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New here, would like buddies.

I've been figuring out my fitbit for the past 2 weeks and have only recently ventured into the forum. =] I'm currently pregnant with my 3rd baby/ 5th pregnancy, and just can't be as active as I'd like. I was on a losing streak of 55 lbs when I found out I was pregnant with this surprise hehe. I haven't done as well as I wanted to with keeping the lbs off and at 25 weeks, I've gained 13 lbs. I would like to end the same weight I began and know that that can't happen unless I quit the junk and move my body more. My body isn't cooperative while pregnant and I tend to have a lot of stretchy pains that don't ease up until after delivery. I am trying to move as much as I can, but have to take breaks and some days I just don't even get close to my goal. So I'm hoping maybe having some positive friends will help me challenge myself without feeling miserable when I fall short. I'm not sure how to add people or how to have you add me. But if you'd like to add me and need any info from me, just ask.

Thanks everyone. I hope to really get my step count on up there especially after baby 3.0 is here in July =]

Best Answer

Congratulations on your baby @Nagazim! I'm not a mom yet but I've seen the body changes that women go though since my little sister found out she was pregnant and gave birth to my beautiful niece. Your energy level definitely changes, however, I believe that you are doing a great job keeping your body healthy and active for you and your baby. 


A few days ago I found a post from another Community member that is a new mom and wanted the support from other moms as well. I believe you can help each other out. She is @sahmluv and here is the link:


You will also find @SoniaMD in that post, so feel free to contact her as well.


I wish you the best! Robot wink 

Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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