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Christmas 2016 to Valentine's Day 2017 Challenge



Welcome all Challengers!  What an amazing group we have!

Let's all continue together to take off the excess pounds and keep getting healthier.

This challenge will begin on Christmas and finish on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. 


All you need to join this challenge is to post your stats regarding your weight, and check in weekly or as often as you'd like. We are a great support group and enjoy keeping up with each other and being there for our ups and downs.  Generally we have found that the more we check in and offer support, tips, info,  and ideas to others, the more we get for ourselves.


We list our weight, as well as any other goals we might have related to being healthy (such as increase water, more active minutes, etc).  Developing good health habits is primary.



A little rundown of terminology for anyone who is new.


USW- Ultimate Starting Weight

CSW- Current Starting Weight (for this challenge)

GW- Goal Weight   (for Feb 14)

UGW- Ultimate Goal Weight   (what your healthy target weight is)

PW- Previous Weight

CW- Current Weight

MFP- My Fitness Pal


List as much info as you like.  Some people include age, gender, height....whatever seems relevant to you.


We keep it as serious or light as we feel, but we always keep it focused on being as healthy as possible, while we support each other kindly.  We can do this together!!

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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1,007 REPLIES 1,007

Aw shucks, @Bobbinyc!  When you say, "no self-criticism," does that mean y'all going to kick me out just 'cause I call myself a BAD Girl ever so often?  Woman LOL


Sorry.  Couldn't help it!  Still can't!!  I just gotta hit that "Post" Button!!!

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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In reference to your Comment from Thursday, "I don't like walking in the dark with a black dog, but I'll try to stay safe if cars are approaching," @_Lilac_


I do almost all of my Walking in the Dark.  I start my Shift here at Work anywhere from 23:30 to 01:00 depending upon when I wake up.  When I first started, I would do my walking around the Factory, doing "Barrel Racing" between & around the Sewing Machines and Tables on my Breaks & Lunch Time.  Then, when we had our first Snow in several Years, I suddenly decided to walk outside.  (I bought a REALLY GOOD Winter Jacket and have a good pair of Winter Boots.)  Since then, I have done very little walking inside.  Ar first, I kept all of my walking within our Gates, around the Perimeter of the Grounds or zig-zagging through the Parking Lot. However, I finally got "brave" and began walking down the Country Road leading to our Factory.  There's almost no Traffic during most of my Early Hours apart from the few 18-Wheelers that are delivering to the Factory just down the Street.


I finally got smart, though, (after getting hollered at for wearing Black Slacks & a Black Jacket while walking on the Road!) and got myself a Reflective Safety Harness.  Reta, my Co-Worker and FitBit Friend also gave me an LED Safety Light for Christmas which I've attached to my Safety Harness.  So now I'm probably lit up like a Christmas Tree if I get hit with someone's Headlights!!!  Woman Wink


As a result, I really do feel safer.  This Morning, I'm already up to 9,037 Steps.  2,000 of those were done in WalMart when I went "Mall Walking" as I shopped for stuff I'll need here at Work for Fiscal Year End.  Most of the rest has been out of the Road.  Since I'm not weaving or zig-zagging, I'm able to stride faster so it doesn't take me so long to get over 2K Steps for each Break.  It took me 20 Minutes to do about 3,000 Steps.  (OK.  I'm a slow walker!  And yet it feels to me as though my poor short Legs were racing!!!)  I still have about 3,463 Steps to reach 5 Miles for the Day and another 4,500 if I'm to beat Yesterday's Steps.  (I want to end the Year with a BLAST!!!)


The only thing I don't have but have thought about getting is some kind of "Head Lamp."  The Street Lights & Factory Lights reaching the Street are far apart here.  And on Nights where I don't have any Light from the Moon, it gets REALLY Dark on the Road.  I don't want a Flashlight.  It would slow me down.


And as an FYI to everyone who wonders if having a FitBit helps:  A Year ago or so, I got locked out of the Factory.  (Failed to unlock the Door and had to go out to my Car to get something.)  My Purse, Cell Phone, Keys, everything were inside.  I had to walk from here up to the Corner where there's a Bar so that I could use their Phone to call my Boss to come and let me in.  (Around 02:30!)  Woman Frustrated  By the Time I had walked up there, I was bushed beat exhausted!!!  I was panting as though I had run the whole way.  Today, I not only walked there and back but I didn't start from the Factory Gates.  I started my walk going the other direction, going twice as far away from the Bar, walked back past the Factory, continued all the way to the Bar, and then walked all the way back to the Factory!!!  Without stopping anywhere on the way!  Woman Happy



Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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I want to wish everyone a healthy, strong, satisfying, peaceful, creative, and happy new year!

May you look back on this past year with pride in your accomplishments and gentle understanding of your disappointments.

May we all bring more love into our lives, give more to others, move outside our comfort zones, learn and experience things that make life more satisfying, and be very kind to ourselves and others.

May this year bring you the things that matter most, large and small, and the appreciation of all you have.

And may we all move on together to greater and greater health.




The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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Go Hawks!  Hawks Hawk.jpg


I'll join Seattle 12s 2017 as soon as I post this!


Dad retired out of Fort Lewis in 1963 and we settled down near Tacoma so I've been a Hawks Fan since Day One.  However, depending upon whom they're playing, I may be cheering for whomever has the Ball.


It was different when it was Largent to Zorn.  In those Days, I always cheered for the Hawks!  Woman Wink

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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Thanks all for your help and suggestions, what a fantastic site......


