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What do you do to stay positive during the pandemic?

Hello everybody!


I was wondering, what strategies have Fitbit users implemented to stay positive during the pandemic?


In my case, I've been taking some courses online about programming languages. I hope to become a software developer very soon.


I don't constantly check the news nor social media to avoid being bombarded with negative news. I try to work out every couple of days and spend time with my wife and my dog 🐶. So far it has worked.


I think it is very important for us to be busy most of the time to keep our body and brain in good shape.



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Since my doctor does not want me going out much, I’ve been Zooming! Visits with friends & family ... listening to Zoom lectures hosted by nearby libraries ... enjoying streamed concerts. Even my book club had only missed one meeting when we decided to keep meeting via Zoom. It’s not perfect but it keeps me going. Good idea about choosing to limit our own exposure to news. @EdsonFitbit . That helped me, too. And along that same idea, I’ve become more particular about who I choose to follow on social media. 

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Those are good tips @SunsetRunner.


Yeah, I've limited my friends in social media too and I don't hesitate to share funny stuff whenever I can. Laughing is a very important companion 😁.

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Like others, I have severely limited my exposure to the best of my control.  I wore a mask before it was mandated in my state.  I shop when it is less crowded, and make fewer trips.  No friends over, my only contact is my daughter who is a nurse and is tested weekly.   I maintain social distancing, I get my 'dry goods'-non perishables from Sams Club, delivered to my door.  Grocery delivery is not available out in the rural area I live in,  
That being said, I am making the most of this time,  I am retired and consider myself very lucky that I am and my income is not affected. I have made a donation to the local food bank.  I have ordered takeout from some local restaurants.  I have used this time to tackle those "someday" projects.   I gathered up old home movies and sent out to be digitized.   I transferred old camcorder tapes to DVD.  I have since undertaken a photo project, scanning 100's of old black and white family photos and had copies made for my kids and niece and nephew, then put albums together for them.  Still working on the ones for my 2 kids.  I send random items from Amazon or those I have put together for my kids, to  surprise and cheer them up for no special occasions.   I am also taking this time to address some home projects that need doing, I am currently painting ceilings.    Last spring I built raised beds out of cedar and put in a vegetable garden which I will do again this year.  I took up woodworking, using boards off my old barn.  I knitted slippers for my brother's family,   ETC.

I am grateful that no one in my family has had covid or been affected by it.   I have had my first vaccine and the second one is next week,

One can sit around and complain about everything or take on the challenge to do something productive,

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Wow, you've mentioned many interesting activities to take advantage of these difficult times @BASILCHIVES.


I've been thinking of having a vegetable garden for a while but I never start. I would like to plant strawberries and then potatoes. I've watched some videos and they look great. Maybe someday. 🙂

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