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New Year, New Friends--looking for fellow travelers on the weight loss journey

Hi everyone 😁


In this New Year, I am looking for friends to accompany me on my current weight loss journey for mutual encouragement, sharing tips/success stories, working through challenges, etc.  I'm a classic "yo-yo" dieter looking for stability with a healthier eating and wellness lifestyle.

HW: 253

CW: 226

GW: 190

I'm currently doing intermittent fasting (16:8, skipping breakfast), which works well for me. I have struggled over the holidays in eating sweets and unhealthy foods, so I am going to get back to tracking, which I know really helps.  I used to use MyFitnessPal, but the app is so buggy.  I think FitBit is better, especially sense I have a Versa 2 now. I have been working out 2-3 days per week, but am trying to step that up to 6 days/week.  I primarily do elliptical and PiYo, but I am hoping to work in some strength training as well.  I'm trying to avoid running, as I want to do things that are lower impact on my knees.


New Year's greetings to everyone!  Let's go get those goals in 2022!  

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Have you considered a stationary bike for exercise.  I just googled to be sure but they say bikes are good for knees.  Have you thrown away all the sweets and unhealthy foods?

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Hi There Jandy

I’ve owned a Fitbit for about four years but this is the first time I’ve posted on a forum like this.


HW 205

CW 180

GW 145

I intend to achieve my goal by eating less and running more. I’ll let you know how I get on.

All the best!

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Good suggestion!  For some reason, I feel as though I get a slightly better workout with the elliptical, but I do probably need to switch it up to keep things interesting, and the stationary bike is a good idea.  I haven't thrown out all of the sweets and unhealthy foods, as I'm reluctant to force my restrictions on the rest of the family.  That said, I'm off to a better start in the New Year thus far in terms of resisting these temptations.  Thanks for the response and happy new year to you!

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Best wishes and thanks for the reply!  I will be cheering you on.

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Just figured out that one can't access Fitbit groups on the web--they are only accessed via the mobile app.  I was trying to figure out how to access the groups on this community page, and I finally found this post:


Solved: Activity Groups have been closed - Fitbit Community


As a new user, it was not intuitive to me, so I thought I would share this info for other new users who might be looking for the groups on this page.  It seems that the groups are the best place to connect with others and find "friends" rather than these larger forums.

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