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Connected GPS does not work

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I am standing out in the open and a full gps fix is on the phone. On the phone google maps works super fine. So the GPS signal is great on the phone.


I repeated on different days this on an android smartphone and on an ipad. same result. no conencted gps.


I have 100% ensured that the versa is only paired to one phone at a time and done a sync first (which works and which demonstrates the bluetooth connection TO THE PHONE is fine 


yes i have restarted the versa several times. It makes ZERO difference

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same for me

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This is happening to me also.  I have tried everything to get the connected GPS to actually work with my versa.  I have taken to using Strava to record any GPS activity, but that is not what I want. I would like the versa to record it.  I have an android LG G6.

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I finally got mine to work for the first time, third time and a crap ton of patients was the charm!

Reboot phone, rebooted Versa, turned off wifi on phone, made sure no other Bluetooth stuff (like headphones were connected), opened the Fitbit app and left open on my phone for the whole run. After 5 minutes of standing there in the cold cursing it, it finally connected! I was then able to reconnect my headset to my phone and go for a run with the GPS. That's a crazy amount of hoops to jump through for something that should just connect with Bluetooth!

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Same problem for me, although once it randomly started halfway through a run!

Phone GPS is working fine, like you stood in the middle of nowhere attempting to connect.

Does your Versa sync your data OK? Mine is sporadic at best.


Tried to return to Store I purchased at, apparently once I put it on my wrist it becomes a "Hygiene issue" and cannot be returned. Was going to be super loyal (or stupid!)an d exchange for an Ionic


Annoying thing is I am using same phone etc I used with my Blaze which worked perfectly.

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Same problem for me. I'm using the versa with my Oneplus 5T running the latest Android 8.1. I have tried rebooting my phone multiple times, rebooting my versa multiple times, deleting and installing the fitbit app, but nothing works. I also waited 10 min before running for connecting, but all i get is "connecting..."

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Well, was carp weather here so decided to do the factory reset on phone, ipad, PC etc in hopes of fixing problem. Update and App reinstall went perfectly!


GPS connected once and has never worked again, get a nice message on my phone saying "GPS device connected" or some such but watch just says "connecting".


So no accurate distance measurement or map! Getting peeved now!


/sigh .... hoping for fix soon, cannot return watch to store in NZ for "hygiene reasons", (unsure how I could have found out it wasn't working properly without wearing the thing!)


Sorry about the rant ... just had to get that off my chest!

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Happens to me to.


First two days of owning Versa it worked fined. Last four days, GPS won't connect.


PLEASE Fitbit tell us a fix.

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Third Fitbit in 3 years, suspect it will be the last!

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Same issue here, using Samsung Galaxy S8+. Connected GPS worked fine on the Charge 2 for bike rides

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Same versa will connect but then disconnect multiple times during my walks and constantly “connecting”. I am losing recorded distances and what nots. It’s giving me inaccurate results. Please fix immediately because I do love my Versa. 

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Add me to the list having problems as well. I started using it on my Charge 2 and it worked well for a few times and then it started having problems. Buying a a Versa hasn't improved the situation, although I like the Versa much better than the Charge 2.

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It's very annoying 😠

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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Latest update, hasn’t connected or synced since. Using plus app to record exercise. Strava gps seems very accurate

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As with my Blaze, the Versa has a hard time with any Android phone for both syncing and connected gps.  But works great with an iPhone SE.  I generally use my iPhone SE for bike rides and runs but when I do use my Android I default to Strava which is connected to my Fitbit account so my heart rate is captured.  Love the Fitbit app above all others for total body monitoring and is the only reason I put up with this issue. Wish Fitbit could figure out Bluetooth on Android.  Samsung S7 and Moto G5s plus  both have issues.

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Has anyone heard from fitbit on this issue?  It is incredibly frustrating. 

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Nope. I think it might be a Bluetooth chipset or radio/antenna issue that would require a recall.  

Fitbit Vera SE
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Any response from Fitbit on this. This is supposed to be an activity tracker it basically defeats the point if it can not track an activity. 

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No help what's so ever

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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