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Early to bed, early to rise might save you calories easily.

Many people delay or skip breakfast.  Watching late night TV you might need to guard against snacking.  Most people don't snack early in the morning.   Do you have a TV in your bedroom?  Looking at TV in a dark room is a bit like looking at the sun.  If you throw a couple of polyester nightgowns over the tv screen, you can still see the picture perfectly well but it is like sunglasses. If you have a CD player and can put on a CD rain recording  you will enjoy the rain sounds lot more than the noise of TV.

      Experts suggest it is better if we sleep on our sides.  If you have room in the bed to put pillows beside you you can put your top leg and arm on a pillow.  You will be more comfortable.  It works better for me to be my right side because on my left I am forced to listen to my heart beat.  Does that happen to everyone???  Sleep well.  Glenda

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