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USW 248.7  Dec 10th/ 2016


CW    242.0  Dec 29th/ 2016


Whoooo Hoooooo!

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@rshew That is so encouraging. Great job. Continued success!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Ok so I'm doing this again because last time I forgot to mention a bunch of stuff,

Name: Véronique

Age: 15

Height: 5"5 1/2

USW: 135 lbs

CSW: 135 lbs

GW:  125

UGW: 121 lbs

CW: 135 lbs

MFP: I guess its my fitbit alta


Ok so I have a mild scoliosis which makes me shorter than I actually am and I have a lot of muscle and strong bones, so my BMI is kinda messed up, thought its in normal I don't want to go to overweight and I don't like my thighs so I want to lose weight. I'm very busy but I play a lot of seasonal sports like volleyball, rugby, swimmimg, skiing, jogging... I'm open to trying new things and I would like if you guys helped me while I'm trying to feel better about myself. I started drinking 2,2L of water everyday and I feel more energized 🙂


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This past week has been a disaster for me.  My snacking has been out of control.  I can't stay way from carbs!!!  Crackers, pretzels, nuts, yikes!!!!  I can't stop snacking on the wrong stuff!!! My goal is to get back to healthy eating.  This group is a great motivator.  I need to get back in control!!!


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@verocantin- self esteem is a tough one.  I've found it's easier to make changes and stick to them with a more positive attitude.  Many years ago I wore crappy clothing since I was waiting until I lost weight to buy better stuff.  However, dressing better, being more positive started me down the road to better health.  Don't get me wrong, it's been rocky.   Woman Happy


No matter what you see online, you cannot spot reduce.  We all have areas that we carry extra weight in, even when at a healthy weight.  This is the first place people gain weight and usually the last place that you lose it from.  This is genetic and you can't do much about it.  I have a friend who is, not overweight, but carries weight mostly in her hips.  What she found that helped her eventually was lifting weights.  She gained strength and muscle in her upper body which made her look more balanced.  So, try losing the weight you want to lose and see if you get the results that you want.  If not, you're next step may be more body recomposition instead of weight loss.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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Your beautiful post is so loving and kind. I'm really touched by it. May all those amazing wishes for things large and small flow right to you. I wish you all that is good, healthy and wonderful.

Warmest hugs,

Barbara g


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Happy New Years everyone. All the best for 2017!


My only goal for 2017 is to get cracking towards what I want to achieve this year right away and not postpone things.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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Happy New Year 2017 to all my fitbit friends!!!! Love this group and all that I have learned from you.  I wish a great year for all of you. 

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Here we go.

I didn't weigh in at Christmas but decided to start again on 12/30/16 to have a fresh starting point for 2017.


USW- 215.0

CSW- 213.4

GW- 199.4

UGW- 150

Can't believe I'm down since before Christmas - a Christmas miracle for sure since I wasn't even trying!


Happy New Year to one and all!!!

2016 had many problems but many more blessings. Looking forward to many, many more blessings in 2017!

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Happy New Year everyone! 🎉🎉🎉

Sent from my iPhone
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I'm going to have a GREAT 2017.  I have to.  It can only improve from Today!! 


NOT a Good Day!  Sloppy Snow at 23:00.  Afraid to (Too smart to) walk outside due to an Icy Parking Lot at 00:30.  Not sure about the Road.  But I'm not going to risk it.  All I need is to slip and fall in the middle of a Dark Road!!!  The thought of going back to walking inside is depressing me.  I gave into the depression and had 2 of The Swiss Colony's 2.5g Tortes for Breakfast.  Just had one of their Candies.  And I don't have a lot of Available Time today.  I have a TON of stuff I need to get finished before Tuesday.


Like I said, it will improve!!  Sure can't get any worse!  Cancel that!  I didn't say it!!  It could get worse but I won't let it!!!  Besides, my Weight is lookin' really good for Tomorrow so I will definitely have to revise my Challenge Goal.  I'm depressed but I'm not DEPRESSED!  Woman Wink

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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                                   BLLingg,  Love your attitude.  Enjoy your comments.  Glad you learned to stay safe wearing the glow in the dark vest too.  You just made my day.    Hope you have a great year.

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                                    That is a good idea  "not to postpone things"  I think.  The experts say goals should be much more specific but once my daughter asked me how you keep a house perfect all the time.  I explained you do all the same old junk you just don't put things off.  Everyone learns this if their house is for sale very long.    Hope you achieve whatever you really want to do this year.  When I decided there was absolutely no question at all, I had to quit smoking, I quit and hardly even noticed.  In case anyone still smokes who reads this, I was well prepared with Nicoderm CQ patches and tranquilizers for 3 days and was in a place where no one was allowed to smoke.  You just have to decide  what you really want to do, no kidding or fooling yourself.  And of course that is true about diet too.  If you eat "empty" calories you will have to keep eating and eating until you eat something nutritious and satisfying so it's better to start there.   Forgive me for this soapbox speech.   Best wishes for 2017

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Happy New Year everyone. I have scheduled myself for one of them BODPOD tests to see exactly how much body fat, lean muscle mass, and what my resting metabolic rate is to help in reaching my goal. Just search BODPOD on youtube to see what it is about.

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Hi and thanks for encouragement.  My husband got one too so we're motivated.  Had family in town leaving today so 'game on' now. 


Happy New Year.,

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