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How do you learn to be happy during the journey?

I'm the type of person who is miserable until she looks the way she wants. I'm trying to change that because while I am making changes (slowly) I'm so tired of being upset all the time because I hate how I look. How do you learn to be happy with yourself while you're on the way to becoming more fit? Thanks everyone 🙂
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@Madisonerika What you look like does not correlate to happiness. Even the most gorgeous, in shape people can be miserable. Concentrate on other things, not your looks. Don't look in the mirror; don't even weigh yourself. Keep moving and get those endorphins in your brain. Make sure you enjoy the activities you are doing. Don't worry about what you look like. Keep yourself busy - volunteer, meet up with others, enjoy life. The rest will come.


@Madisonerika wrote:
I'm the type of person who is miserable until she looks the way she wants. I'm trying to change that because while I am making changes (slowly) I'm so tired of being upset all the time because I hate how I look. How do you learn to be happy with yourself while you're on the way to becoming more fit? Thanks everyone 🙂


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Be happy with your precious body always. By getting fitter (exercise to be fitter, for fun*) to possible increase muscle mass while changing food habits (eating healthier overall) decreasing body fat. Getting more lean & toned.


* Don't take exercise to the extremes (to burn of possible overeated calories) or even to try burning of all eated calories.. Rest days are also important (if your body is not feeling up to exercise) allow to rest instead.


Same for eating: If feeling needing to force feed yourself (regardless calories left to eat), wait until your body asks for more nourishment (getting appetite / being hungry).. & see how it goes.


It's possible to use a Aria Scale to see if there's progress over time (overall body fat decreases), gaining muscle mass. Though focus on being healthy, and not on weight alone, it's possible to weigh more and being at a healthy weight / body fat range, but being lean & toned. That's more important than being at a lower weight and having the same body fat percentage as before (on a higher weight)..


When using a scale, use as a tool, not getting discouraged if body fat suddenly shows a bit higher than the previous day (can be due dehydration)..


Instead it's possible to use trendweight to see a trend between the weigh ins:


It's possible to see the weight / fat % / fat mass / lean mass trend. So if weight increases for example it doesn't mean necessary to be that bad when looking further:


Current weight increased by 0.3kg
Fat mass decreased by 0.4 kg
Lean mass increased by 0.7 kg
Decreased body fat mass and this weight loss has been compensated & a bit more by gained more muscle mass. Meaning being leaner than before but weighing a bit more..
It's not about weight in itself. Body composition matters more & getting healthier with exercise & nourishing the body with healthier foods overall (foods provided by nature as minimal as processed), like fruits, meats, fish, eggs, vegetables.. (when eating those mainly, the body when hungry will over time desire to have the better foods more & more)..


Example for my Trendweight (created by Erv Walter)


URL: Mystique's Trendweight


It's possible to link the Aria Scale to the Fitbit Account, when using the trendweight website.. it's possible to authorize your Fitbit Account so it's allowed to use your weight measurements from your account to determine the trend.. Cat Wink


Have fun reaching your goals





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@Madisonerika wrote:
I'm the type of person who is miserable until she looks the way she wants. I'm trying to change that because while I am making changes (slowly) I'm so tired of being upset all the time because I hate how I look. How do you learn to be happy with yourself while you're on the way to becoming more fit? Thanks everyone 🙂

Stop watching tv. shows and looking at magazines of people who are in shape.   

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I can only believe that I am happy when the numbers on my scale go down and when it's time to buy smaller clothes. The smaller my lbs and percentage gets, the happier I get.

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Stop focusing on just how you look, you'll never be happy.  A tight **ahem** is only going to get you so far in life.  At some point Ms. HottieInTheCorner is going to have to open her mouth and interact with the world and without the other two items the long term options are as void as the space between her ears.

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@Madisonerika What you look like does not correlate to happiness. Even the most gorgeous, in shape people can be miserable. Concentrate on other things, not your looks. Don't look in the mirror; don't even weigh yourself. Keep moving and get those endorphins in your brain. Make sure you enjoy the activities you are doing. Don't worry about what you look like. Keep yourself busy - volunteer, meet up with others, enjoy life. The rest will come.


@Madisonerika wrote:
I'm the type of person who is miserable until she looks the way she wants. I'm trying to change that because while I am making changes (slowly) I'm so tired of being upset all the time because I hate how I look. How do you learn to be happy with yourself while you're on the way to becoming more fit? Thanks everyone 🙂


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@betpchem hit it right. Listen to her Smiley Very Happy

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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