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November 26th 2020 to January 1st 2021 Challenge

Hello and welcome to the 8th and final challenge of 2020!

We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Anyone is welcome to join at any time, just hit reply on the most recent post and let us know a bit about yourself.

Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, etc. please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for this challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight/weigh-in

LW - last weight/weigh-in

GW - goal weight for the challenge

MGW - mini goal weight

UGW- ultimate goal weight


To join the challenge, please just hit 'reply' and post!


If you want to respond to or 'tag' a particular person with your response, type in @ and you will get a drop down box of recent users to choose from, this will alert them that someone has responded to something they posted and we will all see who you are talking to or about. For example: @_Lilac_  hope to see you here!

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Current starting weight - 190.8 (11/26/20)

LW - 191.4

CW - 190.8

GW - 187.0 (11/26/20) 

Stretch goal weight - 184.0

Mini goal - 195.0 - Hit 9/16/20

New Mini goal - 185.0

UGW - 150.0

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@Cele21  I don't want you to be alone on here any longer so....

Starting weight Nov. 27  119.8

              CW - Dec 2 .....116.8

              GW - .Jan 1......113

            UGW- Feb 14.....110

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Final push for 2020...The only really great thing about 2020 was the commitment I made to my health.  I officially hit 50 lbs lost this week.  I find hitting that milestone both motivating and also a little sad that I let myself gain until a 50lb loss was barely a dent.  Most of the time the pride outweighs the other feelings though, so that is ok.


USW: 286

UGW: 120 (mid-range normal BMI) 

SW: 239.2 (11/26/20)

GW: 233

stretch goal: 230

CW 235.8


November was tough for a myriad of reasons and I expect December to be a challenge too.  Hard to not splurge around the holidays...too many temptations.  Good luck to everyone!  

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Thank you ladies for joining me on this challenge!

I didn't realize that I hadn't posted in over a week. I usually post from my computer at work but since I'm using up the last of my vacation/personal time (use it or lose it, the company does not allow roll-overs), I haven't worked a full week since the second week of November. The past few weeks have been 3 day work weeks and trying to catch up on what I missed while out consumes all my time.


I will be doing my official weekly weigh in on Saturday but wanted to weigh today to see where I was at. I had gained each week lately and have a number in my head that I want to hit for my 60th birthday in slightly over a week. I wanted to know how much I still had to lose to get to that number.

I'm happy to say that I am once again going in the right direction (down) and am pretty sure I will hit my birthday goal.


@Maggie - All I can say is Wow! Wow! Wow! You have done an excellent job! I am so proud of you for making your health a priority.

@Glenda  - LOL! Thanks for keeping me from talking to myself (at least on the computer, in person is a different story, I talk to myself all the time)!


Current starting weight - 190.8 (11/26/20)

LW - 192.4

CW - 189.8

GW - 187.0 (1/1/21) 

Stretch goal weight - 184.0

Mini goal - 195.0 - Hit 9/16/20

New Mini goal - 185.0

UGW - 150.0

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Yes, Great job Maggie!!!

Nov 27 weight 119.8

Dec 2 116.8

Dec 10  114.6   (yesterday)

Dec 11   116.6 again !   (today)

Goal Jan 1     113

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Hello, I am totally new to this community. But I need support, encouragement, a place to 'be'. I'm 37, mum of 2 little boys, and I'm struggling with my health. I've gained 10kgs / 22lbs this year. I'm only 5'1" or 158cms so it's quite a lot for me. I've gone up 3 dress sizes and nothing fits. I have inflammatory arthritis and gut issues which drastically changed my activity level this year which is I guess the main source of things. However, daily sugar habit also a problem - I'm trying to choose better 'sweet' things to satisfy the after dinner craving i.e. yoghurt etc. So anyway, glad to be here and getting to know some like minded people.


So at the start of the year I was 57kg or 125lbs, now 67kg / 147lbs. Goal weight is original - I've put on 2kg since October so not going in the right direction sadly. very difficult time of year but every day I put this off, it's wasted. 

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I'm new on here too so welcome to us both 😀, I am on a weight loss mission at the moment myself after gaining approx. 5 kg and losing confidence.  Try not to be hard on yourself, everyone is struggling with something, we are living in scary times but weight loss is something that we can control so there is help and hope out there.


Weightloss is essentially down to calories in versus calories out (very annoying when its not working for you though!) however from personal experience the amount of calories we consume might shock us when we consisently track them, I mean the nitty gritty weigh your food and track it every day for a week or two.  Make sure you are drinking enough water, look for easy swops for sweet cravings, I'm a type 1 diabetic so I consistently monitor carb/sugar content, you might find that the yogurt you eat for example may contain a significant amount of sugar which can cause an insulin spike. I also take a probotic, my gut is sluggish and this really helps me, it might be worth considering in consulatation with your medical provider.


