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Diet and excerise, but no weight lost

Hi everyone. I need some advice. I’ve been on a diet (eating only about 800-900 calories on weekdays) and excerising (30mins) on weekdays. I was able to lose 12lbs in the course of a 2-3 months. But now it seems I’m stuck on the weight. Any suggestions on what I can do or ideas on what I am doing wrong? 

I am 32 yes old, 5”3, weigh163, and diabetic. Trying to be more healthy....

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Curious where you got the extreme diet suggestion of 800-900 calories as total eating goal?


This is level for being under direct diet Dr care getting many tests to confirm your body is not being harmed in a long lasting way.

Or you are in a research study where they give diets that low, and again tested out the wahzoo to confirm your body isn't being damaged.


Because on your own that level of eating isn't healthy.


If you have been eating that much starting 12 lbs heavier with that much activity until now, how much more do you have to lose to healthy weight?


You must not have played out the end game or unaware what happens to eating level when you weigh less - you burn less, therefore you have to eat less.

I am absolutely NOT saying to eat less now - you have likely already caused your body to adapt to the maximum and you are burning a whole lot less than you possibly could if body was operating in healthy manner.

The amount of muscle mass you have likely lost is going to be about impossible to gain back.


What is your exercise?


Now, why are you specific about weekdays only, not mentioning the weekends?

If you are binging on the weekends and eating who knows how many calories because you don't log, you can easily be causing the worst of both worlds - the weekdays cause muscle loss, metabolic adaptation, the weekends then really pack on the fat.


So a few questions there.

Why specific about weekday only?

Are you under Dr care with tests to only be eating that much?

What's the exercise?

Was this the eating level last 2-3 months? (how many weeks, 2-3 months is big range?)


No your info so far is not healthy.

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Hi there. I agree with the statement form our friend @Heybales regarding the amount of your intake during the weekdays. 


I'm aware that with your diabetes, it's difficult to organize a good diet, due the restrictions that this causes. 

I have friend and family members with diabetes, and depending on the kind of it, they are not allow to eat some kind of foods. 


You could try, having more "small"meals during the day instead of the 3 main ones that we all are used to. 

As snack I prepare my family members with some cut veggies, (carrots, cucumber, etc) so that the can take it on the car, o snack on them during the whole day. 


I would suggest you to check with a specialist, as with that deseas, one should be under a controlled diet.

They might recommend you something different or add the necessary changes to reach your goal. 


Keep us posted. 



JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.

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@YumiFukumi   Yumi,  I have read some really funny amazing things on this "Manage weight" thread.  One lady commented that if you use the "hacks" and tricks for weight loss you can easily get to your idea weight or something like that.  I have never found  anything about dieting to be easy.   I went on a very low calorie diet for a while and learned then that your body can't adjust to big changes in total calories you might eat.  If you go on a 500 calorie a day diet for a month and get to your ideal weight you must add calories back to a "normal" amount 200 a day.   Like 500 to 700 for 2 days and then 900 for 2 days and then 1100 for 2 days etc.  Otherwise you will gain back all the weight you lost.  I don't know how that works if you just diet on week days.    The suggestion that you eat lots of small meals might work for someone but it is a horrible idea for me.  3 meals a day with some protein and fiber to make each meal satisfying even if low calorie and nothing in between  is much better than what turns out to be grazing all day;( all those little meals).   Even on the 600 pound TV show the instructions are 3 meals no snacking in-between.  I would go with that.

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