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Who has the Most Lifetime Fitbit Steps?

I thought it might be fun to see some of the "Total Lifetime Steps" figures from a few of the more diehard Fitbiters out there. I've been using my Fitbit Ultra for just about 2 years, and noticed that I've now gone past the 5 Million Steps mark (I'm currently at: 5,018,549 steps).


While 5 Million Steps may seem like a lot to some newer Fitbit users, I can tell you for sure, that my wife easily has me beat, since she now has logged over 7½ Million Steps (and we both started using our fitbits right around the same time).


But of course, I'm sure we could actually see some really amazing high figures if some of the more agressive Fitbit users would like to share their current Lifetime totals with the community.

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375 REPLIES 375
I am afraid I have to hang my head,
This year I am at 11,512,122 steps
This time last year I was at 12,395,350
My excuse is I am over 80 now and slowing down.
Total now stands at 130,525,064.

You have averaged close to 40K steps a day 39,160,
At your current rate you will make 14M for the year with ease (haha)

Well done. I know how hard it is to keep the average up over a very long time.
So many things interfere and then it puts you in a catch-up situation.

I have a target of 40K steps a day, but this year I am not going to make that number.

I know of nobody else who has got close to 100M steps. Do you?


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Thanks, Peter.  Wow, to keep up that number at 80 is wonderful - no shame in slowing down a little.  

Yes, I should do 14M unless something goes badly wrong - just over 33,000 needed per day now, and that figure drops each day.


I've not seen anyone else with 100M steps, but one or two others on here with totals similar to mine.  I hope to join you in the 9-digit club some time in 2023.

Do you have a highest total for a year to share?


I tend not to start the year with a particular target, as January 1st doesn't usually see a great start!  Last year, I had quite a few months of a million steps, so my first target in 2021 was to achieve 12 million-step months.  Once I'd managed that in February, then 13M. looked definitely possible, so I worked out the daily and weekly requirements.  I keep a detailed spreadsheet, so can see how far I'm ahead or behind, and with the longer and warmer days of Spring and Summer 14M started to look realistic, so I revised the target again.  

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I am a numbers man keep an excel spreadsheet with every day recorded
Had my Fitbit for 3,669 days

Best year 2020 steps 14,682,364
Distance 8,234.51
Average 40,116
Miles 22.56

Next best 2016 Steps 14,414,651
Distance 8,268.65
Average 39,384
Miles 22.59

Best day
29 March 2015 Steps 100,303
Distance 60.15 Miles

Best Month
July 2015 Steps 1,563,163
Distance 1,479.2 Miles
Average 50,124 Steps
Distance 29.65 Miles

A marathon is 26.21875 miles, therefore averaged more than a marathon every day for a Month.
I won't do that again.

Travel makes it harder to keep up the average.
Up to Cov19 we went overseas, normally twice a year so plane trips and driving make it hard.

I live in Perth Western Australia.
We have driven across Australia several times this year. A Distance of 3600Km one way.
Flying is not allowed.
You cannot drive for 14 hours a day and still do much walking.

Where are you?

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I'm in Shropshire, about 15 miles from the Welsh border.  We're surrounded by beautiful hills, so the walking here is wonderful, but we get a fair bit of rain because of them.


Those are some big stats, Peter!  Well done!  Your best month gives a very good answer to that other thread about 50,000 steps.....


I've lost some of my exact records because of computer problems, so some are from memory:


Best year (this one should beat it hollow):  2020, with 12,479,957 steps.

Best month:  July, 2021, with 1,289,374

Best week:  Week 9 of 2021, with 308,638

Best day:  in 2016, doing the Shropshire Six Summits walk - I don't have the figure, but it was safely over 90,000 steps.

Most steps in 24 hours:  over 120,000, doing the Long Mynd Hike (50 miles).


You must have a much longer stride than I do, looking at your figures.  I need between 2,000 and 2,200 steps per mile.

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Know Shropshire well.
Have many friends there.

Done many car rallies in the area.
Stayed with friends in Shrewsbury, Darwin's home town, many times.

Cov19 has put a complete stop to any travel.
We are LOCKED into the State of Western Australia.
We have complete freedom to do anything within the State but we cannot leave and nobody can get in without massive, authoritarian control.
The geography makes this possible with only 2 roads into the State from the East and VAST distances between places.
You could possibly take a 4 wheel drive vehicle across the desert, but that is visible via satellite and a life risking adventure. No water, nothing and of course you would have to take all your fuel etc.
Not an adventure many people would risk, so far non have been successful in making this trek.

I have never done a walk with anybody or a group, always on my own at my own pace.

Think as I get older I am becoming more satisfied doing my own thing, not socially good but very easy. I have everything I need at home and although we are close to the city center have the space to have what I need at home.

I have a regime, walk to the post office before breakfast for the mail, 12 miles round trip.
Fiddle with my cars during the day in my workshop.
Dinner then walk on my walking machine in the theatre till midnight. Watch movies, TV, documentaries etc.
Jennifer gets up when I get back from the mail. Enjoys her garden all day, only feet from my workshop, has dinner and sleeps in front of the television in the library of an evening.

Darby & Joan. But very happy. We are over the drama of travel. We have had our cars in many countries over the last 20 odd years and the hassles with customs, and other regulatory bodies have become too onerous. So that chapter has closed.

Just getting old and very relaxed.

You will beat me this year, and I would guess every year going forward If I make 12M steps a year for the next 5 I will be happy.
Playing with numbers, if I do not walk again I will have averaged almost 19,000 steps every day between 70 and 90 years of age.
If I make 12M steps a year I think I will be ashes before you pass me in total.
If you do 4M steps a year more then me you will need more than 10 years to get ahead.
Numbers say if I live long enough I will still have to look hard to find somebody who has done more steps.
Doubt if I will be still possible to be a serious challenger after 2031. The year my spreadsheet runs out.

