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Weight loss journey

I am a retired 59 year old male located in Upstate NY. Dealt with my share of up's and downs over the years and of course the older you get it is easier to put weight on. I am 6'2" and started my weight loss on December 30th 2022. I weighed in at 288 pounds and today I am 216 pounds.


Bought the fitbit charge 5 back when I started and it has been a great tool for tracking incoming and outgoing cals. I map my runs and walks with it and compete against myself to beat my distance and time each time I go out.

This post is for those of you that do not think you can do it. YOU ARE WRONG! It is tough to start out but just do not give up. Stick with it and once you start stepping on the scale and it continues to move south you will become more motivated. I started out walking around my block and was out of breath after a mile. I am now doing roughly 5-10 miles a day and it is a cake walk ( NO CAKE).

I crank out upper body weights once a day for about 10 minutes and do 4 planks at 2 minutes each a day.

Watch what you eat! find healthy foods that you love and stick to a cheat day here and there.

I eat a ton of black bean and chicken recipes and also eggs for the high protein value.

I bake fish in the air fryer and even make air fried french fries with a touch of olive oil and seasoning. 

I lose roughly 3 pounds a week now and barely do anything. 

No loose skin either. I drink a collagen protein drink once every 2 days and found it to be very good for muscle support and keeping the skin flexible.

Last time I weighed what i do now was back in my younger days from the military.

If anyone is looking for advice and or support to get you do your goal, please reach out to me. I would be more than happy to help with food ideas, exercise etc.

But do not give up!


Best Answer

Inspiring story @Quinn1, and plenty of good advice. Going from 1 mile a day to 5-10 a day is a huge positive change. Keep it up!

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

Best Answer

Great story @Quinn1 ! Very positive and inspired. 

Best Answer

Thank you for sharing your story, love a success! I got myself a Fitbit for myself for my birthday to help keep track as I try to turn some things around. Inspiring boost!

Best Answer
Keep at it. Don’t give up. Once the results start coming it will motivate
you more. --
George Stone
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You for sure can do this. takes a bit to get use to and to figure things out. But once you have a routine in place things just start working great.


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Thanks so much, it definitely is a learning curve. I've been working on the moving part first and hit my first 10k day early this week. One day at a time, making changes as I go. I tried to add you, but not sure I'm doing it right. 

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