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Memorial Day Challenge

Welcome to the next Challenge!


This one will start on April 18 and continue to Memorial Day (May 29th) 2017.   That gives us 6 weeks to work toward our next set of goals as we try to lose weight or maintain in a healthy way.


Everyone is welcome to join this terrific group. You can post once weekly or every day - whatever you like - to share your journey, give and get support, offer advice, get some tips.  We have celebrated each other's successes, and empathized with the setbacks.  I personally found, the more I respond to others, the easier it is for me to focus on my own journey in a positive way.  We have seen great progress in previous challenges, because we are in it together and focusing on being healthier and living better lives.


Some of the terms used to report our weight:

USW - ultimate starting weight - the heaviest weight when you began to lose

SW - starting weight for this challenge

CW - current weight for the day you report in

GW - goal weight for this challenge, for Halloween

UGW - ultimate goal weight that you intend to reach eventually

Some people also include their height, their age, their BMI.  


All  you need to do to join, is start posting, usually with some of the weight information.


I'm very excited about continuing with this wonderful group of people and meeting some new folks too.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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491 REPLIES 491

 Easter Day Weight - 249

  Sunday1 - 247 - (4/23) 248 Target

  Sunday2 - 245 - (4/30) 247 Target 
  Sunday3 - 245 -  (5/07) 246 Target 
  Sunday4 - (5/14) 245 Target 
  Sunday5 - (5/21) 244 Target 
  Sunday6 - (5/28) 243 Target  

Memorial Day Goal - 242

-0 lbs

Positives this week- Despite rainy weather was able to push to hit some step/burn/lifting goals

Things to be improved- Went a little nuclear on my cheat day with sweets/beer & mini mid-week binge that was triggered from boredom from being inside from the rain.


If anyone knows of a rain dance to make it stop raining please reply down below 🙂  Have a good week everyone.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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@A_Lurker It has now returned to normal after the entire day of being wrong. However, my fitbit did not sync after 6:30pm last night and I took the dogs for a walk after that. So it's not showing and it won't sync now. Hopefully my issues will resolve. 


We are having a brunch at my Mom's this morning. She's visiting her 96 yr old aunt in the US (Pennsylvania) for a few weeks and leaves the day after my daughter's graduation from university Tuesday, so this is a multi-purpose breakfast. Also, a friend of mine just landed a great job and she'll be there too. So that's a bonus. 

For her trip, Mom is taking her fitbit, her computer, her bike pedal contraption that she uses daily, etc etc. She is determined to keep up her exercise routine. My great aunt eats like a bird so there won't be much temptation for Mom. She hit 20 lb lost yesterday and got her badge. It helps motivate. 

Not much happening with my loss. I seem to have hit a plateau, however I do seem to sit still for 9-10 days and then drop suddenly. I'm just waiting anxiously. I can't go to the doctor for those stupid scales til I'm comfortably sure they will read a low enough number.

Ok, off to arrange a drive to brunch! Have a great Sunday, all. 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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If you don't want to dance outside in the rain, turn up the music inside and go a little crazy. Dancing is great for steps and burning calories, whether it stops the rain or not.

Karolien | The Netherlands

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Well, I've been thinking. I got down under 300 lb and then my weight loss has stalled. Of course, I've had an injury and haven't moved as much but my calories are good and I still get lots of steps. So, I decided that I'm going to do an experiment. I'll go to the pool every day for aquafitness and hopefully jumpstart the loss again, instead of just walking. Mom is leaving Wednesday for almost a month, which will give me time to make sure it works. Normally, we walk in the mornings but with her gone it will provide me the opportunity to go to the pool. I just have to promise myself to do this. I find the classes get boring and I make excuses. I also have to get on my new bike. Ok, that's the plan. I have to hold myself to it. By writing it here, I must stay accountable. Right?

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@BLLingg  Hey, congrats! Finding great shoes can be hard, but can be so rewarding (especially for your feet). Is the 'barefoot' because they're designed to wear with no socks?

