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Having a hard time calculating weight loss via fitbit numbers.

Hey everyone - so I'm kinda confused by how FitBit tracks calories burned and all. 


I worked out yesterday for about an hour and according to other sources weight training burns roughly 130-200 calories at my weight and height in an hour but I was doing low rest. My HR reached 135. It's typically 60-65 as I have a low activity type job but I do get moving throughout the day at times. I walked only 13k steps roughly but I somehow managed to burn 3800 calories. I just don't see how this is possible being my BMR is 1800 so somehow between working out and just existing - sitting - walking throughout the day I managed to burn an additional 2k calories? 


If these numbers were accurate or even off by 10% - I'd be losing several pounds per week but then then you gotta take into consideration all of the other factors that affect weight. 


These are my numbers for yesterday - 

10 Floors - 5.8 miles - 3894 calories - 171 active minutes. I got 7hr 36m of sleep. 3 hrs and 47 minutes in "fat burn mode."

Does anyone know  the rough estimate  that these FitBits are off by? I'm using the blaze. 






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It’s quite possible your Blaze overestimates your energy expenditure, and by more than 10%. You can use an online calculator such as this one to double-check. If your average step count is 13k, this would put your activity level somewhere between "light" and "moderate". It’s also possible calories in (as estimated by you) are also off. People tend to underestimate their intake, so when you combine both discrepancies, they accumulate.


You may also want to consider the method described by @Anodyne2k in this older post@GritsnGravy just acknowledged (here) it’s a great idea.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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