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What are you doing to keep type II diabetes in check?

I went from pre-diabetes to a A1C level of 5.4 with several small changes that all added up to good lifestyle changes. I’m looking for more tips from others who are controlling (or trying to control) their glucose levels. We can help each other. 


Here is my biggest change: My worst time to eat was in the evening while reading or watching tv. I found it almost impossible to control what I was eating or how much I was eating. I remember getting frustrated and thinking it would be easier to just not eat in the evening. So I stopped! I have nothing other than a cup of tea after dinner. I started this during the pandemic and am happy to report it is now a strong habit.


What are you doing? 

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One more thing … if I ever feel I just have to have something sweet in the evening, I have one piece of sugar free hard candy. It’s kind of amazing how many varieties are available. My current favorite version tastes like black licorice. It’s 45 calories and no carbs.


Also, during the day if life is being challenging and I feel the need to comfort eat, I will have one of the Atkins snacks. Most are 3 net carbs. They do the trick for me but I try not to overdo it (they are processed food) … not more than one or two a week. But it’s nice to have something I can say YES to. 

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