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Weight Loss Accountability Friends

I'm Megan. 30 years old. My highest weight was 344.6 last May and since then I'm down 41lbs with a bunch more to lose. I'm hoping to find some accountability partners on here with similar goals. If that sounds like you let me know! 

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Hi Megan!  I' m a bit older than you (52) but have been close to your weight at 330lbs.  I am now at 212.  I am aiming for 160.  Would love an accountability partner as well.  Many congrats on your weight loss!!!  It's just the beginning of an Amazing Journey! 

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Way to go for an amazing job of losing your first 41 lbs. ! I'm a bit older than you, I'm 42 and at my heaviest which is 265lbs.  My goal is to get myself down to 190 lbs.  Unfortunately I do not have a lot of support  from my family so this journey will be an uphill battle for me , none the less I will achieve my goal.  I would love to join forces with you and keep each accountable for our goals. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could get a group of liked minded people together as we take on this personal journey.  

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Unfortunately - I'm the older one!!! 52 🙂 Hope that's still OK.

Yes - it would be GREAT to have a few more folks come to the party! Hoping your journey is going well.

I lost 9 pounds in the last 3 weeks.... really two... then my weight hasn't budged since. Just have to keep plugging along no matter what!!!

Would love to hear how you are doing.

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Do Either of you know how to make a group on here?  I haven't figured that out yet but thought it would make it a bit easier if we could have a group, or even add each other as friends thoughts?   Also what are things that we would like to have accountability for?  For myself I would like to have someone that encourages me when I don't really want to get off my butt.  That I can bounce healthy food choices off or even see how I can make something that I would normally eat a bit healthier. 


Hope to hear from you soon,



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You can count me in as well,  I am way older at 66.  I started my new food plan on Dec 6 2021 at 242.6.  I lost 10 the first month, then in January, I was down another 5, then with no food or exercise changes-while I had covid- I bounced up to 232, for the last 3 weeks I have been bouncing from 228 to 231.   I am sticking to my low carb food plan, and I bought a recumbent bike, hoping it would help my arthritic knees.     I write every bite.  I was doing keto but have transitioned over the last 2 weeks to very low carb.   My daily calories have been 1000-1200 and I think I am too low, that caused my stall. So I am pushing myself to get in 1500 per day.  

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I am interested in joining a group. Since COVID I miss not going to the gym, have a history of weight gain and loss due to a weakness that involves sugar.  Recently, I resumed some level of working out and beginning to walk. I am interested in dropping 35-40 pounds.

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I am interested in being in the group.  I am just starting out again with trying to lose weight again.  I am only in week one but I know I will need some support to keep going.  I have tried walking more and counting calories so I hope it helps!


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I see on the app that a group can be created in the community section.  However, I don't see and option to create a group when you login through the computer.

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Look at this great stuff we have going on here , I LOVE IT!  I have to get to class right now but I will try to carve out some time by the end of Friday to figure out  how we make a group .  

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Hi!  I am also interested in accountability.  I have 45 pounds to lose and am 54 years old.  I have done Weight Watchers, but found the points thing hasn't worked, but working with Fitbit's "deficit" has been working, because I find it challenging to stay within "the zone".  I am down 3 pounds.

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I see what you are saying about the app and when I try to create a group it doesn't allow me to actually create the group after I fill in all the info with my phone app.  This is so frustrating.


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So I have tried and tried to get this app to work, I can put in all the information and add a picture like it requires.  Then when I get to the spot that you hit create I get a message that says it's not supported.  I have done some reading on Fitbit community site and it looks like this is a on going issue with this app and I could find where anyone was able to actually resolve the issue.  That being said does anyone have any other suggestion on how we can create a group ?  Or would someone else like to try and get something going ? The other suggestion we could try is to becomes friends via email addresses if you are comfortable with that.  I think it would be so absolutely  supportive if we could figure something out.   The other thing we could do is just support each other on here . 

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DUCKDUCKGO  said a woman of average height, age 66, weighing 231 who is inactive needs 1650 calories to maintain that weight.  Somewhat active requires 1800 and active needs 2000 calories a day to maintain.  So you may be  eating too little at your weight even to lose weight with a 500 calorie deficit.   Ten minutes on a recumbent bike is my goal suggested by a joint specialist doctor recently after a surprise attack of gout arthritis of my knee.  I can read on my bike and 10 minutes is a doable  goal.  An elliptical puts less pressure on the knee than walking, but a rowing machine can make painful knees worse.  I gave away my rowing machine because you can't read on them even if you have good knees. 😊   This is a good group

