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Share Your Daily Readiness Score Here!

Now that the Daily Readiness Score is rolling out to Premium users, I thought it'd be fun to share what our score is every day and how we feel about it.


My score for today is 24.  The app says my HRV dropped and that a low HRV means by body isn't recovered.  I had a good night of sleep last night and I didn't do much activity outside of my 10K steps.  I'm curious to see how this progresses.

Heather | Community Council | Eastern Shore, AL
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
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I've had a good couple of days.  I earned my first 100 score, but I have a feeling that's because I had zero score on Friday.  


Yesterday I had a score of 88 and did 3.5 miles on the treadmill in the morning and did hot yoga in the evening, so lots of sweating and almost 200 AZM.  


Today my score is 42.  I plan on going to the gym this afternoon to lift weights.  I'm going to take a break from any intense cardio to let my body recover, but I think 40 minutes of weight lifting will be good for me.  


Heather | Community Council | Eastern Shore, AL
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
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I honestly wish the function was more reliable.  I'm still getting a warning to recover when I was doing ligt activity yesterday.  

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@Heather-S do you use the score to decide what you're going to be doing? If I followed my DRS, I would have no rest at all (yesterday, I had readiness 96 but could barely move after the Sunday trail race, and I had a DRS of 82 on race day). According to Fitbit, my DRS is always excellent. Each day is different and giving me a score of 65 (the lowest I had) to 100 with the same advice isn't particularly useful. Maybe there is something I should be taking out from it but so far I don't know what it is.


This kind of reminds me of something. One morning, my wife was about to get ready for work. Not knowing what to wear she looked at the weather widget on her phone - it said it's raining. So she got ready for that and once she opened the front door she found a very nice and sunny morning. Why check the app when it's simpler to look out the window? 😉

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Hi, everyone, I'm still monitoring my DRS. I follow the same exercise routine each day and sleep the same hours. I find that diet and its influence on my sleep quality (but not quantity) impacts the DRS. Generally, I feel wrung out after my swim on good days and bad days, the DRS does not seem to produce a warning I'm overdoing it. 

I appreciate this is a complex evaluation that takes into account at least three values but I just do not detect any real advantage to knowing my DRS.


Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.

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Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.

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I've come to the conclusion that if I followed DRS I would not be working out at all.  Very disappointing as I do pay for that feature but the rest of premium is good. I followed the recovery day yesterday and today I'm told to rest again?  I wish Fitbit would just admit something is wrong with the algorithm and fix it.  

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Could you please post pictures of your DRS details for the last 3 days ? It seems you have a very low one every day but would like to know what is driving it. 

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Yesterday corrected to Good.  Still, I have no idea why it is showing low.  I wear my fitbit to bed.  I walk at a speed that is just 2 bpms above RHR when I get the relax warning from DRS and yet I still get these messages.  As I have said this function needs an overhaul.


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It is showing Intense activity.

Do you mind sharing your Resting Heart Rate value and one of the exercise summary for the exercise ? 

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That's the thing though.  I wasn't doing intense activity.  Unless fitbit considers walking to the washing machine as intense activity.  I did no exercises for that day.   RDS said to rest that day and so I did.  But no I did no intense workout ever.  I jsut walk, sometimes I walk to the recovery videos fitbit has.  I have an ill and elderly mother so I don't have time to get involved in a regular workout.  I walk, at a pace as stated by RDS to walk, checking my heart rate the entire time.  

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Very unrelaible for me. HRV is always average (regardless my activities), sleep is always good (although I'm having terrible nights because of my little daughter) and the only variable is AZM. So if the day before I don't go run the score is high, if I do sport the score is low. It seems an incentive to stay in front of the TV to me.

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I think something is wrong with either your Fitbit or your setup. 

Do you mind sharing your Resting Heart Rate value and one of the exercise summary for the exercise, via screen capture ?

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What I'm saying is I can't upload a photo.  wouldn't I have to upload a photo to do that?  My resting heart rate is usually between 79 to 83.  

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I can send it to Facebook messenger though if that helps.  Sorry I'm on macbook air (my windows laptop bit the dust)

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@MoonstoneWolf Here is how to post a picture ?

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I read that before.  The device I am using is not allowing me to

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Let me see what I can do when I get home in a few hours.  Mac won't give me the option to upload photos so not sure what's going on.  And I tried both safari and chrome.  

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My score today is 95. Not bad for coming out of a week of bronchitis. Hit my step goal before 2pm at work. Missing the gym but finances won't allow for it so I live with using my fitbit to motivate me to move. 

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My score is excellent again, despite two workouts yesterday and very poor sleep due to an injured back because of the failed dyno. What I noticed, the sleep tracking gave me quite a high score and was labeled "fair". It couldn't be more wrong. I had almost no sleep because of pain (couldn't even turn around in bed). The DRS came up 70, recent sleep is high. HRV dropped (which is what I would expect and EliteHRV shows that, too). I'm curious now, whether Fitbit uses a collection of data from a couple of days to estimate DRS hence no matter what I do, on average I'm always "ready". If this is how it works, it's dead wrong. DRS should be focused only on changes between yesterday and today. This is how EliteHRV works and G...n's BodyBattery. Averaging blurs the results and yes, probably on average I have always "excellent readiness", but definitely not day by day. Also, adding sleep to the equation (based on averaging it, if I understand correctly the description) blurred completely the reality of my last night.


To compare, readiness on EliteHRV gave me a score of 6 towards the sympathetic nervous system (sympathetic activity abnormally elevated, consider active recovery), which I labeled later with "injury", I can barely walk, so my recovery won't be too active. The closest this time was BB (G...n's readiness equivalent which works like a battery recharging overnight) which gave me the comment "your body battery increased by 13 points while you slept. You're bottoming out. Look for ways you can get extra rest." - that's pretty much how I feel today 😕 The night of sleep shows high stress and lots of movement so this time BB wins.


There is not enough information describing how DRS comes out with the score. If Fitbit averages data from a couple of days to come out with DRS then this is totally wrong algorithm for readiness. I can't find any other explanation as to why I pretty much see the same thing all over again despite huge differences between consecutive days. If I'm good on day one, bad on day two, and excellent on day three then of course, on average, I will be "ready" on day four but this isn't daily readiness.



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I was just told I was in cardio and that was pouring a cup of coffee.  I wish Apple would cooperate with me so I can upload these photos to here but for some reason the airdrop is not working.  

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