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February 14th to April 4th 2021 Challenge

Hello and welcome to the 2nd challenge of 2021!


Besides celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress with our physical selves, I want to try something new for 2021, I want to add an extra challenge (suggested by my hubby). Choose something you can do every day for yourself to add a bit of brightness and joy to your life. Like to read but haven't lately? Pick a book and spend 10 to 15 minutes with it. Like to craft, color, paint, sing, dance, bake, cook, spend time in prayer? Well, you get the idea. Do it for YOU, every day. Let us know what you're doing and how doing it more is affecting you.


Anyone is welcome to join in at any time, just hit reply on the most recent post and let us know a bit about yourself.


Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, etc. please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for this challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight/weigh-in

LW - last weight/weigh-in

GW - goal weight for the challenge

MGW - mini goal weight

UGW- ultimate goal weight


To join the challenge, please just hit 'reply' and post!


If you want to respond to or 'tag' a particular person with your response, type in @ and you will get a drop down box of recent users to choose from, this will alert them that someone has responded to something they posted and we will all see who you are talking to or about. For example: @_Lilac_  hope to see you here!

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Glenda told me she couldn't post here so this is a test.

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SW: 262.8

GW: 257


I hit my restart button yesterday and exercised first thing. I had a great day and was productive. Today has been a slower start but my goal is to keep moving and not “hide out” in the recliner. 

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@ElaineJ27  Welcome to my other hang-out! Glad to see you had no trouble posting. Used to be quite busy here but has gotten quieter and quieter.

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LW: 262.8

CW: 265.8


So much for my restart! I have not been tracking my food but have been eating home cooked meals in moderate portions but probably still too much. I have cut out soda and snacks. 

I used my elliptical on Monday but the rest of the week I have been painting so bending and stretching. 

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@Cele21   Hello.   Great to be able to post, but I hate telling you I'm just getting fatter and fatter.  I have some dangerous junk food around too still.  I've gained 6 pounds !  And at the moment, I'm hungry.  

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@Glenda  - Glad you can post here again!


I just realized I didn't post any of my stats when I started this challenge - too much going on to keep everything straight. Either that or age LOL!


Current starting weight - 192.6 (2/14/21)

LW - 191.6

CW - 189.2

GW - 185.0 (4/4/21) 

Stretch goal weight - 183.0

Mini goal - 195.0 - Hit 9/16/20

New Mini goal - 185.0

UGW - 150.0

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@Cele21 @ElaineJ27   Elaine, I've always wondered about an elliptical.  Should I just get on one in a store and see if I like it?  Do you like it better than treadmills?   I'm not doing well at anything at the moment....gaining weight and no exercise program but I dug up 3 dead frozen bushes this morning and now have holes I can buy new bushes and plant there.  Google said I only need a 10 inch by 9+ 1/2 " deep hole for 3 gallon plants.  Thank goodness.  It was hard work and I had to saw the roots to get the old plants out.  Much work (exercise?)   (reciprocating electric saw though)

GOOD JOB AND PROGRESS  Cele21  (is that for Celest?  Pretty name if so.

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@Glenda  - Yes, it is short for Celeste, thank you for the compliment.

I have tried and wasn't thrilled with ellipticals. I'm not sure I can pinpoint why though, just never felt like I got into it. I prefer treadmills or walking outside.

I would like to try out a machine that works more like cross-country skiing though - not as much bend to the knee to work it.


Current starting weight - 192.6 (2/14/21)

LW - 189.2

CW - 190.6

GW - 185.0 (4/4/21) 

Stretch goal weight - 183.0

Mini goal - 195.0 - Hit 9/16/20

New Mini goal - 185.0

UGW - 150.0

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I have to have a colonoscopy 3/31 and I hope the diet they require might cause weight loss.  Did anyone find that to be true for them?

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Hi, @Glenda ,

I had colonoscopy about nine years or so ago, and should have to get a new one, soon. The prep work for the procedure certainly helps detox our bodies and get rid of some GI waist, which also lowers the scale numbers; but in my personal experience, nothing helps more in loosing weight like a healthy diet and exercise. One without the other doesn't do much for me. 

