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Christmas 2016 to Valentine's Day 2017 Challenge



Welcome all Challengers!  What an amazing group we have!

Let's all continue together to take off the excess pounds and keep getting healthier.

This challenge will begin on Christmas and finish on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. 


All you need to join this challenge is to post your stats regarding your weight, and check in weekly or as often as you'd like. We are a great support group and enjoy keeping up with each other and being there for our ups and downs.  Generally we have found that the more we check in and offer support, tips, info,  and ideas to others, the more we get for ourselves.


We list our weight, as well as any other goals we might have related to being healthy (such as increase water, more active minutes, etc).  Developing good health habits is primary.



A little rundown of terminology for anyone who is new.


USW- Ultimate Starting Weight

CSW- Current Starting Weight (for this challenge)

GW- Goal Weight   (for Feb 14)

UGW- Ultimate Goal Weight   (what your healthy target weight is)

PW- Previous Weight

CW- Current Weight

MFP- My Fitness Pal


List as much info as you like.  Some people include age, gender, height....whatever seems relevant to you.


We keep it as serious or light as we feel, but we always keep it focused on being as healthy as possible, while we support each other kindly.  We can do this together!!

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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Bobbi nyc - Sorry you are struggling.  You have been here to support everyone as a constant on here.  You have made a huge difference for a lot of people and you have taught me a lot.  Your wisdom, humor and enouragement have been a godsend.  

I hope you give yourself your own advice and that you can receive the same support and ideas you give to others.  

Keep checking on the medical.  Find another doc if you need to.  My guess is you shouldn't cut back on calories, though you would only know by checking your logs.  Maybe shake up what you eat.  I'm not sure.  You are very smart about this.  What would you tell someone else?  Don't exercise too much at once but try throughout the day, maybe 1/2 hour or 15 min at a time but frequently.  Definitely increase the water.  Try flooding your body with it at first.

I'm really guessing here.  You need a very smart doc.  I know you had serious health problems and were laid up some time ago.  Maybe your body is just in  homeostasis to protect itself.  But since you have been increasing your walking/exercise gradually, I'm not sure what else you can do.  Perhaps a non-traditonal doc would be wiser.

I do know you give so much and I bet everyone here is behind you.  You have been everyone's champion - time for us to join in and be yours.

Keep posting and hang in there.  Like you say all the time "don't let the number on a scale have power over you.  Your health matters most".

Sending you healing and strength vibes.

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Bobbin, My daughter had mis-diagnosed thyroid problems for years. Doctors are POOR with that. Crystal finally had to get medicine on her own and when she switched doctors they said she needed more. She has Hashimoto's disease or something hard to diagnose. It probably isn't your fault. It is easier to get a prescription changed than to get one in the first place. Very frustrating. Professor Pete is right. Be sure you have a good doctor.
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@_Lilac_Your story is just too funny and a problem we would all like to Just think if you would have had a camera on you.. $100,000.00 Americas Funniest Got to have humor!!

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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@BobbinycYes we are all behind you! Health is always the most important! However, now a days, a GOOD doctor can be hard to find. Get you a good one and a good check up! We are here to cheer you on.

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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Speaking of doctors, I have an appointment with mine on Wednesday. The last time I saw her I was 331lbs. I'm 317lb now. She'll be happy but...she'll tell me for the 100th time that her scale only weighs up to 300lb and she refuses to get one larger because it wouldn't encourage people to lose weight. Ugh, it's just the opposite but she doesn't get it. I'm tired of hearing it. It's like my friend in high school got a 98% on a test and instead of her father congratulating her, he said, "What happened that you didn't get the other two points?" It's NOT encouraging to have a scale that is limited and the doctor inflexible in helping you. 

And on another medical front, I have to see the dentist tomorrow. I am getting a cleaning and it's usually traumatic physically. My entire body clenches and it takes me forever to recover. It's a stupid cleaning! I'm not a person who freaks out about stuff but for some reason that bothers me badly. Fillings no problem, pull a tooth, no problem, root canal, no problem. Cleaning, problem. I'll go to water aerobics then walk to the dentist from there. Maybe I can work off some of that anxiety.

I did the 2 mile/33min Leslie Sansone video tonight, sweat a whole bunch, but I'm not sure the fitbit was tracking my heart rate properly. I was at 142 and went down to 81 quickly during the fast portion, but I could FEEL it fast and I was sweating and working hard. Maybe it was just a temporary mis-read.

I took off my Blaze last night before bed and discovered that the sore patch of skin caused by the heartrate lights was actually smelling kinda bad. It was like a fungal infection smell. Those of us with huge apron bellies sometimes get infections from lack of air circulation in the crease. And that's what this smelled like. So I put some antifungal cream on my wrist and the burning and itch has lessened a lot. It also appears to be healing now. Strange!! I'll keep up that treatment and make sure I clean the back of the Blaze really well regularly. I've been wearing it on the opposite side of my wrist to give the skin a break. 

