not almost impossible) to overdo it. However if you are concerned that you might be ingesting too much protein, ask your doctor to prescribe you a lab test to find out if you are overdoing it. Most likely you will discover that ingesting too much protein is the least of your concerns.

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