  • For healthy diet, I follow Dr. Joel Fuhrman's principles, based on his books, which focus on food that is high in nutrients, and moderate in calories (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Nuts, and Seeds). I use a very limited amount of whole grains, potatoes, rice, and meat. Instead, I have a big mixed salad every day, with all kinds of vegetables in it, which keeps me full and well nourished.
  • For physical exercise, I simply go for a walk in our community a few times a weak. 
  • Another thing that has always helped me, and I am doing it right now, is log my calorie intake on my Fitbit account. It helps me keep myself accountable and challenged. I always did great doing that.
  • Being part of this group during 2016-2018 has also helped me. It kept me both motivated and inspired.

The last couple of years I was neglectful, and I gained back 20 lbs. About a week ago, I started getting serious about it again, and I am already beginning to see results.  I need to get back to my ideal weight and stay there, if I am going to stay healthy. 


Best wishes on you colonoscopy and health pursuits.




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Hi, @Cele21 ! 

Great to see you are still here, pressing along. I've been part of this group a couple of years ago. Then I traveled overseas, got involved in some big projects, and got off track. As a result, I gained back about 20 lbs or so. 

About a week or so ago I started getting serious about it, and I am already seeing good results. So, I am joining you again on a healthier lifestyle. Here are my stats:


USW - Ultimate start weight - 197lbs. (my highest weight in 2015, which scared me to death!)

SW - starting weight for this challenge - 170 lbs (a week ago). 

CW - current weight - 167.8 lbs 

PW - previous week's weight/weigh-in - 170 lbs

LW - last weight/weigh-in - 167.8

GW - goal weight for the challenge  - 164 lbs (I chose a moderate weight loss plan)

MGW - mini goal weight (I am not sure what this means; can you explain?)

UGW- ultimate goal weight - 145-150 lbs (145 lbs is the lowest I've been a couple of years ago, after a 3-day fast, but I didn't stay there long enough; so, we'll see...). 


So, on week 1, I lost roughly 2 lbs. 


Best wishes to you all!


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Current starting weight - 192.6 (2/14/21)

LW - 190.6

CW - 191.4

GW - 185.0 (4/4/21) 

Stretch goal weight - 183.0

Mini goal - 195.0 - Hit 9/16/20

New Mini goal - 185.0

UGW - 150.0


Heading in the wrong direction again but hoping to end at least in the 180's.

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@Bogdel  I remember you! So good to see you back!

Mini goal weight is just something I threw in there a while back. I started with 75 pounds total that I wanted to lose but thinking of it in one lump was too disheartening, breaking it down into 10 pound increments made it easier to think about accomplishing.  So when I was 205 (usually higher) my first mini goal was 195, once I hit that my next one is 185, etc. 

You don't need to use it if you don't want to - make the guidelines work for you or create your own.

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Hi @Cele21

Great idea from husband to add something that you enjoy daily.

Weight is staying on still but I have to take it easy on my knees with torn cartilage & hips with OA right now. I have been going to PT so that is good. 

Hope that you all are staying well & making progress toward your goals. 



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@Cele21  Wow just saw your stats and you made it down to the 180s. Great


GW 149.8


Need to not eat after 8 pm to make my goal but moving down will help a lot. 


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Welcome back @Bogdel 

Love Dr Fuhrman too. High density nutrition. Most eat good food just too much at night. 

Back to see if I can get back to the 140s to start with. 

Nice to find early group folks. 

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Okay. It is time to lose some weight now. You folks are inspiring me again. 

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@dancefoxtrot  - Hello again! 


This has been a very stressful week at my work so I have not been behaving myself and am afraid of what the scale will show tomorrow.

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Current starting weight - 192.6 (2/14/21)

LW - 191.4

CW - 190.8

GW - 185.0 (4/4/21) 

Stretch goal weight - 183.0

Mini goal - 195.0 - Hit 9/16/20

New Mini goal - 185.0

UGW - 150.0


Did better this week than I expected!

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