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What do you do with excess calories??????????

Hi all,

Im new to Fitbit.

My question is excess calories.

Ive Burnt 1000 calories today & I have another 10 minutes to do (100 press ups) by close of today.

As its stands @ 19:30 tonight i have 825 calories left to use - I will have a bit chocolate as a treat for all my handwork today with a cup of Tea but that will still leave me with loads!? 

Ive read previously that your body will hold weight if you don't eat enough?

Would appreciate any feedback.


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when I was losing weight and even today doing maintenance, I never worried about eating my calories. I ate what I intended to eat and if there were more burnt, then my deficit was greater for the day. That would more than likely even out through the week. weight loss is a daily numbers game, but a weekly average of deficit. don't eat because you think you have to, do it because your body needs nourishment. And the debate rages on, but I am in the camp of no such thing as starvation mode. Does extended periods of malnutrition change your metabolic rate, probably. But there is no such thing as your body holding on to fat because it thinks you are starving.. look at holocaust survivors, third world countries and something as recent as the show survivor. In any event, one day, one week or one month would not do any of that to your body. 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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excellent emili - thanks so much for responding.

While i have your attention 🙂 do you have a view on using your excess calories on a treat , i.e chocolate etc? dosent seem right to when you are trying to shift weight - but your calories can be used how you want to use them!?



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Simply: Going nuts 😄

Eat Peanuts or Almonds, they have an high calorie count. High fat (but the good one) and also high protein (which you definetly want).


Just an handfull are around 100g and contain 600-700 kcal.

Perfect to use excess calories.

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When I was losing weight, my treat came on friday or Saturday based on my overall deficit.  If you want daily chocolate,  factor that into your calories for the day and stop stressing over it. Not having it makes you want it more, so just have it and make cuts elsewhere.  Preferably a carb.

Elena | Pennsylvania

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I think as long as you are eating through out the day, your body will not feel like is starving. The only time it should do that is if you are not eating regularly, like all of your calories in the morning.  The deficit can be weight loss if you are eating balanced diet.

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