I have 2000 steps left to go tonight. That's easy and quick. I need more water too. I'm a little tired. I've worked harder this week and I feel it. I am setting up my mom with a fitbit account on Wednesday. I think she will like it. 

Have a good night everyone. Drink enough, move enough, eat healthy calories. 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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                                    Lilac I agree about the dental cleaning anxiety.  I have a few left over tranquilizers from something maybe 10 years old but I take a part of one for the dental cleaning.  

.............You know more than most of us how to do almost everything on this site but I think you should be entering snow shoveling manually so you get credit for such a strenous activity.

...................I have never entered anything manually myself on fitbit.  Nothing I do seems worth it.  I was just reading about a guy who wasn't getting any credit for spinning (I don't know why because I can get steps on my bike with the fitbit on the toe of my sandal) but anyway a 

Fitbit Moderator, C. Lanuza on Jan 6 2017 gave him instructions on how to enter something manually.  I didn't know how to direct you to that page or site in this maze so I wrote it down to pass along to you. (Also the ranking system list. LOL)    anyway..................

To manually log an activity:

1) log into your fitbit account (Maybe this means your dashboard page?  )

2) go to the log exercise section

3) scroll down & either select a common activity or search for one.  If the activity is not in the system,

    creat your own by clicking the "Creat custom activity text that appears below the search field.

4) Enter the activities info.  You can enter the number of calories burned if you know them. 

5) Click log.  Your activity will now be visible and editable in the Activity History Area.  

If some of this doesn't work or doesn't make sense maybe you can click the work Help somwhere.


If others wonder about the ranking system did I,...........Fitbit Ranks 

First steps

stepping up

keeping pace


Power walker

Distance Walker

Tireless walker

Jogger, ............Recovery Runner,.......Strider.........Tempo Runner.............................................

......Hill Runner........Sprinter.........Progression Runner.......Pace Setter.......Distance Runner......

..Interval Runner..........Cross Country Runner.....Veteran Runne......5K runner.....10K runner.....

Marathon Racer......Ultramarathon Racer.................VIP

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Hello all! I am in a very good mood today because after a yoga class, 25 minutes on a treadmill, a dog walk, and running errands, I have had my best Fitbit day ever! For the first time since I got my Fitbit, I got over 10,000 steps (I actually got over 12,000) and I walked over 5 miles. Additionally, it is the first time that I met all my goals in one day in regard to steps, floors, miles, calories, and active minutes. I hope that everyone else had a great day as well! I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings. I'll be attempting to use my Charge 2 to track skiing... we'll see how it goes.


One last note: I just created a new suggestion in the Feature Suggestions forum to allow users to manually edit workout stats after a workout (for example, if a machine is more accurate in some respects and that will improve your tracking you should be able to correct the faulty tracking). The link is right here: Edit Workout Stats - Feature Suggestions. Feel free to check it out and comment, if you agree please vote for it and maybe we can get some attention from Fitbit!

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Well I have to say this has been about the most exciting week as far as weight loss wise.. I know there may be some negative comments about losing that much weight in a week, but first let me add a little Last week was during my monthly cycle, so I am sure some of the weight was from that. Then, we have been on this Daniel Fast for 9 days now. Eating I guess as we probably should always eat, but hardly ever This is the most weight I have ever lost in a week, so yes I am in a bit of shock on it, but all the same so happy to see the scale move downward.

With all that said I am pretty excited and praying that it stays off. lol. I can tell you I have not had one unhealthy bite in the last 9 I am prepared for the weight changes when we do add more food into out diet after the fast, but all the same, hoping to continue more toward the way the fast is and just add some lean protein meats to it. I LOVE meat, so after the fast is over I will be adding meat back into my menu, but I do want to stay on the healthy fruits and veggies and not having the processed foods.

Well I am 0.4 ounces away from hitting my 45 pound mark and that is super exciting to me. I had a Christmas goal to be at my half way mark of 167.5 and I did not meet that goal, so I said I would use that same goal for my birthday goal (which is tomorrow)... So I am very happy to have achieved that. *YAY*.


One step at a time! One pound at a time! One day at a time!


MY stats
USW - 210.0 lbs April 25th 2016
SW   - 173.0 lbs 12/30/16

01/03/17 -  171.2 lbs - Lost 1.8 lbs Heart

01/09/17  - 165.4 lbs - Lost 5.8 lbs HeartHeart

GW   - 163.0 lbs - Feb 14th 2017
UGW - 125.0 lbs

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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Good morning HeartBiller,

The same thing happened to me in early November.  I lost 5+ pounds after Halloween and my cycle.  For me I think it was candy and water weight! 🙂

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@IdahoSandyI was just so excited to see it... but then you automatically wonder will it be back I am hoping to just get this change of lifestyle back in full swing after the holidays.. I gained 5 pounds over the holidays, so I am super excited

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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@HeartBiller GREAT JOB on your loss so far!!!   


