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Potential to increase cardio fitness with exercise?

My cardio fitness score is poor, which I expected. I’m disabled and I’ve been bedridden with illness for years until recently. I also have POTS. My question is in the app it shows an estimate of my potential to improve with increased exercise intensity, and it’s still poor. I find that really discouraging. Why is that? Isn’t exercise a massive factor in cardiac fitness? Like, I thought building cardiac endurance through exercise would be THE main factor? Are there other factors? I need to stop following this metric if it’s never going to come out of poor no matter how hard I work, that’s not good for me.

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I understand your concern. Exercise is indeed a significant factor in improving cardiac fitness, but there could be other factors at play affecting your cardio fitness score. It's essential to consider that individual health conditions, like POTS and a  history of bedridden illness, can influence this metric. While exercise is crucial, your overall health and medical history may impact the rate of improvement. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance and help you set realistic goals for your specific situation. Don't be discouraged by the metric; focus on your well-being and progress rather than just the score.

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