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Battery life suddenly dropped

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Have had my Fitbit one for 5 months and was generally getting almost 2 weeks out of batttery charge. Suddenly in last week, the battery life has dropped so it barely lasts two days. Turned off all day sync without any improvement. Any have any thoughts/help?
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Welcome to the Community @Mab22101. Thanks for troubleshooting this inconvenience by yourself. If your One is not holding a charge, I recommend considering these tips when you want to conserve battery life:


  • If you use the Fitbit app, make sure All-Day Sync is turned off. All-Day Sync increases battery drain on both your tracker and mobile device. To find the setting, open the app and tap Account. At the top of the screen tap One to see your settings, then scroll down. 
  • (Android only) Turn off the Always Connected setting. Similar to All-Day Sync, it can reduce battery life.
  • If you have many silent alarms set, consider deleting some. Each alarm you add up to the maximum of 8 reduces battery life by a small percentage. 


Also, you can follow these tips to charge your tracker:


  1. The contacts on the tracker or charging cable are dirty. Dust and debris can accumulate over time and prevent a charge. Clean the charging contacts.
  2. The USB port or outlet is faulty. If you haven't done so, try a different port. A UL-certified wall charger will also work. Don't use a USB hub.
  3. The tracker isn’t connected securely to the charging cable. Check the alignment and try reconnecting your tracker to the charging cable.
  4. The tracker is malfunctioning. When in doubt, it doesn't hurt to turn your tracker off and back on.


If after these steps you keep having problems, feel free to get in touch with our support team. For a faster response you can contact them via phone or chat.


Let me know the outcome. Woman Wink

Alejandra | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I'm running into the exact same issue with mine since yesterday and I've tried all that was on the board. The battery still doesn't keep a charge and i only get a battery with dots in it when plugged in. Di you manage to figure out the problem with yours? Thank you

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A warm welcome to the Community @yvermcgiver. Thanks for troubleshooting this inconvenience by yourself, if you have already tried the instructions provided without success, I recommend getting in touch with our support team. I know they will be glad to provide you with a solution. For a faster response you can contact them via phone or chat.


Let me know the outcome. Woman Wink

Alejandra | Community Moderator, Fitbit

If you like something I recommended, I encourage you to mark that reply as "Best Answer". 🙂

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thank you.

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You are welcome @yvermcgiver, if you need anything else do not hesitate in posting it. 


See you around. Woman Wink

Alejandra | Community Moderator, Fitbit

If you like something I recommended, I encourage you to mark that reply as "Best Answer". 🙂

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Thanks -- support team was very helpful.

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Where do you turn off all day syncing?  I have looked everywhere I can think and can't find it.

Just lately my 5 year old ONE won't get a full charge.  The dashboard shows it's high or full but the One itself when plugged in shows less than full.  And rather than getting about 10 days on a charge it is needing one every two days.

Should I call it time and purchase another One or a wrist FB that I really don't want?

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Hello @notfatcat and welcome to the Fitbit Community! Smiley Very Happy


The All-Day Sync can be found by following these steps:

1. While on the Fitbit app, tap on the 'Account' tab.

2. Once you're there, tap on the Fitbit One that shows there.

3. The All-Day Sync will be there. You should be able to turn it off.


Start using your Fitbit normally after turning All-Day Sync off and keep me posted on how it goes!

Lanuza | Community Moderator

Remember to vote for posts that helped you out! Tired of the same workout music? Try a Podcast! 🙂

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I have same issue. Just started, of course my One is now just over a year old.  Yes I use all day sync but never been an issue until the past couple of weeks. I just noticed I am red again just charged to full on Monday. My previous One is still going strong (3+ years old), my husband is using it. Are we sure some recent update isn't causing issues?

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A very warm welcome to the Community @Blubuggal


There really isn't any recent update that could be causing this. My suggestion in this case would be to go with the steps mentioned above


If none of them actually works to improve your One's battery life, please do get in contact with our Customer Support team. They will be able to look into your situation and I'm sure they will be happy to help.


Let me know how it goes! Smiley Very Happy

Lanuza | Community Moderator

Remember to vote for posts that helped you out! Tired of the same workout music? Try a Podcast! 🙂

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