10-06-2024 11:40
10-06-2024 11:40
My inspire HR is collecting heart rate and showing it in the graph for each activity I do, but the zone minutes is always 100% light even though the graph clearly shows lots of higher heart rates here’s an example:
10-08-2024 08:47
10-08-2024 08:47
Good to see you participating in the community @david4599.
Thank you for sharing the details regarding sleep in the Fitbit app.
I'm not sure if you are still experiencing this situation. Please make sure to use the latest version of the Fitbit app.
In addition, perform the following steps:
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I did what you recommended, but the app still puts all the heart rate data into “light” for existing activities. I have not done a new activity today to see if it works for new activities.
After a 32 minute walk today still the same problem in the activity report. I noticed though that when I look under Heart/today it does report appropriate minutes of moderate and higher zones. It also is ok for previous days. So it seems that the problem is only with the activity report.
12-09-2024 15:54
12-09-2024 15:54
@david4599 Thank you for your message!
Our team was informed and they are looking into this. They'll work on a solution. Hopefully Soon.
We will update the thread as soon as we receive further info
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.