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Starting over- losing 40 lbs by my 25th birthday! I might need some help!

Hey all 😄

I have lost and gained these 40 lbs over the last 5 years and I really want to lose them for good!  My goal is by June 2015 I will be back to 200 lbs and then I can try to create a new goal, but not until then!!

I am currently at 240 lbs and almost 50% body fat 😞 YIKES! It feels good to exercise, but I have plantars fasciitis and my left foot hurts almost constantly, which tends to make me want to stay sitting and sedentary because it hurts so much just to get up and walk around.

I am now using Fitbit Flex (after it was lost in my PJ drawer for over 4 months)- and tracking my food intake and everything that I eat!

The main issue I have is my food I think because I am an emotional eater and I get easily overwhelmed and it feels really good to just eat and eat and eat.  My mom died last year from diabetes and my dad has a new girlfriend who is pregnant and I am in my master's program/teaching credential program to become a K/1st teacher! This is a very crazy time in my life and I am trying to take it day by day, but sometimes it all piles on top of itself.

I am excited/nervous, but I am always stressing out and finding fast food as too convenient an option when I travel to work/school!

I am looking for people to be supportive and encouraging through this journey. So please add me if you want to or share some tips/encouragement! 

Thank you 😄

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Congratulations on your decision to live a healthier lifestyle. I don't know if I can consider myself an emotional eater but I eat when I get bored. I'm not a big TV watcher so I need to find things to do, if I don't have anything to do, I look for something to munch on. I made a big decision a few weeks back that I would not keep any snack food in the house so there is no temptation to randomly munch, I also cut back on sweet drinks. I only keep water and a few Propel powders in the house to give the water some flavor. Since you are starting a new healthier life maybe it would help if the house got a new healthier life. Do an early Spring cleaning of all your closets and refrigerators, keep only healthy food. You said that your mother died from diabetes, my sister has diabetes and is on insolin but she made the decision of losing weight so she only need her insolin once a day. She keeps me motivated because I don't want to be in her shoes. Also the fact that you will be teaching children should be a big incentive of changing your lifestyle. In case of an emergency will you be healthy enough to carry a child out of a building or run after them if they get away from you. I ask because I have a grandchild that can be a handful, I can't imagine have a classroom full of active kids. Think positive, you can do this for yourself, again, congratulations on your decision

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Great work! You are an inspiration. Really!

Just take it one day at a time, one meal at a time.

Get on here and talk about it if you feel yourself about to eat emotionally!

We can do this together!

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Thank you for your message!

It is motivating to want to be healthy for my children! I love being able to run around with them and playing 'garbage monster' and tag afterschool is one of my favorite parts of work! I want to be able to play with them and definitely carry them to safety!

I will try to stay positive! ❤️

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