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Help stop the sugar cravings!

Oh how the holiday's become my worst nightmare when it comes to kicking the sugar cravings. I usually kick the sugar cravings by going cold turkey but find myself binding at some point down the road. What are some of the best ways you have found to kick the sugar cravings? Thanks in advance for the tips!!

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Hi aprice

I sympathize with you. We allow have our weakness. Here are some helpful tips i use to say super sexy... bikini season is right around the corner 😉

1. Try your best to stay away from the sweets. Just like a former alcoholic wouldn't venture to a bar, so should u treat yourself around sweets.

2. If you must have sweets, try a more healthy alternative. If its ice cream, try low fat low sugar ice cream. Turkey hill makes great low fat low sugar ice cream options. If u need to have that snickers bar, read number 3

3. Spit and don't swallow.. if u must have that piece of candy, i recommend you take one, chew it really good so your brain pleasure senses get triggered. When you're ready, spit it out. Cravings are mostly appeased once your taste buds get some action.
With this approach, u pleasure the brain and avoid the added calories from the candy

4. Go do something.. anything.. most people snack when they're bored.

If you're bored and find yourself wanting a bag of chips, go upstairs and clean.. go outside and sweep. Go outside and take a walk. Go shopping at mall

5. Drink water. I drink a glass of water before and after a meal. That tends to fill me up. The last thing i want is food after i drink that much water.
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You should check out the video in my signature. We crave the sugar because it's in EVERYTHING. You have to eliminate it from other foods, not just "treats."


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I agree... especially when most manufacturer use high fructose corn syrup which is sugar on speed.

But i think its really difficult and an unsustainable model for long term weight loss to do away with manufactured process foods.

All in moderation is my approach
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Thanks for the advise.  I really have to keep all sweets out of the house or I will eat them.  I have no self control over sweets:(.  I really need support from people.  I hope this fitbit helps me.  My dr. really wants me to use it so I will.

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I was once a HUGE sugar fiend, could not get enough of the stuff. In 2013, I had to give it up (refined white sugar at least) as I realised it was giving me horrible heartburn, and fillings in my teeth. And fat, it deinitely gave me some fat! There is nothing good about sugar really..


My tips:


1. Drink LOTS of water. With this, find a taste for sparkling water if you don't already drink it - I found what I really loved about soft drinks were the bubbles more than anything else.


2. If definitely hungry after point 1, eat something with protein instead first. For instance, a snack can of tuna.


3. Chewing gum. There are some good Xylitol based chewing gums out there which are 0 calories and good for your teeth.


4. Find some good sugar free/ low sugar type emergency sweet treats as a last resort. I have a stash of "Skinny Cow" ice cream to hand! I also buy passionfruit a lot, as that it delicious natural sugar and is very low calorie. 


Good luck!





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I am very addicted to sugar and my Dr said to take chromium Picolate, I just started about a week ago and it is helping, I still slip up now and then but have much more control than b4. I just take 1 in the morning and it seems to help throughout the day.

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my recent discovery is sugar free popsicles! no sugar, but the taste tricks your brain into thinking you have had sugar. and at only 15 calories per popsicle its a great replacement for those high calorie sugary treats.  but remember that restricting your diet too severely will cause those cravings to creep up more often. allow youself a cheat day once a week. eat what you want but always log it so your still accountable. if found that logging my cheat days helps me not go overboard. i think to myself " ok, ill have 2 small slices of pizza and if im still hungry ill hit the salad bar." eat what you want in reasonable amounts on cheat days and it helps keep cravings at bay. ive also been putting the low calorie sugar free dropps in my water (either vitamin water or minute maid makes good ones too). it tastes like your having a sugary drink when its really just water with maybe 5 calories thrown in. hope some of this helps you and good luck in your journey!

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I, too, suffer from unbearable sugar cravings when I let sugar back into my diet. The key to my success has been to create yummy sugar-free substitutions for the things I want. I am always annoyed when people suggest trying honey, agave, maple syrup... UMM IT'S ALL SUGAR, people! lol! Stevia is my best friend. I do allow fruit, not juice per, se, unless I add a little to a recipe, because I can feel the sugar rush quickly. But, I will make recipes with stevia and a small amount of fruit and that seems to be fine. I am also struggling with food cravings from alcohol.. I do not drink much, but I notice the days I have a glass of wine or a beer, my food cravings seem a little more pronounced. Not gonna give that totally up, but I can be prepared to fight the cravings when I do partake of a drink. I really do try to stay away from sugary desserts and candy, white/wheat flours and too large of a serving of fruit, because it just makes me miserable!!

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