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You know you're a Fitbit addict when...

  • You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
  • You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
  • You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps


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~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
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1,621 REPLIES 1,621

@Marydu  I beg to differ!  You are delightful and I love reading your posts.  I'm bionic, although not as much as you are.  So keep on writing, I'll keep on reading, and we will both be happy!

Currently Blaze plus Alta as back up which is THE perfect combo! One
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Thanks you all reading my post and commtes back to me and all of the #fitbit friends and family.

I am a Fitbit addict and I love my  coke  too.

I am a addict to the new kids of the block also I am a proud fan of the New kids of the block sister Since I was 9 years old. And a fan of the New Kids of the block. I am a Jordan Knight Girl and then Donnie W. And Danny Wood. And Then Joey....


Thanks for reading my post have a great day

Missy M. as@ nkotblove
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@Marydu wrote:
 I obey my cats (obey God first, though)..............keep on walking!!

Are they by chance one and the same? Egyptians worshiped cats as gods thousands of years ago, and not only have they not forgotten, they don't let us forget either.


@Like @Donna_K, I'm quite young at heart. I will wear "punk" colored lipsticks and nail polish and not care if my polish matches my outfit. But then I came of age in the 1980s, so maybe that influenced me.

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@nkotblove  Just a suggestion here.  Edit your post and if the coke you are referring to is Coca-Cola it might be better to indicate that.  There are those out here that might take it the wrong way, if you know what I mean.

Currently Blaze plus Alta as back up which is THE perfect combo! One
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@DanielleinDC  Glad to know that there are a lot of us out there that are young at heart!  If you can see from my pic, I wear flourescent colors in workout wear.  If people don't like it, they don't have to look.  Right?  LOL!  For that matter, the red hair is out of a bottle (who doesn't have gray hair when they are 63 anyway!).  


I'm sad today.  My metal band for my Alta came and I am unhappy with it.  So sad as I was really looking forward to using it too, but I find it problematic to get on and off.  Fitbit support is awesome though.  They promptly created the means to ship it back via FedEx to them for free.  I'm now considering a leather band once the credit is processed.



Currently Blaze plus Alta as back up which is THE perfect combo! One
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Doesn't ALL red hair come from a bottle? I'm still wearing my Alta on my ankle, Customer Service says it is not recommended. But like I said before, with my various pieces and parts falling apart - off - I don't swing my arms when I walk, like a "normal" person. I think it's accurate - get lots of steps anyway. Even if it isn't entirely accurate, just seeing a lot of steps makes me do more. Doing more is what counts - right? Baby monster cats still try and take it off though. You guys are lucky I'm so bad with the computer - I'd post a million pictures of my cat family! Keep on moving..........
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@Marydu  No my dear Marydu.............not all red hair comes out of a bottle.  I get bored with mine at times and have added red food coloring to the dye and then it is really nice!  Actually, I really can't take credit for the idea.  One of the colors I had purchased, I swear, had a small tube of red color in it to be added and I swear it was food coloring.  So I decided what the heck and tried it on one that it didn't come in and it came out perfect!  I definitely will do it again if I can't get the exact color I want.  Oh yeah, for what it's worth, I have first cousins that when they were kids had red hair brighter than a new copper penny.  It just didn't make it to my side of the family, but the freckles and the fair complexion that redheads tend to have-that I got blessed with.  Blessed you say?  More like cursed-I do not tan, I burn and peel at the least hint of much sun.  Sunblock is my friend!


I'm committing to be a part of "Step It Up."  Will you be joining?  I think you would be a distinct asset to any team you choose.  We have a really good team going, so let me know if you want to be a part of it and I will get the information to you if you want it.

Currently Blaze plus Alta as back up which is THE perfect combo! One
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This is SO true! I can't be without my FitBit and now that I have the Charge 2, I am even more addicted! I love the connected GPS and seeing the maps of my running and biking routes in the app! I loved my Charge and now love the Charge 2! Weekly challenges with co-workers is a lot of fun, too!! Smiley Happy

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@Donna_Kb ack in the 60's my parents where a member of a square dance club.. One of the ladies bleached her hair, then used food coloring to make it match the color of her outfit. For most it was fun to see, but we wondered what it was like the rest of the week. 

