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Unable to lose weight but counting calories very closely

I have been using FITBIT for several months now.  Following the suggested calorie intake.  Have some questions if anyone could answer for me.  When I exercise, I notice the calorie intake is increased on the dashboard.  For a majority of the time, I do not consume the calories allocated to me.  I am exercising at least 30 minutes walk daily, and when I can, I also take another walk in the afternoon increasing to 1 hour day walking.  This might happen about 1 - 2 times week.  I always try to do 10,000 steps daily, this easily occurs when I walk for 1 hour.  However over that time I have not lost any weight.  Very frustrating.  I am also on the 2 and 5 diet (two days of 500 calories per week)  Still no weight loss.  Can anyone help me ??

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Are you weighing you food?  Sometime we are eating bigger serves than we think and therefore consuming more calories.

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I weigh food where I can and use the FITBIT food chart to record food eaten.  Trying to be as accurate as I can. Given I have increased my exercise, and watching what I eat, I would have expected a weight loss by now.  

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Instead of the 2 and 5 maybe switching to a more balanced system like a 1200 to 1500 a day diet. The 2 and 5 may not be working because your body thinks it's always in starvation mode. You use up a lot of your energy because  you also excerise regulary. So it would appear that your body has made adjustments to what your consuming and has shutdown your fat burning process. I have been doing about 1200 a day now for several months and some excercise too. I have lost 89 pounds in 11 months. Also, what are you eating? Are you still unhealthy foods loaded with sugar and salt?

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SlimPrinny - your body is on save mode. It will save every kcl you give it to your body in form of fat.

Simply- you are harming yourself. Stop doing your diet and for one full day eat whatever you want and as much as you want. I don't give a **ahem** what you eat on that day.Don’t count your calories for one full day.


What is your age- weight? 



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Thanks Trooper,

I had a feeling that the starvation mode had kicked in, but wasnt able to clarify.  Fitbit allocates me approx. 1500 calories a day, then when I exercise that increases.  I rarely use the full 1500 and dropping to 1200 calories and also stopping  the 2 and 5 might work better for me.  Is there a way that I can drop the calorie level from 1500 to 1200 on the dashboard so I know what I have used and what I have left.?

I have cut all sweet things, bread, pasta etc out of my diet.  Mostly eat vegetables, fruit  and have a small portion of  protein 3 - 4 times a week.  I have one take out a week but factor the calories into my days calorie count. 

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Hi I-train-hard, thank you for your advice.  See my post to Trooper - think the penny had finally dropped.  Very disheartening  having worked so hard over last few months but hopefully now I can get some results.

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Do you know what happens to your body when your whole body system goes on starvation mode? 


You destroying your own body by doing that.

Remember that consequences of your choice will affect not only body but also your mental stage.

Mood swings, depression, and the worse your hormones.


Once again, stop your diet. Be smart, plan, enjoy your life.

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ups.... i did not see your post.

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Hi, Prinny! First: stick with it--- consistence and persistence are key! Second--- remember that you need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound. So you need to have an "overage of calories burned" of 500 calories each and every day of the week for 7 days just to lose 1 lb. You don't say how much you need to lose and, from experience, I can say that it is easier to lose when you need to lose 100lbs versus needing to lose 20 lbs. Third-- Check your sodium intake--- if you are not checking it, you might be surprised how much sneaks into your food. One trip to fast food can and often DOES exceed recommended daily sodium levels. Sodium causes some people (me!) to retain water! If I have "bad sodium day" I might hold 4-5 lbs of water weight for 3-5 days... and yes, it's discouraging and had been known to throw me off. Fourth--- make sure you are getting plenty of fibre! Recommended amounts for women are ~ 20-25 g of fiber, for men 25-30g per day. Most Americans and Westerners get far far less fiber than recommended.  Not enough fiber can cause an active and identifiable slowing of the metabolism (constipation) and can often slow things down when people initially start a diet. So! in conclusion: persist, acknowledge reality, check your salt, check your fiber--- and number 5 goes back to number 1: PERSIST! YOU CAN DO THIS!

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Never give up, everything's possible. Write down your goals if necessary to stay motivated.


Baby Goal

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Go the Calorie In Vs Calorie Screen. Look for > symbol at the bottom, Go all the way till it ends at Edit Plan. You will find easier, harder, and so on....
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Thanks Peggie,

have taken on board your suggestions  which have been very helpful. Will be looking at the calories burnt very closely.


PS  this is the first time I have used the Community discussion forum and I just wish I had done so when I first started.  


                                         As they say is a new day. 

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Thanks Trooper, have just checked it out..and have altered calorie intake.  Hopefully, with the info you provided and other suggestions, I will be on track to start losing .

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Stay with it... The longer it takes to get to "goal" the more likely you are to turn bad habits into good habits and to turn good habits into healthy lifestyle. I have been on the path to better fitness for about 2 years. I have had ups and downs.... but I have never given up and, although I am still about 10 lbs from my "goal" (down 80-ish) I am in better health at 49 than I was at 25 when I was in the Navy. Skinny does not equal fit, and hey, how'bout that--- I DO have abs! never seen those before! 

 I wish I could give everyone a "fast-forward" to  success because I really want everyone to get to the point where breathing is easier (quit smoking), exercising is fun, and food is healthy and no one fears the doctor, the scale, or the pharmacist's bill.

Stay with it: friend me if you want to, holler for me if you need help or advice or someone to vent to...

I'm not special, but I do want to give back the help and support that I got on my journey....


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I will stick with it because I have put so much time into my diet and exercise since getting my Fitbit .  Hopefully, soon I can let you know that I have lost my first pound !!!!!!

