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End my suffering please

Ok a slightly dramatic subject tittle but i need help : 

I have been on this journey for 18 months and I'm not liking it. 

I am 33 years old, 5ft 4 , 147 lbs i have PCOS making my struggle slightly more difficult. I aim to tobe 135 lb which is a 14 lb lose. 

So what am i doing wrong or right. MFP is set to 0.5 lb a week lose as i dont have a huge amount to lose, I'm also on fitbit set to the same. 

my TDEE is 1972 

BMR 1357 

Calorie set at 1650 

I swim and where possible walk 10,000 steps each day, slacking slightly recently due to a new job. 

My fitbit states my calorie deficit on recent weeks a - 2000 or more - what does this mean ?? is this good or bad ? 

My MFP states for the past few weeks that i have only been slightly over with my calories each week maybe a 100 or so 

I welcome any help or advice as to what is going wrong why am i not losing weight ?? 

Many many thanks in advance

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"Marilyn Monroe was hardly close to being low in weight though. :smileyhappy: I am not surprised that she ate more calories. If anything she was higher on the weight spectrum, without being obese."


That's how out of touch with reality we've become, with the expectations that we need to be emaciated stick figures.  She didn't even fit the definition of overweight.  According to this article


"So what size was Marilyn Monroe actually?  Luckily, many of her dresses, carefully preserved, are still around to measure off of.  Further, one of her dress makers also chimed in with exact measurements he took.  Those measurements were 5 ft. 5.5 inches tall; 35 inch bust; 22 inch waist (approximately 2-3 inches less than the average American woman in the 1950s and 12 inches less than average today); and 35 inch hips, with a bra size of 36D.  Her weight fluctuated a bit through her career, usually rising in times of depression and falling back to her normal thereafter, but her dressmaker listed her as 118 pounds and the Hollywood studios tended to list her between 115-120 lbs.


As a direct example of her size, the white dress she wore in The Seven Year Itch was recently auctioned off and was put on a mannequin that was a size 2, but they were still unable to zip up the dress as the mannequin was too big."  (Emphasis mine).


At her *highest* weight, she was 140 pounds. 


Do most people who are seriously trying to lose weight just guesstimate their calories?  I've been pretty active in several weight loss communities over the last 4 years, and the #1 advice given is to invest in a digital food scale and some measuring cups.  Now, the overestimation of exercise calories is quite a problem, because unless you've invested in a heart rate monitor you can't really ascertain the number of calories you are *really* burning.  Even devices like a Fitbit have up to a 22% error rate (but in my mind that's better than nothing - the nutritional labels on processed foods are known to have a +/- 20% error rate as well).


I came across this link in another thread here on FB.  It really hits home that chronic undereating, in addition to screwing with thyroid hormones and other pretty significant body functions, also leads to other problems that are not visible to the naked eye, such as bone loss and chronic stress injuries.  I highly recommend this article:

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I’m sorry but that’s a dangerous thing to say. Most women, if they are active, will lose weight on 1,600 calories. But even a woman with PCOS can manage it, if she’s active enough. I’m on 1,500 and losing about a pound a week, same height. You should not consume much less than this. 1,200 is the bare minimum a woman needs to eat in a day, the BARE MINIMUM. 900 a week is simply DANGEROUS.

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