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This forum has had many threads on reducing fat in a problem area such as belly fat. Now that coolsculpting is available to reduce fat in targeted areas, does anyone have pros/cons of this procedure? 

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It destroy's fat cells in the targetted area as proven in scientific research on pigs.  This is different than dieting as those cells are not destroyed (and why it's easy to gain pounds back)


You won't see a noticable change unless you are really looking for it, hence the term sculpting.  If you have a beer gut, at the end of the process, you'll still have the beer gut.  If you are fairly tone to begin with it can enhance those tough areas.


In theory, it's a fairly simple process that you can probably complete at home with an icepack, towel, and massaging the area.  The key is getting the area to a specific temperature for a specfic amount of time to "kill" those cells and then massage to assist in the absorbtion of the carcasses.

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I've been told I write way too much and express too little - so I'll be as brief as my naturally long-winded self can be. 


It doesn't matter if it works or not. Excessive fat is a symptom of poor health. Not saying a thryoid condition is anybody's fault - but if you've got one - it's a sign of poor health. And - I said excessive fat, not simply having fat. We all have fat. In fact, we need fat. Just not a whole trunk of junk worth.


If you feel like you need to use such a system - go ahead. But - still, check your cholesterol. Did that improve? 

Check your blood pressure? That actually may have improved if you somehow rid your abdomen or buttocks of pounds and pounds of unneeded adipose tissue. Remember, blood pressure...never mind. No sense in me going on for four pages. 


Eat with intelligence - consider eating as oral nutrition delivery.

Move. You don't have to exercise. Just move. Walk the aisles a Wal-mart or Costco. Babysit toddlers. 

Live. Work on your relationships. If you're incredibly fit and look good naked but don't have a network of family and friends to support you - you're still going to be miserable. 



Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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Coolsculpting is being touted locally on the radio and other outlets rather matter-of-factly. As I understand, this is for subtle improvements. I'm not interested in having the process done myself. I'm rather happy with me as I am. But I am intrigued by the science and possible efficacy of the procedure. Perhaps it is my desire to stay abreast of trends, not sure this is one but... 


The idea got it's start, as I understand, when children lost fat in their cheeks from eating popsicles. So if a cold pack is applied to an injury or target area, will fat be reduced? For women, where fat deposits lay on the surface, shall we get back to creating snow angels to get rid of cottage-cheese thighs? 🙂


Just curious if the procedure gives big "modest" results or little "modest" results, if at all. If it works how many treatments would it take? And can ice packs work instead? The cost seems exhorbitant.


@Ukase Yes, I believe this procedure is only for modest fat-cell reduction if someone has a problem area and not for weight loss. So I really think this is about fat distribution. My blood pressure is good, my cholesterol is excellent, I have moved almost 20 million steps in the last 3 years and my family/friends are the best. I never thought all that would come up in this thread. 😉



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That's what I get for trying to be brief - I left out the disclaimer, lol. 



I hope that my post didn't suggest that any specific person was unhealthy or crazy or whatever. Only that whether it works or not - as far as health goes, it won't matter. It will only address the way things look. 


If someone is looking to "change their life" with this, it won't be too long before they have to do it again - if they don't change their lifestyle after they do this. 


There are a number of studies that demonstrate the efficacy of cold thermogenesis.That is - they do cause a difference - but I've not read the studies to know how effective that difference would be. A lot of 10 dollar words - I'll have to be rested before I delve into one and make sense of it. 


I think a cold shower would be cheaper...



And, I'm all for snow angels, no matter how big or small somebody's legs are. 

Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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I heard that if you coolscult an area, if you were ever to gain weight again it will go somewhere else. So you could be lucky and the weight goes somewhere that gives you more curves, like your boobs or something, or you could be unlucky and the weight goes to your waist, or hips or forehead. 


I dont think its a good idea.

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@ChelseaSkies wrote:

I heard that if you coolscult an area, if you were ever to gain weight again it will go somewhere else. So you could be lucky and the weight goes somewhere that gives you more curves, like your boobs or something, or you could be unlucky and the weight goes to your waist, or hips or forehead. 


I dont think its a good idea.

That would be terrible if someone coolsculpted their belly and that caused fat on their forehead! 

I thought coolscupting might make someone look unnaturally lumpy. 

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