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So.... showering....

I wonder if anyone knows; after a workout, you have that delicious feeling that you're working hard and your all sweaty - you just want to cool down nice and quickly and get clean and smelling nice.


What's best for that? Cool shower or hot shower?


Bear with me though; cold shower cools your body down and makes you feel cold, right? But don't you just warm right back up again? Hot shower deposits hot water on you which then cools and evaporates quickly, taking heat away...


So which is it for you? Cold shower or hot shower? Or start hot and cool slowly? Start cool and heat up?

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Hi @StoneLaughter  interesting. Reminds me of a friend who drinks hot chocolate in the summer time to cool down! 

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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Hot Water just hot enough that you can tolerate it is the best way to get clean. be sure to use soap for your body and shampoo for your hair.

Thomas (Atomic77)  WATCH SE 2nd GenFitbit aria Air scale
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I don't do cold water ever, so hot for me. It also untenses me, so win all around. 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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No matter how hot and sweaty I am whether from working out or mowing the lawn, I don't shower until I have walked and cooled down even if it means letting dastardly sweat dry on me.   Once I have cooled off I will take a normal temperature shower.


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I always start with hot water and when I feel that my body has got used to the temperature I switch to cold water. 😁

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