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After I'm done with my workout, my charge 2 shows the elevation when I do a hike. But it disappears after it flashes across the screen. How do I go back and see the elevation I used?
if I track the hike through my Fitbit app on my phone will it show the elevation so I can refer back to it?
02-18-2017 15:06
02-18-2017 15:06
@SunsetRunner, if you are using the Connected GPS feature of the Charge 2 for the Hike, the Elevations will show on the bottom righthand corner of the map that is generated.
02-19-2017 17:20
02-19-2017 17:20
02-19-2017 17:31
02-19-2017 17:31
@SunsetRunner, if you use any of the exercise modes that has Connected GPS, it will include elevation on the map. Those exercises include Walk, Run, Hike, and Bike.
02-21-2017 19:40
02-21-2017 19:40
02-21-2017 19:43
02-21-2017 19:43
@SunsetRunner wrote:
Thank you! I am able to see it on the website Fitbit "dashboard" when I
look at the map. Is there a way to see it on the app itself?
Yes there is - open the Weekly Exercise tile and any exercises that were mapped will show the map under there.
05-16-2017 00:01
05-16-2017 00:01
Hoping you can help me. When I've been on a walk I've recorded it by setting the fitbit charge 2 to hike and having my phone with me with the GPS on. After the walk i can see on the fitbit all the info including elevation in feet. When I go onto the app and go into weekly exercise and click on the activity I see the map and click on it but there is no reference to elevation in the map or within the details of the activity. Am I missing something? How do I find out on the app the elevation walked or even in floors for that particular walk?
05-16-2017 01:45
05-16-2017 01:45
@Sunshine123 my understanding, as @SunsetRunner points out, the elavation will show at www.fivit.xom/activities
05-16-2017 06:11
05-16-2017 06:11
05-16-2017 12:44
05-16-2017 12:44
05-16-2017 12:45
05-16-2017 12:45
09-25-2017 00:13
09-25-2017 00:13
But what about when you're in an area with no cell service while hiking? My Fitbit still tells me my elevation data when I'm finished, but it doesn't show up anywhere else. Other apps using gps still work while in airplane mode.
04-11-2018 12:17
04-11-2018 12:17
I was wondering the same thing about elevation during my runs. I have it connected via GPS, but I do not see the elevation anywhere in the app including on the generated map itself. I have the Charge 2. Where else might I find it since it is not showing there?
04-11-2018 13:15
04-11-2018 13:15
check the map through the web based page.
04-11-2018 15:16
04-11-2018 15:16
That did the trick! Thanks!
04-11-2018 16:55
04-11-2018 16:55
05-13-2018 09:15
05-13-2018 09:15
Is there anyway to see the elevation for an exercise on the app without having to go on the web or did FitBit choose to not put the elevation on the app for whatever reason
05-13-2018 17:19
05-13-2018 17:19
@Vincent203 this question has been answered above. No the web is needed to see elevation.
05-13-2018 20:04
05-13-2018 20:04
07-26-2018 11:37
07-26-2018 11:37
I feel that it is a major design flaw having to go online to see it when the data must be recorded within the workout. Is there any plans to implement this in the app? Would be so usefull instead of going to an external site...