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Where Do You Get Your Willpower From??

Hi Guys and Gals 🙂


I have over 5 stone to lose - lost 10 pounds in a month and then put it all back on in a couple of weeks as my willpower disappeared and all I wanted to do was sit on the sofa and eat! So I did!


Sooo I need your help! Any tips on willpower and how to keep going? What do you do to continue, rather than giving up at the first hurdle? I need a kick up the bum!


Thanks 🙂


Kat x

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I don't sleep in my gym clothes, but I do have them all laid out ready to go the night before!


I shower at the gym before heading straight to work, so I have my backpack with my work clothes for the day packed the night before as well.  

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I want to add a little more to my previous post. I went back and watched the Biggest Loser season for this year. I was completely floored by the transformations! Especially the twins from Chicago. Corey said something very profound this year, "You can't buy thin".


Fitbit has all kinds of badges also. It kinda reminds me of the stickers I used to get in school for doing well (think elementary school). It speaks to my inner child, who gets very excited for getting a badge for walking up the equivalent of 10 floors of steps or losing 15 pounds, 20 pounds, etc. 🙂 



I'm swear I'm going to lose it this time!
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I just praise God because about 60 days or so my church did a Daniel fast which consist of no meats and eat all kinds of veggies and fruits and whole grain and the 21 days went by fast and. Closer to God and in the word and I just did not want to stop there. So I go and bought my self fitbit flex and tracking my food and excercise and staying away from the process food and making healthy choices. And faithfully logging in my food what I put in my mouth. And trying to keep a calorie deficit. And I was at 248 and today now I at 220 and two more lbs to meet the healthy choice. For my company. But I still need to get down to 170ish. But Focus on Christ And if you do not have a personal relationship and pray that I am a sinner and thanking God. For sending his son to died on the cross.and invite him to your heart. And then go and tell everyone r good news then stay focus with all your mind soul and strength and he will help you to overcome the desire of food and all different kinds of things that may distract of us. I will keep you in my prayers today as I go and worship at Richmond hts nazarene church in Richmond hts Ohio. God bless of you want reply back and let me know how I can pray for you.
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Write down your lifestyle changes and personal goals. Get a work out partner. Learn to cook. Drink water. Get sleep. Have fun!



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Write down your lifestyle changes and personal goals. Get a work out partner. Learn to cook. Drink water. Get sleep. Have fun!



@SunsetRunner wrote:

Hi Guys and Gals 🙂


I have over 5 stone to lose - lost 10 pounds in a month and then put it all back on in a couple of weeks as my willpower disappeared and all I wanted to do was sit on the sofa and eat! So I did!


Sooo I need your help! Any tips on willpower and how to keep going? What do you do to continue, rather than giving up at the first hurdle? I need a kick up the bum!


Thanks 🙂


Kat x


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Healthy is a lifestyle!!!!! 

Find healthy versions of your favorite "junk" foods! Get in the kitchen more! Focus on eating more veggies > processed foods! My fitbit helps keep me motivated. I also think about how I've come SO far, why would I want to get rid of all the work I'd accomplished? Also, forming a group of people who have similar interests/having someone keep you accountable for your actions! 

Best of luck to you!

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Look at the calories etc for what you are thinking of eating and then think how many steps do I need to do to earn those calories back and is it worth it
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After having my blood pressure skyrocket during a recent bout of bronchitis, the doctor told me to decide if I was ready to live or die, because if I wanted to live I had better make some changes quickly.  So I did.  Eliminating sodium from my diet came first, so processed foods are out.  I have a substantial amount of weight to lose, and at my age, 56, I was afraid it would be so slow that I would get discouraged, again, and quit.  But in 3 weeks I've lost 15 lbs, and I feel so much better.  The bronchitis has been resolved, the blood pressure med is working but more that than I just feel better.  I realized in the past couple of days that I haven't take a tylenol or advil in days, and I was popping them like m&m's for a long time.  Same with tums, for indegestion, miraculously I don't have heartburn any more, despite eating ALOT of onion and garlic in my food.  I use spices, vinegars, oils and lots of lemon to flavor my food, and while, no it's not the same exact flavor I have always been used to, it's still good.  I had a turkey sandwich a few days ago that was so salty to me I couldn't finish it.  Victory!  This way of cooking and eating is something I have always rebelled against, just didn't want to do it, didn't think I could.  But I'm doing it and  it's working, even for a mostly sedentary middle ager like me whose metabolism I thought I had buried under chocolate and sugar a long time ago.

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Hey KatJPW.


Well, I personally have got more than one goal.


1. I want to get fit for the Army ( I am planning to join the Army ).


2. I enjoy being relaxed because of the amount of sport I am doing each day.


3. I like reaching my goals and challenge myself, because it shows me who and what I am.


4. I like going to bed and being able to know what I've done and what I've reached.


5. I of course enjoy the fact that my body is getting even more healthy day after day.


Conclusion: GOALS. If you have goals, just go for them. But don't forget to enjoy the workout itself. Your goal seems to be " lose weight ". It's alright, but you should also concentrate on your willpower, enjoy the moment you've finished something, enjoy the moment your mind has gotten stonger. It's something special.


