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You know you're a Fitbit addict when...

  • You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
  • You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
  • You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps


Moderator edit: format

~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
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1,621 REPLIES 1,621

Your still in your 30's and you begin mall walking and Walmart walking just to get your steps in for the day....and pulling the buggy in walmart instead of pushing it to make sure your steps are being counted

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Now, THAT'S funny.


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Addicted and trying to find more addicts on the forum to come here to post!


Join us - resistance is futile! Yeah, you can't help it, you're drawn to the FitBit addiction like the proverbial moth to the flame.


So...what does a FitBit addict do when it's the weekend?


Finds a way to go out to the car several times just to check the tires (last week I had a flat, so I'm just being cautious!), bring in more wood for the stove (one stick at a time), take the recycling out (one bottle or paper piece at a time) and so on and so on....



Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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I am a newbie; I've had my Fitbit less than a week.  I know I am already addicted because I have been upset that I can't tell exactly how many steps I get in on a typical day because I have been on paid vacation for two weeks (I am a teacher and we had one week off due to incliment weather and this next week off for spring break).  Pathetic!  

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everytime you reach a destination you resync your fitbit

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I am New to Fitbit too - about one week and I believe it is the greatest thing!  It is helping me so very much.  I need it to keep me notivated.  I haven't explored the web page much before today and these Discussions are pretty cool. 


I sync my unit to both my computer, when home and my iPod when out where there is wi-fi available.

Accepting tips and encouragement from everyone.


Best Answer

Addicted and trying to get others addicted, too!


When you show off your colored bands to people at Target and so they understand that there are more colors out there!

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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OMG you are so right!! I do exactly the same things. I even pace when eating lunch and run laps in the basement when I have to go down there for something. Happy stepping!

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@Robin67  You give a whole new meaning to eat and run!



Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

Best Answer

I think this thread should be shared with ANYONE who needs the motivation & support! Best thread I've seen on Fitbit. There is so much to say how my addict of Fitbit, but I'd be writing for a while! 


I am loving reading everyone's posts! Busy giggling away! I have had my fitbit since Christmas, but my boyfriend suggested I should not take it skiing. I regret not taking it. Mind you, I had no idea how to work it at that point in time and I could have lost it. Time to make up for the exercise/monitoring now! 


I work in a school and in the playground- I choose to walk about instead of standing around. I worry about the battery and think what I might be doing when it needs to be charged. 


The sastisfaction when you are in the GREEN ZONE! 

The happiness and relief to know that you are not the only one who is obsessed with Fitbit! 

I've not plucked up the courage to trust it with water though (too scared to break it), despite lots of people telling me its fine, even the moderators! 




Harriet | UK | Don't wish for it work for it!

Flex, Samsung Nexus & Windows 7

Don't forget to mark as a solution or vote for a posting if you find it helpful 🙂

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 loved it. how perfect. you nailed it. 

Best Answer
  • You don't do Bike in the gym and stick to Elliptical or Treadmill. 
  • You keep your Fitbit Force in pocket when you have to wear a suit and a watch.
  • You walk on 1st Ave on Firday nights just as a payback for the drinks you just had.
Best Answer

I love my fitbit flex sooooo much!! Unfortunately, in my country only 2 friends are using it. One of them seemed really gone invisible. The other is always travel around. It's like i am using fitbit alone.


I'm very thankful and grateful that this community allows me to mix around with friends with various topic! I am looking forward to get more friends locally and internationally 🙂  Thanks!  

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Oh you can do the bike.  Just attach it to your undies! 🙂

Best Answer

you know you are a fitbit addict when...


you fist pump your sleep efficiency  score


you are mad that your workout was only labeled "active" instead of "very active"


you become miffed about other people using jawbones and nike fuel bands 






Best Answer

Love your work Vicki! Although I've only had my Fitbit for two days, I can see myself getting hooked like you...

Best Answer

Here's another one - You know you're a fitbit addict when:


You march in place between "boot camp" exercises for the extra steps.

You march in place during commercials while watching TV.

You take one bag of trash at a time to the dumpster in your building to get more steps.


LOL - Yes I've done all of those.

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I've been sick for the past 2 weeks and couldn't even bear to wear my fitbit.  It was too depressing to see how little I was moving with a sinus infection and bronchitis!  Putting it back on as I type this, back on track!!!

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Bronchitis just knocks you out. Just have to rest lots and go with the flo. Make up for lost time.
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I hope you are on the mend... Yes this Fitbit has us all addicted...
I am in PA. Snow snow but I get out when I can.

Sent from my iPad
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