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..Can Be Removed..

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My opinion is you're going too fast. You're showing a 2700 cal/day deficit? It looks like you're taking in 1/3 of the calories you're burning? I must be misreading that. If those numbers are correct, your pacing looks way off.My plan has me taking in 90% calories of what I burn. I'll go down to 75% for more aggressive loss, but your calories in don't sound right.

I don't see how your body will take your current plan without trying to compensate by lowering your metabolism.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

Best Answer

Same answer as @WavyDavey gave you.  That initial loss was likely way too fast and your body is fighting back.  I started last year at 360 pounds (sadly not my highest weight) and as of last week was 257 pounds.  Everyone is different, but the easiest way for me to stall my weight loss is to eat too little.  It's unlikely that you gained the weight in a short period of time, so don't expect to lose it the same way.  Oddly enough I'm actually eating more than I was 100 pounds ago.  I don't always practice what I preach,  but I have found that higher calories lets me be more active and I'll lose more.  Drop those calories too low and I'll be less active and stall out completely.


Stop with the insane deficits and eat more food.  Your body is trying to run on 1/3 of what it needs - would you expect your car to go as far on 1/3 of a tank of gas as it would on a full tank?  Probably not the best analogy... let's try oil.  When you run your engine and your oil is low you risk damaging it.  Same with your body.  Now, HR enabled trackers can be a little off on calories burned (it's an average of all people, some will be higher, others lower).  Try a BMR calculator, such as the one at: - use your current information and use 50 pounds down as a goal.


Do not eat below your BMR, seriously.  When you have a lot of weight to lose you need to be smart about it.  My goal is to eat as much as I can while sustaining a decent loss.  I eat (on average) around 2500 calories a day.  This has brought me down over 100 pounds and if you missed it earlier, I'm eating more now than I was when I started.


Oh, and sign up for - it's free, and will take any measurements you log in your fitbit account to generate a trend line.  It can sometimes help when you feel like you're bouncing around if the trend is going in the right direction.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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