PS: If you need any help or advise about fitness or nutrition, feel free to write a private message.


Cheers 🙂

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@Cindy I watch Biggest loser as well, some of the people on it are huge, especially the USA version of it, and if they can get fit, anyone can

Granted they have specialist help etc, but at the end of the day watching your calories and exercise is really all it takes
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I also say write down rewards for every 5-10 lbs. mine currently include a new bike, a new workout outfit, a new bra,underwear, a trip for a weekend with just my hubby, and finally a new wardrobe when I hit my goal weight. It keeps me on track for what I have to like forward to. I just got an updated hair color for 30 lbs.
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TSGwendolyn, I also struggled with making time to take care of myself. I finally decided anything was better than nothing. I had to let go of the idea that I couldn't exercise because I didn't have an hour. I started getting up 20 minutes early (and it is a struggle!) to work out before anyone else gets up. I use UTube videos, beginner, low impact. There are tons of free videos. Than I started setting calorie goals and tracking every bite. I use My a Fitness Pal. I've lost 30 lbs. it's been difficult and slow, but I really do feel better. I'm not perfect, but I keep starting over the next morning. My motivator was turning 50-six months before my birthday, I asked myself what I wanted my 50's to look like. I'm successful (and blessed) in so many ways, but I am self conscious about my appearance. I limit what I do because I'm afraid I will not have the physical stamina to do it. So, I decided to make different choices. I decided to be more respectful to myself. I want to model healthy behaviors for the girls in my life. I want to have a lot more adventures for a very long time. As I said, I've lost 30. I want to lose 20 more. I've been struggling with bingeing and stress, but every day is a new day and I will strive to do better tomorrow.
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I have a thin picture of myself on my fridge and it helps me to hold myself back every time I go to the fridge. Last summer on was very careful and lost 23 lbs. I looked amazing but over the winter I gained it all back. So starting today and hope by mid summer I cna get back to the 20 lbs lighter me. It is so hard, but try finding a pic of yourself that was your ideal image and weight and puit it on your fridge. It will motivatew you 🙂

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I get my willpower from my old classmates. One gal, she's my age - yet she looks exactly the same, except for a few wrinkles around the eyes. She posted an obscene crossfit routine (obscene as in challenging) that she did on FB. I was impressed. 


If other people my age can get and stay in shape, why not me? And - if I'm honest with myself, people in good shape are more attractive than those who aren't, all other things being the same. 

Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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I have been struggling with infertility for 10 years. I just got my fitbit 2 weeks ago and I gave already lost 13 pounds. My goal is to lose 110 pounds so we can try IVF. That's where I get my drive from. I walk 5 miles before work every day and another 5 miles by the time I'm in bed.

I AM doing this! ♡♡♡
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WTG Brit.  I myself had PCO long time ago.  I am not sure what this yogasana is called but here is how you do it :

This stimulates ovaries and makes your periods regular.  Try it out.

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For me willpower is a mindset. I have to make the decision and make a plan as to how I will follow it. It's not always easy. I argue with myself all the time. I walk down the candy and chip isle and think about it. Sometimes it's a triumph when I hit the checkout with only celery, carrots, lettuce and broccoli, sometimes it's depressing. Lol! I have a selfie of myself at my fattest I pull out at times. I've lost 34 pounds and I want to lose another 34 or so. Accountability for me helps. I care what other people think. I've involved several people in my weightloss plan, and I signed up at the Gym in a program where i have to check in and work with a trainer. Having support really helps. I think it's a lot of things that add up to a big thing. It's also getting past habits. We are used to reacting to certain situations by eating. Catch yourself and do something else. Life can chip away at us sometimes, find other ways to make yourself feel better. I also had to throw food entitlement out the door: I am entitled to eat what ever I want, I also am entitled to keep gaining weight, there is no cap in weight gain. A good sense of humor helps, I laugh at myself a lot. It's better than the alternative. Good luck and believe in yourself and that you are worth it.

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I know the feeling, at first it was hard not picking up fizzy pop, chocs etc

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Willpower is such an interesting thing.  I am a self-motivator, but often times I will say to myself, "I really don't have time to work out today...", even though I need to keep up my exercise.  Yesterday, for example, I told my wife that "I think I'll go for a short walk..", to which she said, "Uh, huh...".   I started down the road, and got to the first crossroad when I saw a landmark up the road about a half-mile away and decided to walk to it. Then, there was another crossroad that I headed off on. Next thing I knew, I had walked almost 5 miles before returning home. And, I felt a lot better for it!


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I get my willpower from Ace supplements. I feel like once I get motivation and in a "streak" and get the activity and movement going, it snowballs and I feel more positive and want to do more! I also want to be a example to my friends and co-workers. Also drinking H2O is a big big thing, I think of it as transmission fluid for me. I used to be a 6 diet coke a day gal, now I don't even want the Diet Coke. I also think that is in part with the supplements I take. When I took a break from the supplements, I went back to the same bad soda habit.


Bridgette -

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