07-31-2017 10:53
07-31-2017 10:53
Alright so I had a big long funny post written out and I was ready to hit the 'Post' button, anD THE INTERNET SHUT OFF AND I LOST IT. So here's the short version:
Hello, It your friendly Sam Hill! I haven't prepared for this soccer season at all very well, but I'm going to do something about it! I'm going to slim down and become a valuable asset to my team.
Giving practices 100%
running before practices
managing portions
eating healthy foods
at-home workouts in my room before I go to bed
WATER I'm talkin' 2000mL a day.
that's my plan. that's it.
So if you have any advice to fine tune my plan, I would love that!
Also, if you want the chance to yell at me to update my stats, add me! I might not enjoy that as much but I definitely need it! seriously!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a wonderful day!
Day 1 stats:
Scared for the first day of conditioning, but totally ready.
weight: 156 lbs
height: 5'6"
arms: flabby
legs: almost all muscle in the calves but thighs are a bit flabby too
stomach: food baby from lunch
07-31-2017 11:45
07-31-2017 11:45
Lose the running before practice. It will impact your performance (you are probably running enough during practice that you don't need it anyway) and may make you susceptible to injury due to fatigue.
I don't see anything in here about weight training (what are your at home workouts?) I'd also space out whatever you are going to do before bed by at least an hour (maybe 2). You also haven't mentioned (1) sleep and (2) recovery.
07-31-2017 12:08
07-31-2017 12:08
Okay, the running is understandable. I'm probably going to take that advice.
So the at home workouts are basically when I'd do my core and arm workouts. I wont be able to do any serious lifting because practices are right after school and I have other responsibilities.
For core: Basically repeating ten different core exercises for one-minute intervals. So one minute of planks, one minute of crunches, ect. ect.
Arms are a bit trickier. I've been researching bodyweight arm exercises, and am just viewing my options so I can pick one that will work best for me.
As far as sleep goes: I do get between 7-9 hours a night, depending on the events of the day.
Recovery Days are Saturday and Sunday, when we don't have practices.
08-01-2017 04:08
08-01-2017 04:08
@WhatNTheSamHill wrote:Okay, the running is understandable. I'm probably going to take that advice.
So the at home workouts are basically when I'd do my core and arm workouts. I wont be able to do any serious lifting because practices are right after school and I have other responsibilities.
Arms are a bit trickier. I've been researching bodyweight arm exercises, and am just viewing my options so I can pick one that will work best for me.
Push-ups. You can do them anywhere. If you are just starting out and they are kind of hard for you, you can elevate your torso (push-up into the wall, then into edge of a desk or table, then a chair, then steps). As you get stronger you can make them harder by elevating your feet, by holding one foot then the other off the ground, and so on)
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
08-01-2017 09:04
08-01-2017 09:04
@WhatNTheSamHill wrote:Okay, the running is understandable. I'm probably going to take that advice.
So the at home workouts are basically when I'd do my core and arm workouts. I wont be able to do any serious lifting because practices are right after school and I have other responsibilities.
For core: Basically repeating ten different core exercises for one-minute intervals. So one minute of planks, one minute of crunches, ect. ect.
Arms are a bit trickier. I've been researching bodyweight arm exercises, and am just viewing my options so I can pick one that will work best for me.
As far as sleep goes: I do get between 7-9 hours a night, depending on the events of the day.
Recovery Days are Saturday and Sunday, when we don't have practices.
Dumbbells and Kettlebells are on the cheap. I prefer the Kettlebell as they have a little more flexibility.
Also, don't forget leg workouts. Body squats, lunges, jump rope, etc. You could probably benefit from any of the vertical jump programs that are on the web as they are pylo/body weight based and will assist in speed and agility.