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Is my calorie counter accurate on the blaze?

I read through a couple feeds about the calorie counters. I’m sitting most of my day at work, occasionally I’m up and helping stock the shelves or just walking through the building. Im averaging 8,000 steps per day. My fit bit tells me that I’m burning 3500+ calories most days. I’m trying to loose weight at a 500 calorie deficit, should I really be eating 3000 calories a day to loose weight? 

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I'm having the same issue with the fitbit charge 3 and now 4... my allowed calories were fine until about a month ago and now they have more than doubled. I am doing the 500 calorie deficit and average 12K to 15K most days. It went from less than 2000 allowed to over 4000! There is no way someone my size can eat that much without gaining weight. 


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