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Who has the Most Lifetime Fitbit Steps?

I thought it might be fun to see some of the "Total Lifetime Steps" figures from a few of the more diehard Fitbiters out there. I've been using my Fitbit Ultra for just about 2 years, and noticed that I've now gone past the 5 Million Steps mark (I'm currently at: 5,018,549 steps).


While 5 Million Steps may seem like a lot to some newer Fitbit users, I can tell you for sure, that my wife easily has me beat, since she now has logged over 7½ Million Steps (and we both started using our fitbits right around the same time).


But of course, I'm sure we could actually see some really amazing high figures if some of the more agressive Fitbit users would like to share their current Lifetime totals with the community.

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387 REPLIES 387

I am at 20,684,687 steps since Jan 2016..

Addicted to steppin'..


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It's sad that Fitbit haven't addressed the request for extra badges. We have tried, even to the stage where I saw a post way back of a Fitbitter creating his own badges.


It's great to read these achievements and let's keep going... going... going and going. 

Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
Best Answer

Getting there with just over these numbers in 22 months:

10,000,000 steps

12,000 floors

4500 miles

Started diet on January 1, 2019

and lost 50 lbs as of Aug 28th

63 lbs lost from high of 280 Sept 2017

Best Answer
Your weight loss is good.
My 101million is at an average of almost 35k a day for 2800 days. i have lost 16kg.
So far nobody appears to have been as stupid as me. I am almost 79 and plan to reduce the effort after my 80th birthday

Sent from my iPhone
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That's impressive especially for you age. I'm almost 66 and hope to be
doing it at 80. To bad there's no badges for that. Fitbit's missing the
mark for not recognizing the efferts of the long term life time numbers for
all of the categories that get badges for earlier efforts. Why did they
just stop. I see posts from years ago asking but with no results. I guess
they don't care about their long-established customers who promote the
product everytime they show it to freinds and strangers.
Best Answer

I am 68 years old , fitbitting since Oct. 2015, with Surge initially , changed to Ionic in 2018. In four years I reached 32,7 Million. Steps Captura de pantalla (387).png


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Hey Mar1951,

My kids bought my Charge2 in Nov 2017 after I started walking in Sept and
it's been life changing for me and a lot of fun. I'll be 68 in a little
over 2 years and hope to get to your numbers by then. Keep up the good
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 I did start this self-discipline in 1998, when my weight was 40 pounds more than now (actual 140). Passed from smoking 30 cigarettes daily to zero. Feeling young again! it's Better Late than Never.  If we whould have Fitbit in ninenty, probably my lifetime  steps at present would reach 160 M.  good luck to you!


Best Answer
Someday I'll find out from the Big Guy just how many lifetime steps I
really have. Anyway my life changed completely in Sept 2017 when I stopped
drinking wine and and occasionally Canadian whiskey and 7up and started
walking. A couple of months later my kids liked what I was doing and bought
me a fitbit. So the fun continues hopefully for the rest of my life. Thanks
for responding.
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I am passing 9.75 million lifetime steps with Fitbit today!

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You can make 10m steps soon. Keep going
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23 million steps since june 2015, this year im been doing less steps but next year i will get on track

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20,769,938 Since 6/15/2014 ... that's 10,395 / day.   I'm on track to hit 21,000,000 on 12/31/2019 (cutting it close to year end for that milestone).  This year, I have 4,575,000 steps logged so far.


Slow and steady wins the race!!!


Best Answer

Keep Going Mart! I got my Fitbit in 2013 for my 70th birthday and being retired I had ample time to walk. My total is over 54 million steps since I still walk about ten miles/Day.


I'm a morning persona and my morning walk with the dog is about 3 miles. I go to the y and work out and walk. Then the noon dog walk and evening dog walk. 


Retirees have no reason to be out of shape except if they watch too much TV. I still have time for photography, volunteering, and woodworking.


Don't ever just retire FROM a job, retire TO something.

Best Answer

Well done everyone...keep up that walking if and when you can. 🙂


Earlier today I reached 25 million lifetime steps which feels like a nice little landmark. That is since 19 February 2017 and so, over 1033 days I have averaged 24,200 steps, which feels halfway decent.





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Made 21,000,000 on 12/19 ... a few weeks ahead of schedule


       4,908,316 Steps  in 2019 ... so far.  Maybe I'll hit 5MM steps in 2020. New goal
Best Answer

@FatOldMan That's awesome!  I hit 10m total steps this year and I would like to aim for 5m in 2020 also.  Going to take a lot of dedication!

Heather | Community Council | Eastern Shore, AL
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
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I started with the original Fitbit in late 2009. I have Steps | 44,250,534 as of today...not bad...


The co-founder, James Park has only 34,642,772 as of April this year (according to podcast How I Built This - 4/27/20.)


And he started tracking with the balsa prototype in 2008 most likely!

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Wow!  I’m at 11,200,000.  Not bad but far behind you!

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0 Votes
I was given my original fit bit as a present 21 October 2011.
3,119 days ago.
Current count 109,409,269 steps
61,259.2 miles.
Current target 100,000 km should get there 21 June 2020. Then I have to think of a new target.

It is a pity that Fitbit do provide the graphs that they did in the early days giving averages over the various age groupings.

Would like to know if anybody has passed my count.

Stay fit and avoid CV19

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