I have major (still unresolved) pain issues with my stupid feet, so I've been thinking about getting barefoot running shoes, yoga/dance wraps or something similar for inside use. Half an hour of moving around my kitchen cooking is cause enough for pain and I don't want to spend all day wearing annoying shoes, but I think a thin, soft sole would do wonders. (I'm European and wearing shoes inside isn't a thing here.)


@_Lilac_  I have the same thing as you, where I stand still for days/weeks and then drop weight. I'm also just trying to be patient with it, but I've had a couple of weeks now where nothing has happened, just bobbing up and down the same number. Dear scale, do something already.

Good luck at the pool! I wish I had one available here because I'd probably go set up camp there.

Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
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This week is almost done, hurray!

After a rough week in all aspectes, today going to church then socializing with family and extended family and being tempted with a massive buffet followed by a massive cake buffet, I think I'm almost ok. Almost.

I feel like I need at least a week of hermiting to make up for this week, but that won't really work since life goes on.


Fueled by hunger and some insanity, I made bad choices at the store and binged on Thursday (until I caught myself and threw the offending chips out) and it ended up as a maintenance day in the end. Today I did really well with the buffet, but I was too curious at the cake table. Then again, roughly 700 calories for 7 hours away from home isn't insane. Bad breakfast decisions (hindsight is 20/20) have me being around 400 calories over plan for today, but I still need another meal, so it's gonna be 650 over. Not too bad.


Good news, though! Last night I got some food prep done, so now I have 12 portions of food in the freezer that only need some salad (got some already cut and ready in the fridge).

I need to get back to food prepping because I feel like a lot of this week's bad decisions, whether they fit my budget or not, were made because I didn't have anything quick and easy available. Lesson learned.


Excuse my rambling about this bad week. Food is not a serious issue at all for mee, but I like having this food thing to 'obsess' over because my real and serious issues are things that take time to change and distracting my mind from the waiting is my mission. It's a healthy 'obsession' though.

I'm gonna stop writing and go heat up some food and try to figure out how to use MS Excel the way I want to.


Hope you're all having a great day!Smiley Happy

Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
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I think that food is a serious issue and that you are allowed to obsess over it. In the end it is one of the key parts for your health. If that is not serious then I don't know what is. While you  had a rough week and went over plan, I am impressed you threw the offending chips out. That is not something I see myself do. Well played on that one.

Karolien | The Netherlands

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Hello, Everyone!

Not a great week for me. I moved up from 150 lbs on the previous week to 152.2 lbs! I guess, my great loss on the previous week had more to do with the internal flush that I had than with the actual fat loss (as I hoped). So, back to reality. Tomorrow I will be flying to Europe, and I am behind schedule on my weight goals. 

Weekly goals:
18 April - CSW 156.5 BMI 26
24 April - GW 154. 5.  Actual weight:154 lbs! PTL (Praise the Lord)!

01 May - GW 153. Actual weight: 150 lbs. PTL!  

08 May -GW 151.5 (Day I leave for Europe). Actual wight: 152.2 😞

13 May -GW 150 

23 May -GW 149  

29 May - GW 148 

Total loss on this challenge: - 4.3 lbs


Last weekend I came down with a severe cold, with fever, muscle ache, head ache - the whole package. I didn't take any meds (just liquids), because I wanted to let my immune system do its work. What was amazing to me was that during this time, my resting heart beat went from my normal 60 bpm to 111 bpm, sign that my heart and blood were fighting that virus with everything it had. Eventually, I made myself some organic chicken soup, which helped immediately. I am not totally recovered, but I am feeling much better, and my resting heart beat, as I write, is now 75. 


Tomorrow I will be traveling to California, and from there, to Romania (via Munich). I am a bit nervous to go on such a long trip without being totally recovered. So, those of you who believe in prayer, would you please pray for health and strength for me during this trip. Those who are not the praying type, just send some kind, loving thoughts my way. Thanks everyone in advance!