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@yu4517 - I enjoyed reading your post. Your idea of slowing down would be seen as active success for many of us! I wish you sto lat!  One hundred years! I’m in the US but of Polish descent. We wish sto lat at every birthday celebration but I’m not going to wait for your birthday. Keep up the good work! 

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Shrewsbury is our nearest quite large town - they make quite a bit of Darwin there.


Unless you live to 100 (wouldn't surprise me if you did!) then I don't think I'll pass you while you're still around.  There might be folk who have done more than you, but they would have been recording their steps for a greater number of years, or have even greater stamina than you do, which would take a lot of doing.  


I retired early nine years ago, and, like you, have a pattern for the day, more so since getting a dog.  It doesn't start with a 12-mile walk, but I do go out with my dog before breakfast - either 50 or 90 minutes, which is 5,000 or 10,000 steps.  Same thing after our evening meal (in the dark now we're approaching winter) and in the afternoon I'm out for about three hours, either with or without the dog.  With him, I do around 7,000 steps per hour, and on my own, if I'm walking roads, it's more like 8,000.


I don't feel that I'd enjoy walking a treadmill to get my steps in, but I guess you can enjoy whatever is on the screen while you do that.


You step roughly a yard each time, so you gain about six inches on me for each one.  I can't quite get my head around your July 2015, though, as it looks like you did 60 inches per step!


Keep up the good work, Peter.

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I have never examined what Fitbit records.
Just note what it says on the screen.

The distance is just noted, it's the steps that are my main focus.
I doubt if a 60" step is likely, possible or probable.
So you now cast doubt on my distance records, but I will continue to record what fit bit says, too old to change.
It has no real meaning, nor do steps it's just a record.

I did try to record the number of flights of steps some year back
While in Davos one year there was a multi story car park.
It was snowing outside and I spent several hours going up and down the stairs.
I was chasing a badge, cannot remember which one but it was for the maximum no of stairs in a day.

I am banned from walking outside of an Evening.
As I said we live close to the city center.
One evening while walking on a main road a group of indigenous youths were changing the shape of a glass bus stop with star pickets.
They saw me and started to follow.
In panic I rang Jennifer, she hopped in her car and came and collected me before I had a chance to talk with these lovely young men.
I bought a treadmill the next day.

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I wasn't casting doubt, Peter - but an apparent 60 inch step for that month did raise my eyebrows!  Were you running for any of that?


I can understand about the treadmill now - I'm lucky to live among the hills, so it's fine for me going out with a torch, and a fishing collar for my dog.   The local youth fraternity doesn't trouble me where I go - they'd rather be indoors, I think.

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I just record on my spread sheet what Fitbit says when I log on.
Never have any idea how the distance is calculated. Just trust Fitbit.
Never run. Have back problems so walking is all I can manage.
Overall I am slowing down. As I get closer to my 81st birthday I am finding everything is getting harder.
Used to work on my cars for 8 hours a day, now I find 2-3 hour bursts than a break for a coffee.
Unfortunately. I do not think it’s going to get better.
Sent from my iPhone
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Peter, surely slowing down a bit isn't too surprising for an octogenarian, even one as fully active as your good self!  If I'm walking anything like your distances by the time I reach that decade, I'll be very pleased.  And I'm sure you will get to 200 million before you reach the end of your spreadsheet.


2021 is now confirmed as my best stepping year - up to 12,576.084 now.

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@Vidd @yu4517 -- you guys are putting up some amazing numbers. I've made it over 6M steps this year, but it's looking like I'll fall short of last year's 6.9M.  Maybe I'll get 6.7M ... we'll see.  One step at a time.




Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Somewhere between an eighth and a ninth of the year left, so 6.7 looks possible with a bit of a push!  Good luck - It's good to have a final target for the year, I find, and OK to change it if circumstances dictate.  After I started counting steps, it took me until the fourth year to get over the 7M mark.

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I agree @Vidd -- you have to be flexible and willing to change if needed. I've been in this range for a few years. 20K always feels like a good day to me. Similar to where I started 10+ years ago.  My biggest year was 2014 at about 11.4M. Somehow, that's also the year I developed plantar fasciitis. Took me a couple of years to get over that. Stretches mainly, but I think cutting the steps back a bit helped. Fortunately I really like bike riding so I still get out plenty.


Fitbit lifetimeFitbit lifetime

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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no change!
Still averaging just short of 35,600 steps a day.
35,594 actually trying to get to the 36,600 number
131.7 million total steps
118.7k kilometres

I am surprised nobody appears to have done more.

I wait to hear who has overtaken me.
Sent from my iPhone
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All I can do is get ahead of you this year, Peter!  I'm averaging 39343 at the moment, so I'll come in a little under your 2016 and well behind your 2020.

I'd have to average over 40000 from here on in to beat your 2016, and as we're in the grip of winter I don't see that happening - too many days of challenging weather. 

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Do not worry

As I get closer to 81 I am finding it harder and harder.

I will never exceed 2020. It is a milestone that I will just have to look back on.

Age is a permanent thing, ever increasing, while the weather can improve age..............

I have days now where I think, why?

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Screenshot 2021-12-31 at 19.59.47.png



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Best wishes for 2022 everyone! 🙂

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Well done for crossing another million barrier, and Happy New Year to you and everyone else too!


I've got some stats for the year 2021 to share:


Annual total:  14,367,610 steps

Daily average : 39363

Final hurrah - December 31st:  50824


I'm toying with the idea of a 15M target for 2022, but the thought is pretty daunting at the start of a new year.




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