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Looking for tips to help portion control and cravings

I'm having trouble with portion control and convincing my body it's had enough food when I eat suggested servings. I've already figured out that every meal has to heavy on protein and moderate-to-high in fat to fill me up, but right now once I eat that plate of portion-controlled food, even though it is enough to actually sustain me, I still feel hungry as hell and the thoughts and the cravings never subside until I've eaten another plate. I'm currently on a budget of 2500 calories per day at 388 lbs, and I already do what everyone before has said to do and drink lots of water ( I drink between 3000-4500 mls a day) and this feels horribly restrictive, but my weight doesnt budge at higher levels of calorie intake (Ive tried both 2800 and 3200 for a month apiece). I also excercise/walk almost every day, and take one day a week off.


How do all of you that make this work on smaller calorie budgets do it?

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Try drinking a large glass of fresh green juice about 20 minutes before you eat.  Since it is juice your body does not have to digest it and it will hit the bloodstream  quicker than just eating a salad before your meal. When your body had lots of nutrients then it will trigger that you are full quicker. (Romaine, celery, carrot, lemon and ginger is good beginner juice and is cheap.)

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The Secret is to find a way to short circuit the cravings. Sometimes I notice that I am hungry for a certain food like Chocalate, or Peanut Butter, or Potatoes. I like you have trouble controlling the cravings. Like I said in my other posts. Try adding a small apple to each meal or a small carrot. They add bulk and fiber to the digestive system and keep you full longer. Or try the Weight Watchers Mini Cakes or the Fiber One Snacks or the Special K Low Calorie Snacks. I keep them handy when I get a craving. They seem to work for me. I don't eat chips anymore or drink any kind of soda. To get the Chip Cravings out of the way, You can try the Rice Cakes or toast a Nacho Flavored Taco Shell. I try to stay at 1200 a day but sometimes I am just too hungry and I go over about 100 calories. But I am still losing weight. 

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Your old body is still probably in control of your thought process.  It sounds as if you are consciously doing what you are suppose to do... and that's good.  The hunger you feel is a part of the old you and the old habits.  Give it some time and continue to stay on your path.  Soon the new you and way of thinking will overtake the old you and you will begin to see and feel progress.  Keep up the good work!

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If you're hungry eat! Just make sure you're eating something healthy, and make sure you're actually hungry. 


When you feel like you want to eat first ask your self why you're hungry. For me a lot of the time when I'm hungry when I ask myself why the answer is "because I'm bored", or "because I want some comfort eating". If the answer is anything other than "because I'm actually hungry" then I try to distract myself until the craving goes away. It sounds like you're drinking plenty of water, but I'll say anyway that often times our body disguises dehydration as hunger, so if you think you're truly hungry drink a large glass of water and wait 5 minutes. If you're still hungry after that than grab a snack! Instead of reaching for junk make sure you're having an apple, or some carrots, or some other food that will nurish you without forcing you to consume a large amount of calories. 


Also you might want to check with your doctor about calorie requirements. Adults that are a helthy weight can typically eat up to 2000 calories a day and maintain their weight. At your current weight you may very well not be eating enough calories, especially if you're making sure to be very active. In January I was up to about 275lbs and I was able to lose about 20lbs on a 2200 diet while working out 3 times a week. Sure I could have lost faster if I ate less, but I'm happier not starving myself and I'm thinking more towards a healthy lifestyle. Now that I'm down to around 245lbs I'm eating more like 2000 a day and upping my activety level and still seeing results. 

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its hard and it takes a strong will to turn your head from those cravings and thoughts. i have found that sugar free popsicles help my sugar cravings. even though im not having any sugar, the taste tricks my brain and body into thinking i am lol! and at only 15 calories per popsicle its the perfect replacement for that big bowl of ice cream or candy bar. as far as being hungry shortly after eating, i would make sure you are getting enough proteins and fiber out of your foods. those things will keep you fuller longer. there are lots of different things you can do/try to make sure your getting enough of those things (like shakes with protein/fiber powder) also eat ALL the VEGGIES you want! veggies are free game becasue it actually takes your body more calories to digest them then whats in them! certain veggies are full of fiber as well and will help you stay full. i noticed that after about tewo weeks of switching to my healthier life style, i get fuller after eating less then whats considered normal for me. its something your body gets used to after awhile. Last tip, eat slower. enjoy your food. your brain takes about 15 minutes to tell you that your stomach is actually full. so by taking your time you tend to eat less and have more calories you can eat later in the day! like that snack that you want after just having lunch 2 hours ago 🙂 

hope something here helps you and good luck in your journey!!!

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Thanks for that tip.  I swear i'm addicted to Peanut Butter..

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Try putting everything you eat ( portion controlled) on a bed of romaine lettuce.....fill up the " space" without a ton Of calories. It also alows you to spread out your meal, especially at night, if night eating is an issue.
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