Have a great week, everyone!

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@ThatGreen, I can understand temptation to food. I love to eat. My husband once told me that, if we want to remove certain foods from our diet, we have to "demonize" them. That is, when I look at them, think of all the bad things they do to my body, or all the sugar and fat and flower it contains, and say, "yak!". Although I still find some things hard to resist (i.e. pizza), by using my husband's suggestion, I was able to get rid of a lot of bad foods (i.e. empty carbs & sweets). I just wish he would apply it, too (LOL). 


As far a salad, my husband and I usually make a large bowel of salad, mixing lettuce, carrots, celery, spinach. green parsley, green onion, collard, etc. and keep it in the fridge in an air tight container. It stays fresh for a few days, and we have it ready for every dinner. When we serve it, we can spice it with some nuts, or feta cheese, dry cranberries, etc. My husband is still using salad dressing. I don't. 


Have a great week, @ThatGreen

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@almost_where  I hear you about the rain. It rained most days last week where I live, too. It makes it harder to get the exercise in.

F, 53, 5'9", PA
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@Bogdel Have a great trip, and I will pray that you will stay healthy.

F, 53, 5'9", PA
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Slow Roller Coaster Ride last Week.  Tues & Wed, still at 154.4.  Thurs - Sat, 152.8, 152.6, 152.2.  Sun, whoops! 153.2.  Today, see below.  Since the founding principle behind the Goals is to loose Weight and I did lose some, I can't justify using Red.  But I didn't meet my Goal for the Week so I don't deserve a Bolded Green.  Woman Frustrated  So a nonBold Green will have to suffice.  Woman Happy


28 July 2010 - PW - 280.8  BMI 51.4  (My highest known.)
06 June 2016 - USW (in FitBit) - 216  BMI 39.5

18 April - CSW 156.8  BMI 28.7
24 April - GW 155.1 - PW 155.0  BMI 28.3
01 May -  GW 153.4 - PW 154.4   BMI 28.2
08 May - GW 151.7 - CW 153.2   BMI 28.0
13 May - GW 150.0  (Day I leave for Europe)
23 May - GW 149.0  (Day I return to Work & Scales)
29 May - GW 148.0
31 May - GW 147.8

UGW - (but still not a "Healthy" BMI) - now 135


I have a VERY BUSY Week ahead of me.  Need to leave everything here at work in Shipshape and Bristol Fashion.  Need to revise my "How to Do" Notes for my Boss since things have changed since my last "extended" Vacation in 2005.  Still have to Pack.  MUST still get my Walking in every Day!!!  Have to go to my Part Time Job today.  And have to do all of the Regular Daily Stuff.  Since I don't fly out until 23:40 on Saturday, That will give me plenty of time to get the Weekly Reports done before my Hair Appointment at 10:00.  YOUCH!!!

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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I don't know, @ThatGreen, if the "barefoot" technically means that they're made to be worn barefoot.  I DO know, however, that they make excellent barefoot Walking shoes!!  I don't have any problems with my feet in so far as Walking is concerned, but I have worn Shoes that left me with aching Feet at Day's End!  I do remove these as soon as I get to my Desk, though in order to minimize sweating.  The ones I buy have Mesh inserts which help.  But bare feet inside of any closed Shoe will sweat to one extent or another.  I used to wear Slippers here but now, I just go barefoot and put them back on only when I need to go Downstairs.  I work in a Sewing Factory.  Too many "foot hazards" on the Floors!!!  Woman Wink

 Drew Delite from Barefoot Freedom CollectionDrew Delite from Barefoot Freedom Collection



I have a high Instep so the Straps don't wrap as far as they can and occasionally, they come loose.  But not that often!

