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You know you're a Fitbit addict when...

  • You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
  • You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
  • You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps


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~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
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1,621 REPLIES 1,621

I started on June 6th with this. Today I weighed my Calico cat, she weighs 18 #. I weighed myself and todate I have lost almost 45 pounds of ugly fat. Well when I was holding the 18# cat I had a hard time carrying her. Looking at that  I said how the hell did I carry one of her in each weight before. Just carrying her a short distance was a struggle and here I was in reality carrying two of her.

I Can't thank Fitbit enough. I never feel like I am on a diet as I CHOOSE what I want to eat and can eat what I want, but I look at the calories and decide which one I REALLY want.

I only wish my phone was compatible with it so it would sync .

Hope you all have a great time on this Fitbit .

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I am a prison officer and since got fitbit have volunteered for perimeter duty ,since got fit bit . Other guys think I'm crazy but to see them steps go up with every round brillant
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Fitbit does sync with MyFitnessPal. That's what I use.


Congrats on the great weight loss!  Fitbit definitely ups the motivation factor!

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If you have a blackberry phone, you can link with myfitnesspal which will help with the food (it also has a much better selection of foods on it's data base.
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You know you are a Fitbit addict when you are pissed because the thing stopped working but you don't want to send it to get fixed because it will take too long so you go to the store to waste another $99 to buy your 3rd Fitbit replacment. Signed, super addict

@V1CK1 wrote:
  • You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
  • You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
  • You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps



Best Answer

I don't like to take my flex off at any time.  I try to charge it when I plan to sit for the length of time it takes to charge.  Another perfect time to charge it is in your vehicle when you are driving.  If you don't have a USB port charger you can get an adapter that fits into a cigarrette lighter.  That's how I charge my phone alot too. 


If I have time I will go for a long walk and keep looking at my app on my phone to see how close I am to my goals.  I will push myself to make them.  When I am working I don't usually have as much time but can usually get my goals in.  Some days I just don't feel like motivating but usually push myself the next day to make them.  I usually end up with atleast one day a week that I don't push myself because I know it is okay to take a break.


Overall I am an addict because I do want to get to the next level in my goals and do what alot of other people do.....taking a longer route walking into work, etc., taking each piece of laundry out of the drier and folding it and then going back to get another, taking extra steps to accomplish a task instead of taking less steps to do a task.  Many other things I do in a day to make my goals too.  It is fun.Smiley Happy

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This is all about intentionality in movement. The shortcuts I used to take are being replaced by decisions to add steps. Its all a health choice. It turns out to be many easy choicesthrough the day to add up those steps.

Parking at the outskirts of the parking lot is the best one. I can add hundreds of steps on errand day.

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Woman Happy


Yeay! Other addicts!


I have a Force that my husband got me for my birthday last November. I've worn it nearly every day since then. Here are my Fitbit addict behaviours:


-Delay going for my walk until my Force is charged. I don't want to miss logging those steps!

-Got a BitBelt to secure the strap because I nearly lost it a couple of times. So scared to lose it since the Force are no longer available to buy.

-Put it on in the morning before I even put on my glasses (and I'm so blind I might have a hard time finding the bathroom without them)


Yeay for fitness addiction!


Best Answer

I do all of those things plus I check my count constantly to see if certain actions make more steps. Like I'll do a dance move and check my counter after a minute. But my most embarrassing confession is that I've counted the steps to the printer, kitchen and bathroom at work. Sigh I'm an obsessive addict if there's such a thing

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All of the above!


I also MUST see green or it makes me crazy that I didn't do enough activit for the day.


I love to see very active minutes.

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Yep that's me. I have had a fitbit for 2 days and already found myself going for a walk in the evening (something I never did before) to get my steps up. I stopped when it started raining so now ready to get an all too fashionable poncho so that rain, hail or shine I can keep going until I hit the 10k target. Smiley LOL

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Stepping in place. People probably think I have to pee but it keeps me moving and I get a few extra steps in. 😉
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Finished my count tonight by mucking stalls a little upper body work out. My office job keeps me on my tush way too much. I like having to be accountable to my wrist unit
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Wow, this is exactly why I do Smiley Very Happy


I started the 18th of July and I am already hooked, lost 3.5 kgs by simply being more active and track cals.

Be one with the universe. If you fail. At least be one with your bike 😉
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You know you're a Fitbit addict when you work in a building and you're in the highest floor. You don't want to wait for the elevator and instead you take the stairs just to get too many floors and steps, that's awesome you get credit not only for floors but for steps too Robot Very Happy


Want to get more active? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.

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You know you're a Fitbit addict when you are more than willing to get up and go shut down the clothes dryer to get those extra steps (before Fitbit you often asked your familymember to do it)


Smiley Happy

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I carry everyone's bag now and take one bag at a time from the car
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Oh Crikey - Yep that's me too, all my family ask now 'how many steps so far Mum?' I've started jogging to get more steps in and get those Active Minutes to go green, I absolutely love it Smiley Very Happy

I'm in Horsham, UK.

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When you see that you are *almost* to a badge - maybe 1,000 or 2,000 steps away - so you keep going, just to hit that milestone. 

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When you have missed 6k on a day because of business travelling and you try to get those missed ones immediately as soon as you return home 😉

Be one with the universe. If you fail. At least be one with your bike 😉
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