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You are lucky you get 10,000 steps in 60 minutes - it takes me 90 minutes and I practically run in place - lol


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If you have really been in a significant calorie deficit for several months and not seen any weight loss, I would visit your Dr. and get some blood work done to make sure there isn't any other underlying issue that is keeping you from losing weight.


Starvation mode happens when you're no longer able to function. It happens to severe anorexics and people in 3rd world countries who haven't had anything significant to eat in days or weeks.   Your body uses the energy it needs to keep going, or it shuts down.. it can't just decide to "save calories" if it needs them to function, it defies the laws of physics.  The only time you store calories is when you consume more than you expend and it turns to muscle or fat.



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@SlimPrinny You don't mention your age, gender, or health.  Those things effect weight  loss.  I also worked hard at this for awhile before seeing any loss, but for me it was related to having been sedentary for a long time, and some health issues, including thyroid and a very slow metabolism.  It took my body some time to catch on to the new plan.  That said, it is worth either seeing a doc or reviewing for yourself your latest blood levels.  Some meds make weight loss very difficult, and sometimes they can be changed to a different med.  That said, taking a good look at what led to your weight gain can help.  If you have been eating a lot of junk, cutting that our can make a difference.  For me, switching to healthy organic, natural food, nothing processed, made a huge difference, with no special or gimmicky diet.  

Another possibility is that you are gaining a lot of muscle.  

Another possibility  - you need a new scale.  🙂

Weight is not the best way to measure progress.  Do you measure yourself?  Do your clothes fit differently?  Do you have more energy?   etc.

Hope this helps.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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Hi Penny,


So when you say suggested calories, I am assuming you mean the calories recommended by fitbit app based on your desired weight loss goal, so all the following is based on that assumption.  The fitbit app is probably over estimating your burn and maybe over estimating your basil metabolic rate (BMR).  I wouldn't follow the fitbit recommendations as you are probably overeating.  Go to a BMR calculator such as: and determine a better BMR.


So BMR is the rate at which your body burns calories just to stay alive.  It is based on your age, weight, height.  Then your daily activity can be added on to that rate to determine your total caloric need for a day.  Here is a site you can check for walking:  Once you know how many calories a day you are buning, you can set your consumption based on that number minus about 500 which should give you a 2 lb weight loss per week.


There is no such thing as starvation mode in normal dieting.  It's a dieting myth that doesn't seem to die.  I believed in it for a long time myself, but based on more recent studies, it's just an excuse now.  If you eat absolutely nothing, you would not enter a catabolic state (state in which body consumes muscle tissue) for more than 60 hours and even then its short lived.  You metabolism slows down for only a few reasons: 1) you loose fat.  2) you allow muscle to atrophy.  3) you slow your activity level.  Yes, it takes energy to maintain fat stores AND energy when you move to move the extra pounds.  This means that as you loose weight, you have to increase the intensity of your exercise to gain a corresponding benefit for calorie burn.


What happens when we loose weight is we hit plateaus where the weight stops coming off, even though we eat the same.  This is due to our current burn rate coming into equallibrium with our consumption rate.  We have two choices at this point: 1) eat less or 2) exercise with greater intensity.  Notice I didn't say exercise more!  Exercise intensity means if you currently walk 2 miles, try jogging 2 miles.  Get your heart rate up.  You can try High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT).  Run as hard as you can for 30 seconds, then walk/jog for 90 seconds and repeat 7 more times (warm up first).  You can do something similar with weight training, but the effect is to get the heart rate and respiration up to its highest for short bursts.  Exercising more can add additional stresses that can cause more cortisol to be secreted which hinders fat loss.


There are more than 40 hormones involved in the entire digestive and energy cycle.  These need to be balanced and the balance can be affected by so many things.  There is not a single thing we can do to fix everything, but only a combination of things that will work.  In my research I've boiled it down to some big headers, some of which we know: 1)Diet (eating healthy, whole foods) 2)Exercise 3) Frequency of food.  In the time in which our gnome was developed, mankind didn't have access to food 24/7.  They also did not have access to processed foods.  Even as late as 200 years ago, about the only processing that was done involved smoking, pickleing, fermenting, drying and grinding.  Now days, we bleach, soak in chemicals, inject, mix with chemicals, use chemicals for preservatives, inject hormones to force faster growth, add fat replacers and  a host of other things (I spent 14 years in food manufacturing, so I've seen it first hand) to manipulate our food into something its not supposed to be.  Resturants add a lot of butter and sugar to foods to enhance the flavor (can you say Palua Dean, the butter queen?).  I could go on and on about how much we adulterate our food in favor of taste and greed vs nutrition, but that would take a book.


So we must eat and exercise in a manner that maintains our lives, not consumes it.  Eat less, less frequently, but eat foods that provide the nutrients we need.  What we need is proteins and fat.  Whole carbs found in vegetables and whole grains are also necessary for certain vitamines and minerals.  In my opinion, the food pryamid should be turned upside down, but we have to go back to eating grassfed/pasture raised meats without the hormones and antibiotics.  We cannot remain sedentary!  I work with computers so I sit all day.  Now I exercise early in the morning before work, at lunch and occassionally in the evening with weights.  I fast everyday for 20 hours (intermittent fasting or IF).  I track calories and consume less than I need. 


I know there are folks here that disagree with me, but this year I've lost 42 lbs (13 of it twice when I stopped doing the right things) and I'm 57 years old.  16 lbs have come since I started IF on 6 Sep 15 (6 weeks or 2.67 lbs/wk).  I'm loosing at the same rate I did when I was in my 20's and 30's, so in my opinion age is just an excuse.  Do the things you need to do and you will succeed.

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”
― Isaac Asimov

“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin
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