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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Well it is Monday morning... YAY!!! (NOT) I am so tired this morning. I was up alot in the night with a sick boy and just wanted to sleep this morning. BUT, work waits for no Had to get my rear in gear and so here I

@_Lilac_- I guess you could say I did concentrate more on my self in a small way. I guess that is better than nothing, but still not good in my eyes. I did focus on my eating and did very well with it all weekend. In my eyes, that is a plus. BUT on the negative side, I have not got my walking back in tack yet. So I still have a lot more concentrating to do...

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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Today was my last day to walk laps at the mall for a month since Mom will be away. We'll see, after that month of doing alternate exercise, if the pain in my knee is gone. 

I tried to make an appointment to see the doctor because I have an eye problem (twitch, soreness, swollen and painful bumps along my lashes) but I can't see her til Thursday! I've got some polysporin for the eye here so I'll use that til then. I swear, I'm physically breaking down. 

I would like to attend the water aerobics class at the YMCA tonight since I'll be sitting all day tomorrow. We're driving 2.5 hours to my daughter's school, attending graduation, then driving 2.5 hours home. I'll have to go for a walk or class tomorrow night too. 

I had some veggie pizza for lunch but it's just sitting heavy in my belly. It was really thin crust but I'm not used to having that stuff anymore. Need water to balance the sodium. 

Ok, think I'll go rest my eyes and maybe have a nap. Ooh. That would be nice.

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@Esya  I absolutely agree with you. Weight loss is also one of those things that take time, but at least this I can control to some degree, hence my slight obsession. Still trying to beat into my own head that things can't be perfect, but I'm getting better at it.

I ended up throwing out about 1/3rd of the bag (which is what was left). I remembered doing it once before and when that idea popped into my head, I just executed in 0,2 seconds before the crave monster had time to object. Even tied up the bag and proudly took it outside for good measure (I would never eat anything out of the trash, btw). Out of house, out of mind.

My way of failing better, as my signature saysSmiley LOL


@BLLingg  I think you're right about the sweating part. I could never wear shoes without socks because it gets uncomfortable pretty quick.

Barefoot running shoes is what I thought you were talking about the first time you mentioned your shoes, but I quickly realized it wasn't the case. They're pretty much just a really thin sole used for running by people who want little/no cushioning.

Whenever I go outside, I use Hoka shoes, which are quite opposite. They look more like platform shoes and I haven't managed to find anything softer, but my feet still start hurting within an hour.

Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
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@Bogdel  Haha, I use the exact opposite approach to food, but different things work for different people. For me nothing is off limits, but I actively try to have everything "bad" in small amounts and less often.

I know myself well enough that if I buy it and it's in the house, I'll eat it. So buying a big bag of chips is a stupid idea from the get go, because I 9/10 times finish that bag on the same day. I wish I had the opportunity to buy the "bad" things in smaller packages...

I've also made some attempts at trying out alternatives to the "bad" stuff, mostly to lower calories. Like cauliflower pizza crust or using less egg yolks than whites, etc. My biggest success by far is the time I came up with a recipe for something similar to a Starbucks Mocca Frappuchino. It was way better tasting than the original, maybe 20% of the calories and 5% of the price. Sadly, one of the ingredients went out of production and I haven't been able to find something that's even close.


Wow, I love how creative people are with their salads. A part of me don't want to buy too much at a time because I don't like throwing things out, but mostly laziness and indifference makes my go-to just simple iceberg, tomatoes and cucumber. I like it, though.

I was never a fan of dressing, but I've recently figured out how to make a modified tzatziki for my salad and all ingredients in, no more than 100 calories per 100g, mostly protein. I think it's amazing compared to what little I've seen of dressing calories.


*In this post the "bad" foods are things that will easily crash a lower calorie budget and/or have little to no nutritional value.

Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
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Thank you so much @DJC_63. This means so much to me. Have a blessed day!

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@Bogdel. Have a wonderful trip! Praying for you! 😉 Enjoy! 

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SW - 59.8 kg (week 1)

PW - 60.3 kg (week 2)

CW - 59.9 kg (week 3)

CW - 59.5 kg

GW - 59.5 kg


Do I need to say anything?

Karolien | The Netherlands

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