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What are You Health and Fitness New Year's Resolutions for 2020?

Hi Everyone,

My health and fitness resolutions for the upcoming year are:

Exercise at least 30 minutes 6 times a week.

Take my vitamins/supplements every day.

Prepare my lunches for work.  They tend to be much healthier than anything I would pick up to eat for lunch.

Get at least 6 hours of sleep a night. 


Here's to a great 2020!!!



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Hey @cathm, how are you doing? Thanks for sharing your fitness resolutions for 2020. 😊


Since the beginning of year I have heard different and sustainable new year's resolutions like “drink 8 glasses of water every day”, “get 7 hours of sleep every night”, “wear sunscreen every time I plan on spending more than 30 minutes outside”, or “meditate for 30 minutes every weekend to relieve stress”. And I really wish I can get each one of those.


But I think that my main fitness resolution is to maintain my strength train two times every week. 


Strength training is a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction, which builds the strength, anaerobic endurance, size of skeletal muscles and bone density. I just love the benefits:

  • Benefit #1: Maintaining Muscle Tissue
  • Benefit #2: Increased Strength
  • Benefit #3: Improved Bone Health

Good luck with your resolutions!

Want to get more active? ᕙ(˘◡˘)ᕗ Visit Get Moving in the Health & Wellness Forums.

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