Just my opinion but I imagine you have your hands full with your kids, so small incremental steps will be more benefical than dramatic changes especially at this time of year. I hope this is some bit helpful 🙂


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I will second you @Somedaysoon and welcome both you and @purple_vacuum. I agree also, do what you can, when you can. The biggest thing I did that helped start my downward trend was giving up soda (pop, soft drinks, depending on where you are from). I switched to water while keeping my several cups of coffee during the work week and allowing tea whenever I want it. No added movement, no big diet. Just by cutting out the extra sugar from a soda a day and upping my water intake the first few pounds came off pretty easily. That made it easier to plan the next step, and the next, etc. My biggest hurdle right now is getting enough sleep. I am a horrible night owl no matter what time I get up in the morning. Getting by on three hours of sleep two or three days in a row is tough on the body and makes me crave carbs. When I give in to the carb craving it becomes a vicious cycle of craving more carbs. Studies show that lack of sleep helps you keep or gain weight. Once again, for about the billionth time in my life, it's a matter of knowing what I should be doing but choosing not to do it.


Keep posting, venting, asking questions, offering advise, logging what you can, when you can, see your doctor if you need to and know that you are never alone.

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Current starting weight --176.2 (12/18/2020)






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@Cele21  As you know, sleep is so important.  One thing that has made a HUGE difference to me was a cheap, simple, CD player I got at BestBuy (often recommended as appropriate for kids) and a recording of rain. The  CD player has buttons on the front like Braille and in complete darkness I can restart the cd  anytime I wake during the night, by pressing the bottom button on the right end of the row and it plays for another hour.   I was once in a huge group of people at a hypnosis for dieting session, where they used a recording of waves,  (which don't have thunder,) and white noise.  You might prefer waves.  But rain, not too loud is good for me.  After I started listening to rain to go to sleep I never turned on the TV in the bedroom again.  Maybe you could try that?  You might look forward to going to bed and not put it off so long?

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Current starting weight - 190.8 (11/26/20)

LW - 189.8

CW - 190.2

GW - 187.0 (1/1/21) 

Stretch goal weight - 184.0

Mini goal - 195.0 - Hit 9/16/20

New Mini goal - 185.0

UGW - 150.0


So I turned 60 yesterday and celebrated by eating everything I've been craving for the past several months. I did not hit my planned birthday weight of 189 but am down either 16 or 17 pounds from last year. I did not go overboard in portion sizes of my crave foods and should be the same if not slightly down at my next weigh in. 

@PatriciaLe - Welcome to the group!

@Glenda  - I would probably do well with a white noise machine/CD but hubby wouldn't. Luckily the TV is not in the bedroom. My issue is the only alone time I get is after hubby goes to bed. That and the fact that as far back as I can remember I have been a night owl - reading was my biggest night time habit - now it's TV or playing games on my phone. I've been thinking this is something I can address in the new year.


Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

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Our bodies try to maintain our weight, whatever it is.  If someone would invent a really comfortable 10 pound weight we could wear around our waist we would  lose 10 pounds of fat easier.  Winter, when it wouldn't make us hot, would be a  good.time to do that too.  There have been studies that already proved this would work.  

            I bought some low calorie orange marmalade and some raspberry too.  But I decided I really can't taste it, so I might as well save the calories and just sprinkle some artificial sweetener on my toast.  LOL  I can't smell anything, so my taste may be deficient.  

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Current starting weight - 190.8 (11/26/20)

LW - 190.6

CW - 190.4

GW - 187.0 (1/1/21) 

Stretch goal weight - 184.0

Mini goal - 195.0 - Hit 9/16/20

New Mini goal - 185.0

UGW - 150.0


I don't think I will make my year end goal but overall I'm am down from where I was this time last year so I'll take that as a win.

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Just starting out after looking at some holiday photos. Yikes. Bought a fitbit today and making 2021 a better year. Time to fit into some of those clothes in my closet.

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Welcome @mugrug! It's never too late to start. I have had my fitbit for almost 7 years and just started losing significant weight this past August. My head had to get into the right place to work with my body and I must be a slow learner LOL!. I will continue these challenges into 2021 as long as people still want them so don't worry about only having a few days until this one ends.

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Current starting weight - 190.8 (11/26/20)

LW - 190.6

CW - 194.0 (1/3/21)

GW - 187.0 (1/1/21) 

Stretch goal weight - 184.0

Mini goal - 195.0 - Hit 9/16/20

New Mini goal - 185.0

UGW - 150.0


Total pig out for the last two weeks of the year and ended higher than I started. But starting on 1/4/21 I am back at it with a more focused mind set. I have proven to myself that I can do it and now I want to continue - for me.


I am setting up the new challenge for anyone interested at it can be found at January 1st to February 14th 2021 Challenge. It will run approximately six weeks this time. Hope to see you all there @mugrug@Glenda@PatriciaLe@Somedaysoon@purple_vacuum@_Lilac_ 

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January 3 starting weight  118.0    with reasonable restraint I would hope I could get down at least 3 pounds in 6 weeks

 goal weight.......................115      but if I really tried  I would be so happy to be

 stretch goal........................112  on Valentines day.  6 pounds down in 6 weeks (no candy, nuts, frozen yogurt, cookies)

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I agree, sleep is very important. I've been doing the "go to bed at the same time every night" for years since I was taking care of my elderly parents long distance. The not sleeping was killing me.
I have been using Sleep Stories on the Calm app to get to sleep and special meditations to get back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night and start getting anxious about something that during the day would not be a problem.
There are a couple of other apps/websites that have similar sleep stories - Meditainment and Insight Timer are a couple that I used to use.

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