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Health comments that might be of interest

Even with an endless amount of information available we can still  be so ignorant I'm discovering.  Did you know, bleach kills 99% of germs but isn't for dust mites?  My allergic-to-everything daughter didn't know that her expensive laundry allergy products have as a main ingredient essential oil which does kill dust mites in cold water even and doesn't remove color.  Clove is the most effective then eucalyptus and the other most recommended was tea tree.  But very hot water or hot dryer kills mites, as does Borax a friend finally told me.  I even had the most effective brand by far which google said was 20 Mule team Borax.  We can't see them but scientist say your bed is disgustingly full of dust mites if you don't get rid of them weekly.  You might breath better if you  dust & vacuum your bedroom often.  Was I the only one who didn't know any of this???

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@Glenda hey there. Thank you for the information, but I am curious how this relates to your fitbit? are you finding that with less dust you can breathe easier and your fitness has improved?

Elena | Pennsylvania

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@emili   Yes!!  Dusting and vacuuming makes a huge difference in my breathing.  I was standing on my treadmill one day before turning it on and realized I was already having trouble breathing in that room.  It was even worse than my bedroom that had curtains that hadn't been washed in 10 years.

        Another health item  not related to Fitbit exactly but will protect you from all kinds of health issues is getting a pneumonia vaccination  and regular flu shots which which will reduce your chance of  of dementia which will reduce your chance of viral, bacterial, & other infections with a 6.5 times higher rate of mortality than people who had neither (dementia or an infection)  A pneumonia shot between age 65 - 75 reduced risk of Alzheimer's by 25 - 30 % (up to max of 40%).  The younger you get flu shots the better.   (Studies reported  by the Alzheimer's Association)

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I agree with you! 
Since the pandemic I have a robo vac vacuum my floors everyday and the amount of dust it collects is shocking! 
i also recently purchased a air quality tracker, since I had been having breathing issues and I live in a busy city.  And after starting to vacuum daily, I’ve seen the levels decrease.  

I’ve seen my energy level increase and my motivation to workout increase as well.  

Hoping my breathing starts getting even better.  

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