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Tips for Self-Improvement

When you decide to become a better person, your life and it’s circumstances can improve significantly. This is usually achieved by looking internally and then changing the way you act externally.


Feel free to share any habits or mindset for self-improvement that you've developed or started practicing in the last few years and that has really helped you to become a better person. Anything that involves your transformation as a person. 


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I personally changed the way I see food and daily routine completely, I decided to do something to improve myself (mentally or physically) everyday and I also started to practice random acts of kindness. 


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I'm just going to randomly tag a few of you to get the conversation going, but everyone is invited to participate of course! 😀


@Jotex @Baltoscott @benvegi @NellyG @SteppingBooks @Glenda @BASILCHIVES @cathm @alexthecat @X1400 @Apk19900 @Sams3 @Gege1002 @MNL08 @FayeValentine @rudyten @SunsetRunner.  


Looking forward to read your replies! 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@DavideFitbit -- I've always maintained a good base fitness level by bike commuting. Since it is built into getting to work, I have to do it every day and that's a great counterpoint to a job that is mostly sitting in front of a computer or talking on the phone (though I can walk/pace while on the phone).


But, of course, COVID changed my routine over the past year and the daily bike commute was no longer needed for the trip from my bedroom to my home office.  I still ride the bike, but since it is no longer automatic I have to plan it.  When I noticed my miles dropping a bit, I decided to shake things up and learn a new skill.  Riding a unicycle!  It's been great. At first I was just getting out 15-30 minutes a day trying to get on and scoot along a fence at a tennis court a few blocks from my house. Then I progress to riding around the court, and now, a year into COVID and unicycling, I can ride for miles and hours. It doesn't beat a bike for commuting -- can't go as fast, can't carry as much, can't change gears -- but it sure is a lot of fun.


Late October 2020Late October 2020Early April 2020 - a week inEarly April 2020 - a week in

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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I have found that learning to embrace change is a challenge, but it's also very important for growth. Some of the biggest and least welcome changes in my life have turned out to be huge opportunities for personal and professional growth. 
Dealing with change can be really hard though. It's easy to settle into your comfort zone and just want to stay there. For me, growth has almost always come from trying to exceed the boundaries of my comfort zone. 
A recent example: I have a Facebook friend in another country who is an artist. This is a tough time to be an artist! She started offering drawing classes via Zoom. I'm the least artistic person ever, but I wanted to help my friend, so I enrolled in one of her classes. I learned that Zoom art classes are a lot of fun and that I'm better at drawing than I thought I was. None of that would have happened if I'd stayed stuck on the idea that I have no talent for art. 
Community Council Member

Amanda | Wyoming, USA
Pixel Watch 3, Inspire 3, Sense | Android

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That seems like a great and fun skill to learn @Baltoscott! Lately I've been thinking to start riding my bicycle again, I'm also working from home so I'll have to plan it as well. Riding a unicycle definitely seems a lot more fun through. 😀


I totally agree with you @alexthecat, I've had a similar experience with a few things in my life where I just felt insecure to do something but the outcome turned out to be great. I've always love languages and I had an interest for German, but I thought it was just too difficult for me to learn. I decided to take the risk and invested my time on some German courses, and it's one of the best decisions I've made! 😁

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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