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Fighting the cravings and finding motivation



I have owned my fitbit since January 2015. However, I let it collect dust for quite awhile. I pulled it back out just over a month ago and have been eagerly trying to get my 10,000 steps in each day. I have also been trying to watch what I eat more as well. I am a woman in my early 20's so to say I drink a little bit, is an understatement. I am 5'7" and weigh about 180lbs. My goal weight is 150. I have days where I could literally eat everything in my pantry, and I gain back any progress that I previously made. I love reading all of these success stories of men and women losing 50lbs, and it gives me a glimmer of hope that my weight loss goal is realistic. I just don't know how to stay on track. What should I drink that would be a healthier choice and won't throw me way off track? How do I find motivation to keep chugging along, and how do I fight the cravings of eating everything in sight! 


Please give me any tips and tricks, and please - you can be brutally honest!


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My suggestions would be to use the food log. Maybe if you have a visual of your calorie in/out, it might help you with your losing. Another thought would be to don't totally deny yourself. Just make sure to work it into your calorie burn.

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@Kelsey977 wrote:

I am a woman in my early 20's so to say I drink a little bit, is an understatement. 

Regarding the drinking aspect, you may want to read this article.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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That was a great article.  I love getting my information with a healthy dose of humor.  Good information to know.. I am still not giving up my glass of wine at night.  No way, no how.  Even if it means no 6-pack abs.


However, one also needs to realize the amount of time and dedecation to a meal plan it takes to get to that kind of body.  I do really enjoy by gym time.  But I enjoy my other activies too.  I'll settle for a nice middle land.


Add to that.. I am sick of girls getting less stuff.  Less Calories, less alcohol... But we do get to keep more fat and still be considered healthy.... So that's cool 😉


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I remember being in my 20's and drinking.  I also remember gaining 20-30 during that time period too. 


I just met a woman that I'm walking with, and she's 32.  At 29, after gaining 60 lbs, she finally quit drinking.  She lost 60 lbs after she quit driniking.  Got pregnant, gained 60, and at 32 is now trying to lose it again.


So at 180, you are a 28.2 BMI, approaching the obese range.  At 150, 23.5 would put you toward the top of the normal range. So you're goal is good.


I was only able to quit drinking when I woke up in the nastiest bathroom floor, head sleeping on a toilet.  I woke up and the words that came out of my mouth were, "I don't want to live like this." 


So my first suggestion is cut back on the drinking.  If your goal is to lose weight, drinking is going to make it next to impossible.  I know when I drank, I didn't eat much.  Then I had to rebuild my system with food the next day or two. 


So limit the alchohol.  That's step 1.


Log your food, and use will power to keep your diet in check.  The fact is, no one this group, no fitness tracker, no spouse, boyfriend, parent, or your best friend, is going to be able to control what you eat and how much you eat.  You have to decide to control it, and you have to decide to do it everyday. 


And to be brutally honest, as you get older, it gets harder.  You gain weight faster, and it's harder to lose.  Worse the heavier you get, the longer it takes to get back down.  And you body remembers what you used to weigh, and for 5-6 years will try every trick in the book to get you back there.  Which is why most people fail to keep weight off. 


I've lost 75 lbs, through hard work, determination, self control, patience, and making smart choices.


It's time for you to make smart choices. 

  1. First alcohol, cut back or stop altogether. 
  2. Get rid of all food in your house that is unhealthy. Hard to eat Cheetos, if there are not Cheetos to eat.
  3. Get healthier food, and only stock that at your house. When you get a craving, eat veggies, fruit, nuts. Eat a lot of fresh or frozen vegetables.
  4. Track every calorie you eat.  Hell I tracked couch drops when I was sick.  And don't eat more than you burn each day.
  5. Exercise.  Get at least 30-45 minutes of cardio a day.  60-75 is better.
  6. Lift weights.  Adding muscle burns more calories.
  7. Say goodbye to your old diet, it's gone forever.  Use the fitbit app to make heathier eating choices at home and when eating out.  At your age, if you eat healthy starting now, until you die, you should have a very long life. And you'll have a ton fewer health issues.
  8. You'll have to get new clothes.  I suggest thrift shops until you get to your goal.  Donate your old clothes, don't keep them in case you might need them again.  Get rid of them, because you will never need them again.  Get it in your mind, that I will never need them again.
  9. You'll be happier and healthier.  Exercise reduces stress, and releases hormones to make us feel better.  Great to relieve depression, anger, and stress.
  10. Drink tons of water.  If you drink Soda, or diet soda, quit.  Nothing good for you in either.

You do these 10 things, you will hit your goal, and maybe more.  Or you can be like my new friend Gloria, at 32 trying to lose 60 lbs...


So what's your decision?

John | Texas,USA | Surge | Aria | Blaze | Windows | iPhone | Always consult with a doctor regarding all medical issues. Keep active!!!
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Thank you so much for this thoughtful reply! I have printed it out and I have put it on my fridge. I will read this whenever I am beginning to struggle! Thanks a ton. 

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