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I guess somewhere I have red-haired relatives - I remember one aunt who got red hair my way! I'm still wearing my Alta on my ankle. The sleep might be off, but I believe the steps. @Donna_K - I'd join a group, but if I try using my cell phone, nothing happens and I don't have Fitbit on my tablet - so I'd have to hang around my desk top computer. I USE TO say I was good with computers - what I actually meant was I was good with word processing - there is a huge difference! I guess I could call the poor picked on folks at Customer Service - they have got to be saints - how in the world they can explain anything to me and say it in a way that I understand, is beyond me. I do tell them at the start that I am an idiot and to proceed knowing that! They are always so polite - saying "Oh, no, you are not an idiot." I tell them - trust me, it'll be easier for both of us if just keep that in mind! I'll check on it. I've got multiple doctor appointments coming up - besides the pieces and parts - now my stomach is getting into the act. I've had gastric bypass (1993) and suddenly everything gives me incredible heart burn. Guess it's just another piece or part falling off / apart. Whatever - I'll deal with this too. I'm way to old for this nonsense and I refuse to give in it to. My newest - I get people looking at me (pity or something else I don't like) and they ask how I am doing. My answer is - I'm great - I'm upright and walking!! That keeps them from asking any more questions......and keeps me from telling them - oh, I don't know. Sometimes I actually think whoever is asking is waiting for me to tell them I'm falling apart, etc., and they are disappointed when I tell them I'm great! Oh well, got cat hair to chase down.............
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You know you are a Fitbit addict when you stand up and walk in circles or back and forth around the floor at your workplace and everybody is like: "Dude, what are you doing?"... - "I'm trying to do 250 steps for this hour, and every hour!". And they are like "Smiley Frustrated ok, good luck". 


Smiley LOLSmiley LOL I love Fitbit. 

Santi | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I was doing so much walking in place at home over the weekend to get my 250. My boyfriend razzed me a bit about it, but he knows I need to get my steps in!

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 Hello my friends and good afternoon

I been lazy for days now I need go back for walking on the theadmill today and this week What I am on the leader boar says: 4k steps in one day


Just been lazy and I had things to do I make Halloween treat bags for Halloween time

Thanks for stoppin bye and reading my post


Missy M. as@ nkotblove
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You are a Fitbit Addict when you are not able to wear other watches that you have. Lol!

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Jonmartin lol !! So true your statement 😀
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I guess I'm a Fitbit addict Smiley LOL

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Wearing my Alta on my ankle (against Customer Service's advice/advise - never get that right) - I think for me, 'cuz of the pieces and parts problems, it's more accurate and I'm going way over my tiny 4,500 daily steps. It also helps that I ordered a 8 CD set from Time-Life of old, old country songs - that got me moving. Then I ordered an 8 CD set of old, old rock & roll (50's and early 60's). I clean like a crazy woman - raked the front lawn (dead), even danced with the rake, singing. It was either sing or scream with the pain - I decided to share the pain and sing - I can't carry a tune!! But I'm moving and my house is pretty much spotless! I think I mentioned, that along with physical problems, I am equipped with mental issues - social anxiety disorder. People, places, scare me, so I don't go places. Well, there has been a huge improvement - between God, a good psychiatrist and great drugs, I've gone to several events - alone. I had tried in May, got to the thing (a cat circus - 12 cats playing musical instruments, one chicken and a groundhog), but "faded" - sorta went half way to sleep through the entire show and driving home (not a smart thing to do). But, I went to 3 "events" in September - the first thing, I never "faded" but I believe I babbled like an idiot. I couldn't believe I was around strangers - it was a thing my neighbor held in a park to promote her business (event/party planning). I talked (babbled) to people I didn't know, was able to drink and keep down a soda and after that, I even ate without barfing in fear! I left after about 2 hours. As I was leaving I realized that I was the only white person there -- not that it makes a difference, but in the old days, that would have been enough to make me feel like I didn't belong. Later I asked my neighbor to please tell her friends I'm really not an idiot, I just sound like that sometimes. Earlier this month I went to a Successful Aging Expo. I had to use my wheelchair for that, way too much walking for me, but I got the thing in and out of the car, and wheeled myself up and down the steepest handicap ramp I've ever seen! In the wheelchair with me, I had a small purse and a folding cane, so if I wanted to walk (like into the bathroom) I could. All this cleaning and walking has made my back and hips and my right knee really upset, but if I do nothing I will get to the point I can't do anything. And no matter what my birth certificate says, I am way too young for that. Keep on moving!! Oh, last thing, guess I need to change my daily steps from 4,500 to 5,500 or maybe more! Hey, I could get to 10,000 a day - eventually.......
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@Marydu - some great strides you're making.  Remember, as long as you are improving, no matter the speed, this is a good thing.  I think it's a great thing that you are getting out to events.  This sounds like it is excellent progress.  Sometimes we forget that reaching a new personal best is the goal.  For everyone that is different.  It might be steps, weight loss, or in your case - joining people to overcome your fears.  Great job!

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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Yes, am addicted. I even walk to store now. It's all Fitbit. It's a great
way to stay in shape. Only if there was more adventures
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@Marydu  Your keep on, keepin on attitude is commendable!  I'm beyond thrilled that you are entertaining the idea of increasing your step goal a bit.  That's fabulous!  You go girl!

Currently Blaze plus Alta as back up which is THE perfect combo! One
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