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@Gayle1018 Thanks so much! I enjoyed that challenge we did over the weekend.. Didn't win it.. Lol. But enjoyed it.. It's good to know there are so many of us on this journey and we are never alone. 

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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I thought everything was going so well the last two weeks. I have been excercising, getting all my steps in and logging everything I eat (following Whole30) and staying within the FitBit calorie guide. I have gained 3 pounds! I just can't figure out what is going on. I know weight fluctuates so I only weigh myself 1 time a week at the same time of day. Ugh! This is so discouraging.

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Weighed in this morning and here are my stats:


CW   12/25/16 - 168

CSW 12/27/16 - 168

CW    01/03/17 - 167

          01/10/17 - 165
GW   160 (by Feb 14, 2017
UGW  - 145


Happy with what I lost and feel good about it.  Starting to get more energy to.   


I had a cheat day on Saturday.  My daughter said it wouldn't hurt to have one day where you could eat other things within reason.  Soooo,  I did.  I had 2 16 0z sodas but there was ice in the glass.  I had not had a soda since the 3rd.  And then I had  chicken biscut from Chi'fil for breakfast and Mongolian shrimp for lunch.  Dinner was soup and a can of pears.  But I did enough walking that day to stay within the calorie limit and had more calories out than in.  Sunday back to no soda just water. And since I was busy working in my bedroom I didn't have an urge to really eat.  Lunch was my biggest meal and I was so tired in the evening I didn't even need a snack later after dinner.  I'm drinking more water now.  I take a 50 oz water bottle full with me when I leave home and it stays on my desk until empty.  I have found having that size water bottle is easier for me to get the water I need.  Once I finish that I know I only need one 16oz bottle of water and I will have met my quota.  I will drink more if I need to but doing it this way works well for me.  My boss told me to make sure I put an electrolyte tablet in it everyday to be sure I'm getting my electrolytes.  


Working out with weights on the Bow Flex at the office.  My boss's wife (She's a personal fitness trainer) came in and set up a program for him and I. Thought I was going to die in that 30 minutes.  She videoed each exercise so I could go back and look at my form the way it was suppose to be and how it was done.   Works mainly my arms and core.  Plus she threw in squats which was really hard for me to relearn how to do.  


Hope everyone is doing well and great job to everyone.  I been reading the post and everyone is doing wonderfully.  Even those that are almost getting snowed in.  Great job on finding ways to exercise and move.  Everyone deserves a pat on back so reach around and give yourself one. Smiley Happy 






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Thank you for your inspiration. And congrats on your weightloss and improved energy. Love the water bottle idea.

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USW = 363 (March 8, 2016)

Christmas Weight = 267

Sunday-1 - 270 -  (01/01)
Sunday-2 - 269 -  (01/08) (Weigh in was on 1/10 due to no scale avail)
Sunday-3 - (01/15)
Sunday-4 - (01/22)
Sunday-5 - (01/29)
Sunday-6 - (02/05)
Sunday-7 - (02/12)
Valentine's Day Goal 255


-1 lb


Well back home from vacation and looking forward to getting back to regular food & routine.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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@HeartBiller I didn't win either,  But my friend did, she's new to Fitbit - so got her very motivated  she far exceed her goal.   wants to loose 70lb, so trying to encourage her to be on the community.  I find it keeps me motivated and accountable,  Plus just plain FUN..    You had a great week!  I did too 3+ lb  -- later!

@HeartBiller wrote:

@Gayle1018 Thanks so much! I enjoyed that challenge we did over the weekend.. Didn't win it.. Lol. But enjoyed it.. It's good to know there are so many of us on this journey and we are never alone. 


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I finally decided to check in to BMI status since I'm down some but need to go for more.  the exciting thing was when I checked.  Based on my age, 1 more pound and maintain would be just dandy....  Still gonna try for the remaining 13 lb though and maintaine.


if anyone wants to check BMI - that goes by gender, age etc - kinda like this site:

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@BLLingg - there's so many variables to weight loss that you can't get an exact correlation between in/out and weight loss.  Early on I tried tracking it very closely and looking for the results to make sense and they just don't.  I think water and, umm. bodily waste masks a lot of it.  You can take something in today that is super high bulk, but low calories (think broccoli) and eventually this will cause an overall deficit.  However, short term it make take a little time for it to completely clear your system.  Now consider something super low bulk,  but high calories (think coffee drink with lots of sugar and cream).  It will pass through your system quickly but the extra calories may be stored long term.


If it were truly as simple as eat less today, weigh less tomorrow, we would all probably be slim already.  It's about finding a new normal that will eventually lead to a better lifestyle.  It may not be quick, or even predicatable, but eventually we'll all get there.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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@Gayle1018Thanks for the link.. I really enjoyed that. It was a good read and more detailed than other BMI ones I have done.

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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