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Medical Weight Loss Plan - Ketosis???

Man. I dunno. I have a friend who is pushing this Medical Weightloss Plan. She brought me all the info. I know several people who were obese who lost A LOT of weight with this plan. A lot, a lot. I myself have about 30 to lose.


For 3 days, or until you are in ketosis, you can only eat 14oz of lean meat per day. Once in ketosis, you can add 2-4 cups of fruits/veggies (only the ones on their list and no more than 2 fruit servings). 2 tsp of olive oil, unlimited lettuce, broth and sugar free jello. Thats it. Until you hit your goal weight. And then...I prob gain it all back. Who knows.


And you have to drink a gallon of water each day.


They seem to discourage exercise...probably because you would DIE. LOL.


I am a foodie. I love to cook and I love to eat. I know I need to have limitations and I have been. But I don't know that I could do this.


Have any of you tried this? Would you??

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i love the low carb diet im doing less than 20g/day i already lost 8 lbs in my first week. Im very active i use olive oil, real mayo and butter some almonds etc for fats it seems to be working so far!! I watch calories less than 1500 a day total.

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I know this post is a couple years old but I had to comment. I actually did the medical weight loss of Wisconsin in Racine. I did it 2/15-8/15 I lost 51 pounds. It is restrictive but you find so many other things to substitute the things you think you want. I have a whole Pinterest board of stuff. Alcohol was hard to give up but I found a carb free sugar free wine that was amazing and drank that when I wanted a glass or two. I did this program for 7 months and did not cheat 1 single time. And I have always been a yo yo diet type person who can’t stick to stuff. Before I started I had high cholesterol or BP after it was all normal. My skin cleared up, I never got sick when someone in my family or around me was. No more heartburn or tummy issues. I never felt better. After you reach your goal you go on a maintence plan that allows you to add carbs back in to your life but limited amount I think it was 90 a day. Then on weekends you eat whatever you want to. It worked for me. I kept it off for 2 years. Then I moved away to another state started eating like complete crap and gained it back. I went on weight watchers and can’t stick to it. Thinking of going back on the Keto plan but there are no clinics here that do this or the vitamin injections so not sure if I can. 

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