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Does anyone have suggestions to lose weight?


Hello guys, I’ve been working on my weight for some weeks now, both through diet and exercise but seems not to be improving as I want especially around my ribs area. I want to slim down more and get more fit. Anyone with concrete suggestion?




Moderator edit: subject for clarity

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Eat less and exercise more.

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I want to lose some weight too. Sometimes it’s really difficult to lose some extra pounds. I had this problem for a long time. I tried various methods, diets and exercises and nothing helped. I couldn’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Then I decided to change my meal plan and tried this one Klinio meal plan. I also worked out regularly and I lost 40 lbs in 3 months. I was surprised with the result, I really returned in good shape.

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It is important to know what your genetic aka family shape is likely to be.  But I think the idea of losing weight is assumed that it will be losing fat and for many folks that is not what happens, they lose fat and muscle.  In a nutshell, focus on building muscle and increasing your fitness rather than focusing on aerobic activities.  I see you're a jogger, that's great for increasing cardiovascular fitness but it doesn't build overall fitness nor overall muscle.  And the "overall" muscle fitness, not necessarily muscle building will give you the shape best fitting your genetics and fitness.  High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is very helpful for building fitness as it involves the heart, lungs and muscles more or less equally.  The key in HIIT is to go at max effort and rest when you need to, over time rests will be less but max effort will increase also, resting is just as valuable.  As far as eating goes, eat mostly vegetables, second protein and last whole grains.  And don't be fooled that grocery store "whole wheat" is a whole grain food, whole grain is exactly that, quinoa for example.

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