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Midnight Snacking

Does anyone else have a problem with midnight snacking? I have great willpower during the day, but when I wake up in the middle of the night, it's almost an instinct to get up and eat something sweet. I have succeeded a few times in not snacking, but not recently. Here's hoping I make it.


Maybe when I wake up wanting to snack, I'll just come here and post something. If you think that'll help you, go ahead and comment here. We can fight it together!

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Successfully got up to use the restroom without making my way to the kitchen. w00t!

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After 10 months of dieting and exercise and not making midnight raids on the kitchen, i "woke up" in front of an open fridge door.  I stopped myself from gluttony last night, but man oh man!!!


Old addictions...have to stay on guard for them...


Lew Wagner
Author of Losing It - My Weight Loss Odyssey
Do or do not, there is no try - Yoda
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that's an interesting issue actually.  if i wake up in the middle of the night, i want to get back to sleep as quick as possible.  can't say i've ever woken up craving sweets. hopefully others will be by soon to give you some more ideas?


i just dropped in because i saw the word 'Tardis'.

LCHF since June 2013
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Interesting on-line article about binging and cravings:



Lew Wagner
Author of Losing It - My Weight Loss Odyssey
Do or do not, there is no try - Yoda
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There's some good stuff in there. I think I'm at fault with the willpower deal. I was just dealing with the guilt this morning because I caved at 2:00 AM. Maybe instead of heading to the kitchen, I'll head to the living room with a good book as a distraction and see if that helps me go back to sleep.

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lolol in for the "tardis" as well! But I also struggle with midnight snacking - I work second shift, so I get home around 11:30p-12a, and I'm usually so stressed from work that I want to eat the kitchen. The only things that I've found that help at all are, well, 1) seriously thorough meal planning and 2) getting myself some therapy. I actually thought I had an eating disorder at one point, but it turned out my binging was more a symptom of stress-induced major depression. Once you know the problem, you can work towards correcting it 🙂

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Listen to your body. But be minful of it trying to trick you. There is no easy answer to the question of cravings.


But there are somethings you can do to help. Often when your body is craving something it is telling you that you are deficient in something. Our bodies naturally tell us when it needs something whether it be water, nutrients or carbohydrates.


Many people who crave sweets, fats, or salty snacks are nutrient deficient in some form or another. The defult plan is to eat less of the craved food but not replace it with other, nutrient rich food. Leaving you often misserable or worst, having a binge.


Its not easy, but you need to retrain your body to crave healthy food and nutrients. Start by eating real, fresh food like produce and nuts, lean cuts of meat in moderation.


I am a big supporter of juicing to retrain your body to crave nutrients over calories, it takes some dedication but the payoff can be monumental. Within a few weeks you can ditch those cravings for good. There is lots of info online and many people are skeptical, but all I can say is that it has worked for me! 

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I just started a challenge thread related to snacking. If any of you who have posted here are interested, you are most welcome to join in. 🙂 I'm no fitness guru, just a mom to three who loves chocolate!

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I keep a case of 34 ounce bottles of water handy. Hungry, down a bottle.

Once in a blue moon I have sugar-free protein bars but I try not to buy those. 300 cals each with 30 grams of sugar alcohol. Not really good for your digestive system.


Eggs make a substitute as a natural product to consume. As long as it doesn't wake up your family. Fry smell all over the joint.

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I try to eat 5-6 meals a day (mindful of portions). After my kickboxing workout I have an after workout meal which consist of almond butter on a slice of 100% whole wheat bread at 10 PM. I try to keep my metabolism fueled so I do not get hungry at night . This is what is working for me.
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Celery Carrots and P28 peanut butter

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