07-14-2017 17:28
07-14-2017 17:28
Hello!! I'm new to FitBit forums but have always done well having an online group to talk to.
I found out on June 1st that I have stage 4 non-alcoholic cirrhosis or NASH. I have been heavy most of my life but had no idea at all that this could happen to my liver. If I do nothing, they give me about a year to live. SO! There's nothing like someone telling you you're for sure going to die in a year if you don't lose weight to motivate and change your thinking. I have learned so much about how our liver works and what it does. I'm in a scary position but I am here and I'm going to go for it. I'm joining WW AGAIN and have my recumbent bike where it needs to be and actually rode it today. I'm counting steps and food and water and all things that will help me.
SO I'm excited to start this road to saving my life...well, really I'm scared but ready. I'm looking forward to meeting people here. No giving up this time!!!
07-14-2017 23:41
07-14-2017 23:41
Welcome to the forums @songbird7. That does sound like a frightening experience, I am sorry you have to go through that.
Some easy places to start posting could be the goal challenge post:
And the weekly weigh in posts:
Have fun and if you have ever any question feel free to ask.
Karolien | The Netherlands
07-15-2017 02:46
07-15-2017 02:46
Nice to meet u if u need a buddy send me a friend request.
07-15-2017 08:01
07-15-2017 08:01
07-16-2017 07:10
07-16-2017 07:10
Wishing you well songbird. Hope you'll find friends and support here. Thanks for sharing the journey with us.
07-16-2017 10:34
07-16-2017 10:34
Good luck, songbird! You've got this!
07-17-2017 15:45
07-17-2017 15:45
I'm not good at tact and diplomacy. I'm sorry.
You have a disease caused by the poisons in your diet. If you had a blood test that showed you were experiencing arsenic poisoning, you'd find the source and get rid of the arsenic. Your body would start to heal immediately and the risk of death would be small.
If you immediately change your diet to eliminate the poisons, the risk of death will be low as your body will start to heal with the first meal. And yes, I do mean with the first meal.
Unfortunately, you are in a situation where there isn't time to do much research. Fortunately, most degenerative diseases such as yours have the same cause and can be prevented, arrested, or reversed by the same way of eating. That's a starch centered, whole food, plant based diet with no animal products and no added fats. Naturally, there are no processed foods.
@JoannaPW gave you the correct answer. I suggest going to this forum and making the same post.
If you can possibly afford it, I suggest going to the 10-day live in program.The next one starts on Aug 18th. Either way, I suggest watching these 12 videos immediately. Most degenerative diseases (meaning non-contagious) have essentially the same causes. Poisons in your food. Any animal product is poisonous. Any added fat is poisonous. So, when Dr. McDougall says gallbladder or something else, think liver. The processes are different based on the organ, but the poisons are the same.
On the Dr. McDougall website, you can find a free coloring book with a simple explanation of what's edible and what's poison. If you want to immediately start reversing your disease, then follow it. What can it hurt if you do this for 10 days while you research more? No cheating if you can possibly make an instant change.
Weight Watchers will not work because they allow animal products and added fats. You don't need to lose weight -- you need to lose the poisons. If you do, your blood tests will likely start to quickly improve even before you lose much weight.
The McDougall way of eating is not a diet to lose weight. Losing weight is a byproduct of a healthy diet, and it will happen steadily. It's also an easy way of eating to follow. There is no hunger. You can eat until you no longer feel hungry once you lose the fat, salt and sugar addictions.The recipes can be simple.
I hope I wasn't too blunt. I hate it when people beat around the bush, and I have to guess what they are trying to say.
07-17-2017 21:49
07-17-2017 21:49
07-18-2017 10:01
07-18-2017 10:01
Sounds like you are doing all the right things Songbird. Hope you are feeling better with each passing day. Im glad you are sharing your journey.
Have a beautiful week.
07-19-2017 05:54
07-19-2017 05:54
It's my understanding that excess carbs actually contribute to fatty deposits on organs, especially the liver. I agree with including complex carbs in the diet, but I think her best chance to quickly reduce visceral fat is to go lower-to-moderate carb, getting the carbs she does eat from mostly fruit and veg and some whole grains and limiting simple carbs and sugars. I don't think a few animal products are the problem.
07-19-2017 05:55
07-19-2017 05:55
I'm sorry you're going through this, songbird. Best of luck. You can do this!
07-19-2017 06:33
07-19-2017 06:33
From Songbird's post, it sounds as if she is under a doctor's care and complying with his/her recommendations. Everyone here is rooting for you Songbird!