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When to notice weight loss

How long does it usually take to notice weight loss change people have said they noticed I lost weight when I ask if they see my weight loss change they say they have! but I don't see it in fact I feel like I've gained weight but people have said I've lost it so I don't know how to tell because  I don't have a scale at the moment its really stressing me out that I can't tell a change because it makes me think I've gained weight but yet eryone else can see a change 

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Hi @RockinRach  stop asking people and wait for them to say something without your having to prompt them. I knew someone a while back who kept saying "I need to lose weight". "I'm on a smoothie diet". "I stopped drinking soda", "I drink lots of water and eat lots of salad" and so on and so on. It got to where no one wanted to hear it and they avoided this person. They also asked "does it look like I've lost weight since you last saw me?", "Do these pants look loose to you?" and so on. Seriously, the only one who needs to recognize the weight is being lost, other than yourself, would be your health care professional. It's hard to tell in the first few months as your body rearranges the weight. Why not see how your energy level is or if your favorite pants that you struggled to put on seems to go on easier. Those are often the real clues. Scales can be a problem for some people because they will weigh themselves too often and freak out over a few ounces. Same person used to tell everyone "I've lost half a pound", etc. Just eat sensibly, log your food if you want to, but don't be so obsessed. This is a lifestyle change and it won't come overnight. Exercise some if you're able. Walk the long way around in the store, take extra steps putting away the laundry or the groceries and you'll keep moving in the right direction. As for this person who used to bombard others with their weight loss journey - they never did lose more than a few pounds and promptly put it back on. They stopped talking about it because they were embarrassed that nothing had changed after all their talk. So save yourself any negativity and think of each step, each day as a victory. Don't give up on yourself and don't let a lack of noticeable difference keep you from your path. It's often easier to quit trying than to work through the plateau that often hits while trying to lose weight. Find some way to keep active and to get more positive. Sometimes, it is true, you have to love yourself and do what you can because no one else can do it for you.

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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Try finding jeans that fit too tight.  Each week try them on and put them back in the drawer.  You can do this with a dress too

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Thank you I will try this 

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Sometimes, our perception takes time to catch up with reality. Trust what others are saying; they see the positive changes! Also, consider taking progress photos for a visual record. On a side note, have you heard about fat freezing?

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In scientific terms 1 to 3 lbs a week is about all you can loose safety. Anything more can be dangerous. This makes weight loss a long journey if you want to keep it off.

You shouldn't be in more than a 20% calorie deficit. Or else the body can fight back and actually try to store more.

If you have been going to the gym or taking long walks or any form of exercise, then you could very easily be maintaining the same weight but losing the fat and replacing it with muscle. When this is the case, you will notice that the scales might not move or you might even feel heavier, But your body composition (shape) Will drastically change.

Any bodybuilder will tell you that scales one of the worst ways to track muscle gain. Even the fancy ones that tell You your body fat percentage can be misleading.

I hope this helps in some way, and just remember consistency is the key.

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On a side note, have you heard about fat freezing machine for sale? Jontelaser has a machine with four handles that's creating some buzz. It might be something to explore for targeted areas.

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Yeah but no. Spot / targeted weight loss is a myth. End of.

Where your body decides to store fat is purely based on your genetics. Where you lose it from is everywhere at once, But your genetic disposition will be to store more in certain areas.

You can target where you build muscle. This will change your shape and might make you feel better about certain areas that you have concern over.

Be careful who you listen to and what influencer you follow. 

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