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Fitbitting with "Man's Best Friend" (upload dog photos here)



We live in "Steinbeck country" (Salinas Valley/Monterey County), named after the famous author John Steinbeck. And just as Steinbeck documented his journeys with his beloved dog in "Travels with Charlie", I'm going to photojournal in this thread my "Travels with Melody".


A lot has changed in Salinas since the days of Steinbeck. But some things haven't changed that much. Today we visited the childhood home of Steinbeck, which has been restored to its original beauty.


Down the street from the Steinbeck House is the Steinbeck Public Library, with a bronze statue of the author at the front entrance. I don't think Melody's ever seen a statue before. At first she was puzzled that he didn't greet her - or even flinch one little bit.undefined


Then she surprised me and became downright ornery!


So I took her back to to dog training school for some proper obedience training. Of course, she passed with flying colors.



Please share photos of your fitbitting friends here!




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@MolRadHi Lola! Looks like a very happy dog!

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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@MolRad Lola looks super happy in all the pictures! Beautiful pictures! Heart

Lucy | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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It was a little misty at the Tennyson MonumentIt was a little misty at the Tennyson MonumentMy walking friend takes me out in all weathers!

She's also my counsellor. I tell her everything that's worrying me as we stroll and I always feel better about life afterwards. 


Ultimate Goal: Mens sana in corpore sano
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@Dave001 - I really like that picture. Thanks to your buddy for getting you out in all sorts of weather!

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Cheers @Baltoscott!


She's not always so keen to go for a walk...

Dog tired!Dog tired!





Ultimate Goal: Mens sana in corpore sano
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Hey @Dave001! The pictures of your doggie are so cute! Smiley Embarassed So cool to have a friend to go out even in bad weather. Smiley Very HappyHeart

Lucy | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@Dave001Love the pictures! Really like the foggy one.

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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That is so cute x

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She's beautiful!

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Basil 2 and Henry 5 monthsBasil 2 and Henry 5 monthsCarrie 8 and Basil and Henry. Trying to keep cool it was 43cCarrie 8 and Basil and Henry. Trying to keep cool it was 43c

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@DyB They are so cute! I love the name "Basil"! It is so cute haha I think it is a great name for a dog! 

Santi | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I used to walk with my dog too, called her my "Walking Buddy".  She passed away last year (I still miss her!) but it was a great way to bond with her.  Now I do the same thing with my niece, only I put her in a wagon so that she doesn't get too tired.  It's a great way to bond with her!

Kristen | USA Cruising through the Lifestyle Forums

one cruise ship at a time!
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My dog Scruffy walking in Shubie Park, Nova Scotia CanadaShubie Park, Nova Scotia CanadaShubie Park, Dartmouth Nova Scotia Canada 

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@DyBSo cute! Looks like they all get along!


@AuroraDawnBrrrrrrr all that snow! Love the pic!

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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My new walking buddy, Buddy! Just waiting on his shots so we can start our adventures!IMG_0349.JPG

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Such a sweet face!  Buddy is a beautiful pup!

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@SunsetRunner Wow! Look at those paws! They are enormous... which means that Buddy will be a very big black dog! So cute, mine had big paws when he was a pup, and now, he is a very big dog! Smiley Very Happy

Santi | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Hey there @SunsetRunner and @AuroraDawn! Buddy and Scruffy are so cute! Cat EmbarassedHeart

Lucy | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@SunsetRunnerLooks like a sweetheart! He is going to get big looking at those paws!

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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Hey guys,


Here's my gorgeous motivation! This is Jax, we live in England right next to the beach!


We patiently wait for walkies...





Then we have a great time chasing the ball... 






Until we cant chase it anymore!






 And then the end result... we sleep. A lot.








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