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Accountability check 2-12-22   I have stayed on my food plan 90%,  never going over my calories but not always getting in enough.  After bouncing around for nearly a month and not losing I realize I am too low on calories many days.  I am striving for 1500 per day.   I set my Fitbit goal to lose 2 lbs a week so 1500 sometimes says I am over,  I don't care.   I got covid in mid January despite being vaccinated and boosted.   My food stayed the same but my steps and activity ground nearly to a halt as I spent much time on the couch.  I had cold type symptoms but my body was wiped out exhausted.  I think my metabolism slowed down.  Now I am trying to rev it back up with my eating and stepping up activity.    I am pushing myself to do longer periods on the recumbent bike and adding some weight lifting.  I am so much more active when it isn't 15 degrees out with a foot of snow.  I snowshoe when my knees are up to it.    

Here are my goals for the rest of the month: get in 1500 calories per day-I am doing low carb and will watch sodium

get in 30-60 minutes 6 days a week on the bike,  free weights 3-4 days per week

I write every bike and record weight daily.


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Awesome job keeping up with your food goals, 90% is amazing! Are you going under the guidance of a dietitian for your food goals?  Do you use my fitness pal for tracking your food or are you using the Fitbit app for that too?  It's great to know that with all your activity and the NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis)  principle you are doing so much.  I have really been working on giving myself the grace that I don't need to be perfect all the time.  I can't count calories because I become to obsessed with the numbers, instead I write down what I eat in a note book and I make sure to measure what eat. I am also focusing on making sure that I am getting my fruit and veggies in my day.    I am only allowing myself to weigh in on Fridays, I just started  this journey  on Feb 1 and so far I'm down 3 lbs. I'm pretty proud of that, because my family isn't supportive and  they think they need to bring me treats all the time even thought I have explained my goals to them.  Tim's and Starbucks are their favorites to bring me, and there are so many calories in drinks.  Last January I slipped and gave myself a bad concussion, since then I have been dealing with post concussion syndrome. I haven't been able to be very active since I have felt so crappy.  My new therapist has been really improving when I started on my recumbent bike I could only do 30 sec with a heart rate at 80BPM , now I can do 20 min  with 107 BMP.  My goal for the rest of the month is to get my heart rate to 116 BMP , to keep journaling my food  and keep on with my bike and treadmill 6 days a week , my water is going to stay at 96 oz a day. 


I can't wait for the both of us report on our progress. 




Moderator edit: format

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Sheri, I am doing low carb, avoiding processed foods and watching my sodium because that is an issue for me.   My own healthy food plan,  breakfast is 1 or 2 egg omelet- funny you can get in the habit of always using 3 eggs, then go to 2 and you hardly notice it.   Lunch is a green salad, I use a low carb but not always a low fat version.  If I need a snack, I often am happy with a low carb yogurt, a small piece of cheese, an Atkins bar or shake or just a cup of herbal tea.  Dinner is lean protein and veggies.   Except for keto zero carb bread, I don't have any bread, crackers, pasta, rice, potatoes.   I really don't miss it, I find substitutes that work or just make other foods.    I log every bite and water in Fitbit, it counts my steps and floors, I log my recumbent bike, I weigh every day and I record it every day.  Even the days when it shows me up 2-4 lbs for no food reason.      

Yesterday I had a 2 egg omelet with one piece of lean bacon.  Lunch was my salad - 4 cups- dressing, and a yogurt,    snack was an atkins shake, dinner was a grilled steak, asparagus and cauliflower.  If I felt I needed something more I could have a snack from my list.  I don't mind eating the same foods for breakfast and lunch day after day, it is kind of freeing.

Here is a tip about journaling your food.  Plan your food for tomorrow the night before, record every bite ahead of time,  If you get to wanting something check your journal.  It can change how you view logging your food, just something I tried and it was so helpful.


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I have been on my food program since Dec 6 and I have lost 18 lbs.    10 in December, 4 in Jan and 4 so far in Feb.   There are times that we do everything right and the scale does not show our hard work.  Don't get discouraged, do look at your food and be sure you are accurately counting what you eat.  At least 1 day a week be sure to weigh and measure everything.   Stick to it, don't starve yourself, make an effort to take more steps, do a few extra sit ups.     January was a tough month for me, I got covid, I got discouraged, my weight boinged up and down 4 lbs, but I stuck to it and in a few weeks, the scale has started to move down again.  

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Hi Meg,

how are you doing?   I am now down 19.4 lbs,  pushing for the 20 lb mark and a reward!

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How are you ladies doing?  The day before "Mother's Day" I decided to stop the habit I had drifted into of eating constantly all day.  At least that is kind of how it seemed.  I lost 3 pounds.  Now I need to get back to that.   Just 3 meals tomorrow.

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